I must admit that i don't really cook many dishes from scratch, mostly due to lack of time and enthusiasm, but I would like to know if anyone here has any special recipes that make chicken melt in ones mouth? Please?? Doesn't have to be a Polish dish with chicken, would be great though. Don't wanna ask my Mom cos as much as i love her and her cooking, she makes all her recipes sound really complicated and confusing... I'll be ever so grateful for any of your ideas, if it helps I'm cooking a meal for a special night in for two ;). Thank you in advance, JustysiaS xox
Polish (but can be just any other) recipes for chicken dishes anyone?
Here are two classic Polish chicken recipes that are many people's favourites. You'll have them asking for seconds!
ROAST CHICKEN POLONAISE (kurczę pieczone po polsku): Soak 2 broken-up stale white bread rolls in milk to cover until soggy. Process or grind together with 3 raw chicken livers. Combine mixture with 1/4 lb raw ground veal, 1 - 2 eggs, 1 - 2 T soft butter or margarine. Work well by hand until fully blended. Season with salt, pepper, a dash of nutmeg, 1 heaping T finely chopped fresh dill and (optional) 1 t finely chopped parsley. Mix well. Rinse well 2-1/2 - 3 lb broiler and pat dry. Rub inside and out with salt and stuff just before roasting. The general rule of thumb is to allow about 3/4 c stuffing per lb of chicken. Sew up, tying legs together. Rub chicken all over with a little oil, sprinkle with pepper and paprika and rub in. Bake in preheated 375° oven about 75 - 90 min. Baste occasionally with pan drippings. Serve with sliced cucumbers laced with sour cream and dilled new potatoes.
CHICKEN-BREAST CUTLETS (kotlety z piersi kurczaka): Pound 4 skinned and halved chicken breasts to between 1/8” and 1/4” thick. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and (optional) hunter’s seasoning*, dredge in flour, dip in egg wash and roll in bread crumbs, shaking off excess. Fry in several T hot butter to a nice gold-brown (several min per side), drain on absorbent paper and serve immediately. Dress portions with parsley sprigs and lemon wedges. Serve with rice or potatoes and mizeria or lettuce.
* Polish hunter's seasoning combines equal parts of pepper, marjoram, caraway, garlic powder and juniper -- all ground together --plus two parts paprika.
ROAST CHICKEN POLONAISE (kurczę pieczone po polsku): Soak 2 broken-up stale white bread rolls in milk to cover until soggy. Process or grind together with 3 raw chicken livers. Combine mixture with 1/4 lb raw ground veal, 1 - 2 eggs, 1 - 2 T soft butter or margarine. Work well by hand until fully blended. Season with salt, pepper, a dash of nutmeg, 1 heaping T finely chopped fresh dill and (optional) 1 t finely chopped parsley. Mix well. Rinse well 2-1/2 - 3 lb broiler and pat dry. Rub inside and out with salt and stuff just before roasting. The general rule of thumb is to allow about 3/4 c stuffing per lb of chicken. Sew up, tying legs together. Rub chicken all over with a little oil, sprinkle with pepper and paprika and rub in. Bake in preheated 375° oven about 75 - 90 min. Baste occasionally with pan drippings. Serve with sliced cucumbers laced with sour cream and dilled new potatoes.
CHICKEN-BREAST CUTLETS (kotlety z piersi kurczaka): Pound 4 skinned and halved chicken breasts to between 1/8” and 1/4” thick. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and (optional) hunter’s seasoning*, dredge in flour, dip in egg wash and roll in bread crumbs, shaking off excess. Fry in several T hot butter to a nice gold-brown (several min per side), drain on absorbent paper and serve immediately. Dress portions with parsley sprigs and lemon wedges. Serve with rice or potatoes and mizeria or lettuce.
* Polish hunter's seasoning combines equal parts of pepper, marjoram, caraway, garlic powder and juniper -- all ground together --plus two parts paprika.
here is the easiest chicken recipe ever:
in a big pot put chicken, brown rice and water. spice it up anyway you like it adding veggies of your choice. stick the whole thing in the oven for 45min to 1h at 350F and whala.
i add peas, celery, carrots and variety of spices with this recipe. if you like parsley add that too. prep time is 10min at most. it's easy and yummy. i also use my iron camp oven most of the time so the chick comes out super moist and fluffy.
in a big pot put chicken, brown rice and water. spice it up anyway you like it adding veggies of your choice. stick the whole thing in the oven for 45min to 1h at 350F and whala.
i add peas, celery, carrots and variety of spices with this recipe. if you like parsley add that too. prep time is 10min at most. it's easy and yummy. i also use my iron camp oven most of the time so the chick comes out super moist and fluffy.
