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Bialorus/Belarus 1939

lorak  1 | 3  
25 Oct 2009 /  #1
I am attempting a family history search. My situation is similar to Hazelnut's situation.
Grandfather was murdered by Belarussians while the family was exiled to Siberia. The survivors ended up in Tehran and eventually North America. I am trying to reseach the area in Biolarus from which they were taken. I am aware of the Kresy-Siberia organization but I am having trouble finding literature. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Lora K
Syrena  7 | 73  
27 Oct 2009 /  #2
Hi, there are a few groups on facebook who could give info
OP lorak  1 | 3  
27 Oct 2009 /  #3
Thanks Syrena
maksym  2 | 47  
28 Oct 2009 /  #4
You can take a look at the lists on the webpage which has lists here:


Keep in mind that the alphabetical listings jump back and forth a bit, so always look a few pages further, even after you find a surname you're looking for.

I found a whole family that I was looking for in these lists, it took a while, but I found them.

I don't remember if it shows a village name with the surnames or not. It's been a while since I searched there.

I went to this site and looked up a surname, and it does list their full name, birth year, sometimes with complete birth date, the town they were from, and to the location of refugee camp they were being sent to.

I looked at the civilian list, each list you open is multiple pages, you'll see this when you scroll all the way to the right when you first open the list. It will show that there are a bunch of image pages.

As far as finding a surname alphabetically, make sure you search through all the pages that have surnames starting with the same letter as the surname you are searching. The list are in order, but start over alphabetically a few times. The persons number in the list starts over whenever the first letter in the surname changes.

For example:

I looked for a surname in the first image list ..Dubicki ...found one at 31 in the list, then another at 243, 323, 474, and finally 869-876 these being on different pages, but they were all from the town of Naliboki.

There are multiple image lists at the site, and each one opens to multiple image pages. I'm sure you'll find the surnames you are looking for, but it will take a while, unless you find them in the first few lists.
OP lorak  1 | 3  
1 Nov 2009 /  #5
I can't thank you enough for this info- I have found the names of my family already- 5 minutes of looking- I am having trouble printing- it is blocked, perhaps?

This is amazing!
maksym  2 | 47  
2 Nov 2009 /  #6
I have never tried printing a page of the list. The problem with that would be that it is actually an image page, so it would be like printing a huge photo.

I just right clicked on the image I was interested in, then clicked save, so I have a copy of it on my PC.

There is another list on the page titled:

Red Cross LIST of Polish refugees sent to Africa and beyond


This is another good source of information because it lists to which refugee camp the persons were sent to. Unfortunately, the images don't enlarge enough to be able to read what's on each page. I did get a response from someone who helps maintain the page, and they are aware of the problem and plan to adrress it.

For those who are interested in Displaced Persons from refugee camps arriving in UK after the war, there are a number of ship manifest lists transcribed. The ships and lists are at this link:

OP lorak  1 | 3  
2 Nov 2009 /  #7
Hello Maksym,
I was able to print the lists by downloading the image. I did see the Africa lists ( illegable)- I may find my Uncle on the Africa lists. Another uncle may be on the UK lists. Your info has been great!


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