My Great Grandparents came to America in the 20's. She was pregnant with my maternal Grandfather at the time. As far as anyone knows all of our relatives were lost durring the war. I can't find anything anywhere, except that they arrived via Ellis Island. My mother looks identical to my Grandfather. I look a lot like her too. So I think we look Polish, but I honestly have no idea. I just go by what my Grandpa looked like. He had olive skin, dark hair, greenish/hazel eyes, round face, not very tall. My mom has all of those features as well. I have the hair, more of a diamomd face shape, I have brown eyes, and I do have olive undertones, but I am fair. Anyway if anyone has information about Chyrowski that would be great.
Hello! I think-I have founded your grandfather's name on the Ellis Island lists-it is the surname CHAJROWSKI-my english language isn't well I know but I would like to help.
the letter Y in polish is sometimes AJ. Good luck! If you need help in Poland tell me it.
My mom did tell me that she thought the last name got changed a little. I remember learning in school that it happened a lot when people came to America. What I really want to find out is if any relatives are still around. I know they lived close to the Czech boarder. How close, I have no idea.....
34 persons called Chyrowski are living in Poland today-south of Poland. I have founded on the Czech board-little town Główczyce. Are you sure -your surname isn't gypsy's ?
Inak, you are such a great help! Honestly until I found this site a few days ago I had no idea that there was a possibility that there were gypsy's in Poland or the other groups I have seen mentioned on this sight.
the suffix 'ski' indicated noble origins but not as grand as it sounds as 10% of Poles were nobles (even more in Warsaw) cos there was no 'middle class' as such you were either noble or serf. Even so the nobles were usually landowners or leased land from the Crown......not a very common surname though