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"You don't look Polish" statement

InCogNeato  1 | 1  
10 Sep 2007 /  #1
I always love the statement "you don't look Polish".

How Polish do you have to be to look like one.....and what does one look like anyway?

Have a fantastic day everyone!.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #2
what does one look like anyway?

i can't really describe it to you but there must be something in it because all my friends are astounded when i can pick out the Polish girl in the cue or in the nightclub, whether its body language, facial looks i don't know but its possible to do, obviously sometimes i'm wrong and the turn out to be czech or something like that but always they are Eastern European
Firestorm  6 | 400  
10 Sep 2007 /  #3
and what does one look like anyway?

But i remember on my trip across Russia Getting many strange looks.
When i asked the girl i was with why.

She said " Because you dont look Russian. And they are curious... "
Im still puzzled. ( They didnt look any diff to me )
10 Sep 2007 /  #4
i think i dont like polish

im different than all typical blondies with strands in their hair. And i see sooooo many of them every day that i think it can be an example of polish looking

Sad but true oO
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #5
being polish isn't about the long streaky hair, its something else but i can't put my finger on what it is, my friends say to me 'pick out the polak' sometimes its almost a game, lol its funny sometimes girls think your looking at them because you wanna talk and all everybody is doing is waiting for me to say 'yes' or 'no' usually if i get it wrong i have to down my drink, if they don't catch me out then they drink theirs :)
10 Sep 2007 /  #6
ha, thats stupid
i bet u would say no if u saw me in a club
and u know what? u will lost ur drink for me :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #7
and u know what? u will lost ur drink for me :)

ow well you could have the drink, but you would have to like pints if we were in a pub and in clubs usually cocktails :)

i bet u would say no if u saw me in a club

i don't know, i guess i can't say know as i know your Polish but it would have been interesting to see if i would have said yes or no :)

ha, thats stupid

i think thats half the fun, its so stupid :)
plk123  8 | 4120  
10 Sep 2007 /  #8
i must not look polish because the polaks at the stores in chicago always try to talk english to me and are always shocked when i start speaking polak..

high cheek bones.. very eatern euro.. many times the shoes are a huge giveaway.. i play "find a polk" a lot too. :D
gavin79  3 | 72  
10 Sep 2007 /  #9
Knowone ever thinks I look polish either ;-)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #10
if all these people are saying they don't look Polish, then were are all the people who are Polish and look it, lol :)
plk123  8 | 4120  
10 Sep 2007 /  #11
chiacago is loaded with them.. :) so was Instambul. hehe
Firestorm  6 | 400  
10 Sep 2007 /  #12
were are all the people who are Polish and look it, lol :)

Working in the uk.. Lol
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #13
hahahaha, yeah i never thought of that one ;)
10 Sep 2007 /  #14
I can't tell to much is someone is specificaly is POLISH, BUTTTTT i can easily tell if somebody is eastern european. So when I see someone like that its either polish, russian, former yugo , bulgarian, romanian albanian etccccc.
beckski  12 | 1609  
10 Sep 2007 /  #15
"You don't look Polish" statement

I guess I'm just a dead giveaway with the blonde hair & blue eyes.
Irisheyz77  3 | 44  
11 Sep 2007 /  #16
I think that it might have something to do with the shape of the face.

At my last company shortly after I started to work there we had a baby picture contest and one of the owners walked in took a look at mine and said now that's an eastern european face. He studied it for a few moments more then ruled out the woman who was Ukranian and then picked it out as me and was like...you're Polish right?

I'm 4th generation here in the states and my name is an English as you get...no one there knew my ancestry yet he just knew that I was Polish.
Mala_Elf  13 | 17  
17 Sep 2007 /  #17
I was told that I look Polish although I am mostly German.

I have no idea what is supposed to look German, and what is supposed to look Polish :)
I have dark hair :( an oval face and big blue eyes.