thank you guys! much appreciated!
ah, you're welcome. just don't choke on the bone, eh? ;) :D :D
i'll make sure to prod all the meat carefully and with extra attention to check for any suspicious stiffness before i put it in my mouth ;)
30 May 2008 / #7
i like to make a chicken my easy way... i marinade a chicken (preferably - just legs) in lots of spices and make it hot, not mild but really spicy....the next day i bake it....then i make a sauce, and it's a sweet sauce, pineapple or peaches.... i serve it with kuskus and tons of salad (lettuce, and any kind of veggies you like)....yummm :)
hey Justysia...have fun while cooking :)
hey Justysia...have fun while cooking :)
If you don't want a whole chicken, here's a nice simple one:
Two chicken breasts
Some cheese (preferably a mild soft blue)
A couple of bacon rashers
Slice open the chicken breasts, stuff a bit of cheese in, fold them back over, wrap the bacon round each one, put them in the oven for a while at some temperature. (I never was particularly great with times and temperatures, so I'll guess about 170 degrees, 20 minutes ish). The bacon stops the chicken drying on the outside, and if you use the right bacon, gives it a bit of a smoky flavour. The cheese...
Oh! The Cheese! Mmmmmm! Cheese!
Two chicken breasts
Some cheese (preferably a mild soft blue)
A couple of bacon rashers
Slice open the chicken breasts, stuff a bit of cheese in, fold them back over, wrap the bacon round each one, put them in the oven for a while at some temperature. (I never was particularly great with times and temperatures, so I'll guess about 170 degrees, 20 minutes ish). The bacon stops the chicken drying on the outside, and if you use the right bacon, gives it a bit of a smoky flavour. The cheese...
Oh! The Cheese! Mmmmmm! Cheese!
30 May 2008 / #9
that reminds me... my favorite party appetizer are shrimps wrapped in slices of smoked bacon...it's like millions of calories but who cares, i love it :)
luv it :)
also, tender a chicken breast, put inside some cheese, ham, pickle, spices and some butter, then make a roll, cover in bread crumbs with a bit of crushed walnuts and fry...yummm...
I know probably a hundred recipes...
Cut 1 chicken into 8 pieces and take off skin.
In a medium bowl mix well: 1/4 cup honey, 1/3 cup dijon mustard, 1 tea spoon drayed thyme, 1 tea spoon cinnamon, 1/4 tea spoon crushed red paper flakes.
Pour mixture over the chicken, toss well and leave in fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight.
Preheat oven to 350 F/ 170 C .
Each piece chicken deep into bread crumbs and transfer to greased baking pan. Sprinkle with paprika on top and drizzle with melted butter.
Bake 1 hour . Yummy and easy:)
Cut 1 chicken into 8 pieces and take off skin.
In a medium bowl mix well: 1/4 cup honey, 1/3 cup dijon mustard, 1 tea spoon drayed thyme, 1 tea spoon cinnamon, 1/4 tea spoon crushed red paper flakes.
Pour mixture over the chicken, toss well and leave in fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight.
Preheat oven to 350 F/ 170 C .
Each piece chicken deep into bread crumbs and transfer to greased baking pan. Sprinkle with paprika on top and drizzle with melted butter.
Bake 1 hour . Yummy and easy:)
grethomory 1 | 155
23 Jun 2008 / #11
I have an easy one...being a cajun boy from the south...this is real easy for anyone starting off learning to cook.
#1. Take an iron skillet which has a top.
#2. Take chicken...your choice of dark or white or whatever.
#3. Take a medium sized onion and a medium sized bell pepper and chop into 1" pieces.
4. Season your chicken with salt or pepper(in Louisiana we used cayenne pepper for spice) and garlic powder.
#5. Now take the iron skillet and add a very small amount of water. You want just enough water to cover the bottom. If you've got a half inch...that's too much...just to coat the bottom.
#6. Take your onion and bell pepper and placed half of it in the bottom of the skillet
#7. Put your chicken in the iron skillet. Place the remaining onion and bell pepper on top.
#8. Take about half of an 8 ounce can tomato sauce and pour on top. Put the top on the iron skillet and cook on low heat for approximately an hour. Don't keep lifting the top to look at it because you will be letting the steam and juices out.
#9. When done...serve over white rice and have yourself a glass of red wine...
#1. Take an iron skillet which has a top.
#2. Take chicken...your choice of dark or white or whatever.
#3. Take a medium sized onion and a medium sized bell pepper and chop into 1" pieces.
