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Looking for Kozakiewicz (and various spellings), Lugowski/ska and Dunajko

16 Apr 2008 /  #1
I am looking for any information on my ancestors named Kozakiewicz (and alternate spellings), Lugowski/ska and Dunajko.
I've found that when translated from Cyrilic Alphabeth, Kozakiewicz can take many forms, and people might be from the same familiy even though the spelling might differ.

Any input on this?

thanks a bundle,
Nicolas Kozakiewicz
Polonius3 993 | 12,357  
16 Apr 2008 /  #2
There are nearly 5,500 Kozakiewiczes in today's Poland, many living in the so-called recovered territories, assigned to Poland by the WW2 Big Three and populated largely by repatriates from the Soviet-annexed east and their descendants. The name is a patronymic meaning "son of the Cossack".

£ugowski started out as a toponymic nickname to mean "the bloke from Lyeville" and is shared by 3,900. Dunajko is on the rare side (only 204 users) and probably was originally used to identify someone hailing from the River Danube area.

For more information contact research60@gmail
Kowalski 7 | 621  
16 Apr 2008 /  #3
Olimpic gold medalist pole vault Kozakiewicz is polish legend, or rather his gesture toward Russian public at stadium.

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