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Looking for Babkowski/Bobkowski cousins

2 Feb 2007 /  #1
I am a Babkowski/Bobkowski family researcher in the USA. My patriarch in Augustow Poland was Felix Bobkowski, who married twice in the late 1800s and had at least 8 children that came to the US between 1880 and 1911. Some lived in villages such as Brzozowka and Strekowizna. Some family may also have migrated to Warsaw. I know of some cousins in Augustow and Strekowizna but I don't have email addresses, and I don't speak any Polish. If you think you can help me, I'd be grateful for your response. I plan to visit that area with my family in June. I would be willing to share my research, which accounts for all of my Babkowski/Bobkowski kin in the USA.

Thanks in advance. Email swartzfamily2001@yahoo

Peace and regards,
eabc 1 | 28  
3 Feb 2007 /  #2
I am sorry I dont know any people with your family name. It could be hard find someone from your family, you know The first and second war, not really many things left, I mean documents and so on. But you know a lot and in Brzozowka (Brzozówka) Strakowizna you can probably find old documents in The parish (church - or jut people with this surname) because in Warsaw is one big mess and it is almost impossible. Have a nice stay in Poland and even if you will not find anybody from your family just enjoy this time. good luck
29 Dec 2009 /  #3

My name is Andre Babkowski. I ran accross your request while googling around and noticed that you and I may be cousins. My father Staniswaf (Stanly) was born in Augustow 03/04/1917 and moved to Warsaw before WWII. Let me know if we are? It looks like you have dedicated good effort to find lost relatives.


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