I hope I look Polish =D
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Sep 2007 /  #18

half polish and half german, you must have a real good internal war inside of you :)
theMISSIONARY  3 | 15  
18 Sep 2007 /  #19
it could be worse....I'm Polish x German cross Scottish x welsh ( abit like a dog LOL )

no wonder i have a very bad temper!!!

i can pick a Slavic person fairly well and northern euros

i also have Germans and other Germanic types come up to me and speak German or danish etc but i don't look German!?
18 Sep 2007 /  #20
Apparently I have "swarthy Italian looks" (lol) but I'm 100% Polish and proud hehe :D
Gosiaa  2 | 89  
18 Sep 2007 /  #21
Polish faces are round !;-) high cheek bones and because we put our newborn babies on most of the time on their back the head forms into a thin round disk - joke

however the Anglos put their newborns on their sides, their heads turn out thin and norrow ...
Snowski  1 | 5  
18 Sep 2007 /  #22
Hi I am adopted and yesterday I received my adoption records from the state.
I finally had it 99% confirmed that my father was Polish.
This makes me half Polish and half English.
Today a woman stopped me at and asked me if I was Polish. She liked my short gingery beard (different to my hair colour - light brown/blonde) - and said she had seen many Polish people with the same colouring.

I am 6 ft 2 (188cms) and slim.
It totally threw me when she said this to me.... it made may day, but also made me cry.
I have always felt different and looked very different from the short skulking English.
Does anyone else feel different to the English?...as Polish or part-Polish people?
It feels great to know who I am now, and where I come from.
I feel I am amongst friends here :)
me, myself & i  
4 Mar 2009 /  #23
time for some quoting & replys to conversations i was never part of :)

Polish x German cross Scottish x welsh

uh, it can be worse! im german welsh czech scottish french polish irish & austrian
probly why my grandma likes to go a little heavy on the wine during holidays

I have always felt different and looked very different from the short skulking English.

try looking eastren european & haveing dark hair while studying the holocaust then you will feel like you dont belong with all the fake blondes around! this is the reason why i hate learning about the holocaust people always think that im related to someone that was in the holocaust because of how i look, then i have to go through explaining to them how i am not jewish or russian & that the only east euro that i am is czech & polish & when ever i cant think of a writing topic for a paper people always say i should write about the holocaust & never recomend it to some else how stupid is that!

however the Anglos put their newborns on their sides, their heads turn out thin and norrow

haha!! i wish i could come up with funny stuff fast, come backs always pop into my head a minute to late :(

Apparently I have "swarthy Italian looks"

oh la la! well like i already said i get to look jewish & russian

my name is an English as you get...

mine too! one of my friends told me that my name sounds like a name that came from a jane austen book :)

shocked when i start speaking polak

i bet they would talk polish to me & id just be like uh huh yeah could ya speak in english
, hey i used to live by chicago!
Calicoe  2 | 133  
4 Mar 2009 /  #24
Does anyone else feel different to the English?...

Uhm, very much so.
1 Oct 2009 /  #25
you know you look eastern european when everyone mixes you up with the girl from russia
BrettCelinski  1 | 6  
4 Oct 2009 /  #26
To me there are two major "Polish looks":

The blond, light eyed Nordic kinda look with white blond or dirty blonde hair

The more Mediterranean/"Italian" look with dark eyes and hair.

Yet in both the face is very similar, I can always tell haha.
4 Oct 2009 /  #27
The more Mediterranean/"Italian" look with dark eyes and hair.

hehe, that's me, lol
BrettCelinski  1 | 6  
4 Oct 2009 /  #28
Do you get mistaken for German/Austrian a lot too? Cause I often think (and am correct) when I talk to people who foremost know they are German but also have Polish or some other Slavic heritage; it is a common Central European "look".

Also many famous Germans and Austrians, almost right away I can tell if they have Polish or Slavic in them.
Ksysia  25 | 428  
5 Oct 2009 /  #29
Polish look is all about those big cheeks, we have very wide faces with round cheeks.

But I get told that I don't look Polish - only once when I was really tired with eyes shining from fever and sweaty hair I was told I looked Eastern European. So I suppose it's about what the foreigners look for to decide that somebody is 'slovenly', and then that they are Slav.

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