4. Season your chicken with salt or pepper(in Louisiana we used cayenne pepper for spice) and garlic powder.
#5. Now take the iron skillet and add a very small amount of water. You want just enough water to cover the bottom. If you've got a half inch...that's too much...just to coat the bottom.
#6. Take your onion and bell pepper and placed half of it in the bottom of the skillet
#7. Put your chicken in the iron skillet. Place the remaining onion and bell pepper on top.
#8. Take about half of an 8 ounce can tomato sauce and pour on top. Put the top on the iron skillet and cook on low heat for approximately an hour. Don't keep lifting the top to look at it because you will be letting the steam and juices out.
#9. When done...serve over white rice and have yourself a glass of red wine...
whoa i think i'm gonna have to arrange a few more special nights in for two with nice food having all these recipes now lol. thank you people.
JUSTYNA with ASIA then become JUSTYSIA
is this really your name
JUSTYNA with ASIA then become JUSTYSIA
is this really your name
Mixing Justyna with another continent might not be such a good recipe.
Oh! The Cheese! Mmmmmm! Cheese!
Another idea is to stuff with a good brie, and roasted red peppers(sun dried tomoato's are fine, but used less as they can overpower the chicken). Of course you can wrap in a good smoked steaky bacon, or leave the skin on and baste with goose fat.
Another combo is blue cheese and leaks.
JUSTYNA with ASIA then become JUSTYSIA
you obviously dont speak Polish you weirdo, then you would know what Justysia means. dont even bother replying. why the hell would i mix my name with Asia?! cos i love Asian men so much?! HA! don't even start me off on that...
Two simple recipes, one sort of Polish, one sort of Thai.
Sort of Polish (similar to potrawka, a kind of ragout)
Cut one chicken breast into small cubes.
Heat a few tablespoons of oil in the bottom of a pot. When the oil is hot, add fresh ground black pepper. Remove from heat to add chicken pieces (otherwise the oil will splatter). Then replace back on medium heat.
After the chicken pieces are done, add two tablespoons of flour and stir. Add in a cup or so of boiling water and stir until the flour and water have mixed into a smooth mixture.
Add one package of soft cheese (serek, I usually use onion flavor) and stir till smooth. Serve over pasta or rice.
Thats the basic recipe which you can modify in a hundred ways, by adding vegetables (onions, carrots, mushrooms) to the chicken or other herbs or spices to the sauce. For a 70's retro flavor, add a few tablespoons of vermouth.
sort of Thai.
Cut one chicken breast into small cubes.
Wash and pick leaves of fresh Thai basil (not the same as Italian basil at all, in Warsaw you can find it at oriental grocery stores). how many leaves you use if up to your taste, start with about 12 and then increase or decrease to taste.
Heat a few tablespoons of oil and add chicken. Add pepper (white, black or my favorite green), a teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of fish sauce (yes, it smells nasty when you first add it, but you'll get used to it and soon won't be able to live without it).
Add two or three fresh or frozen lime leaves (also availabe at Asian grocery stores). Add two or three spoonfuls of Thai shrimp and chilli paste and stir well. Add about a half cup to a cup of water (depending on how watery you like your sauce) and bring to a boil. Throw in the leaves, stir once and remove from heat immediately. Let sit covered for two or three minutes. Serve over rice.
Sort of Polish (similar to potrawka, a kind of ragout)
Cut one chicken breast into small cubes.
Heat a few tablespoons of oil in the bottom of a pot. When the oil is hot, add fresh ground black pepper. Remove from heat to add chicken pieces (otherwise the oil will splatter). Then replace back on medium heat.
After the chicken pieces are done, add two tablespoons of flour and stir. Add in a cup or so of boiling water and stir until the flour and water have mixed into a smooth mixture.
Add one package of soft cheese (serek, I usually use onion flavor) and stir till smooth. Serve over pasta or rice.
Thats the basic recipe which you can modify in a hundred ways, by adding vegetables (onions, carrots, mushrooms) to the chicken or other herbs or spices to the sauce. For a 70's retro flavor, add a few tablespoons of vermouth.
sort of Thai.
Cut one chicken breast into small cubes.
Wash and pick leaves of fresh Thai basil (not the same as Italian basil at all, in Warsaw you can find it at oriental grocery stores). how many leaves you use if up to your taste, start with about 12 and then increase or decrease to taste.
Heat a few tablespoons of oil and add chicken. Add pepper (white, black or my favorite green), a teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of fish sauce (yes, it smells nasty when you first add it, but you'll get used to it and soon won't be able to live without it).
Add two or three fresh or frozen lime leaves (also availabe at Asian grocery stores). Add two or three spoonfuls of Thai shrimp and chilli paste and stir well. Add about a half cup to a cup of water (depending on how watery you like your sauce) and bring to a boil. Throw in the leaves, stir once and remove from heat immediately. Let sit covered for two or three minutes. Serve over rice.
When i was cheffing in the lake district. Hesket Newmarket, small village that brewed it's own beer. Our specials were what we shot(caught) on the sunday. Food taste's better when it is wild for me.
and for me, food tastes better when you're hungry. lol.
sorry it was silly joke , any way i did not mean that u r international
Fourty cloves garlic chicken
It's one of my favorite way to prepare chicken...easy ans really delicious..
1 chicken, cut in 8 pieces
olive oil
kosher salt, fresh ground black pepper
2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
40 cloves garlic unpeeled.
Preheat oven to 170 C/350 F
Wash the poltury, cut into 8 pieces. Pour some olive oil over, sprinkle generously kosher salt and black pepper to taste. Mix well. Transfer chicken to ovenproof baking dish. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, add unpeeled garlic, cover with aluminium foil and bake about 45 min. Remove foil and bake next 45 min or till chicken is golden brown, basting at times with juices.
Transfer chicken to a big plate. Peel the garic and smash it with fork. Add juices from the chicken and make consistence like paste....if need, add a little water. Use the brush to spread garlic paste over chicken. Enjoy :)
It's one of my favorite way to prepare chicken...easy ans really delicious..
1 chicken, cut in 8 pieces
olive oil
kosher salt, fresh ground black pepper
2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
40 cloves garlic unpeeled.
Preheat oven to 170 C/350 F
Wash the poltury, cut into 8 pieces. Pour some olive oil over, sprinkle generously kosher salt and black pepper to taste. Mix well. Transfer chicken to ovenproof baking dish. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, add unpeeled garlic, cover with aluminium foil and bake about 45 min. Remove foil and bake next 45 min or till chicken is golden brown, basting at times with juices.
Transfer chicken to a big plate. Peel the garic and smash it with fork. Add juices from the chicken and make consistence like paste....if need, add a little water. Use the brush to spread garlic paste over chicken. Enjoy :)
Moonlighting 32 | 234
10 Oct 2009 / #22
JustysiaS, one more chicken recipe for you. It's Belgian, and called "waterzooi". You need:
- chicken breasts
- leek, carot, onion, celery (with leeves)
- salt, pepper, light beer
- cream ( = smietana)
Cooking is made in a pan.
Cut the vegetables into pieces (carot and onion must be cut in very thin slices, leek and celery in bigger pieces). Cut the chicken breasts in big pieces.
Put everything in a pan with a bit of butter to brown, then remove the chicken.
Add beer, so vegetables will boil in the beer. When they're almost cooked, add the chicken again (it needs less time to cook than the vegetables).
When it's cooked, add the cream, salt and pepper.
On the side, you can serve with potatoes simply boiled in water, or with fries. If you choose the boiled potatoes, then they may be mixed with the rest at the end of the cooking.
A variant is with fish instead of chicken. In this case choose a piece of some thick fish meat, which will resist the boiling without falling apart. So it's chicken or fish. Don't try with another meat, it doesn't work.
"Bon appetit"
- chicken breasts
- leek, carot, onion, celery (with leeves)
- salt, pepper, light beer
- cream ( = smietana)
Cooking is made in a pan.
Cut the vegetables into pieces (carot and onion must be cut in very thin slices, leek and celery in bigger pieces). Cut the chicken breasts in big pieces.
Put everything in a pan with a bit of butter to brown, then remove the chicken.
Add beer, so vegetables will boil in the beer. When they're almost cooked, add the chicken again (it needs less time to cook than the vegetables).
When it's cooked, add the cream, salt and pepper.
On the side, you can serve with potatoes simply boiled in water, or with fries. If you choose the boiled potatoes, then they may be mixed with the rest at the end of the cooking.
A variant is with fish instead of chicken. In this case choose a piece of some thick fish meat, which will resist the boiling without falling apart. So it's chicken or fish. Don't try with another meat, it doesn't work.
"Bon appetit"
Polski: Old fashioned Chicken Soup. Perfect for cold weather. So simple, don't even need a recipe. Place uncooked chicken parts in stock pot. Simmer with choice of vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnip, celery, herbs: bay leaves, thyme, marjoram etc. (Poles loves Vegeta, if this is used , should be enough seasoning. A nice touch is french dumplings at the very end. Just drop batter spoon size in and viola dumplings. This basically, makes itself, plus, the home smells sooo good.