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Price of food and drink in Krakow (zubrowka, krupnik, lager)

6 May 2009 /  #1
I'm going to Krakow in a couple of weeks...

How much am I expecting to pay for food drinks (Zubrovka, Krupnik and larger)

Cardno85  31 | 971  
6 May 2009 /  #2
Beer will be between 6 and 9 PLN per half litre, 40ml of Wódka is about 7-9 PLN as with Krupnik. In the city centre it will be round about 6-8 PLN and in Kazimierz about 8-9pln
pawian  226 | 27817  
6 May 2009 /  #3
These are pub prices.
In a typical supermarket the cheapest beer can (strong) goes for 1.7 zlotys, on average 2.8. Wodka I don`t know cause I don`t buy it. Bread (0.5 kg) about 2.5 zlotys.

Check some threads in the forum for prices.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 May 2009 /  #4
Don't vodka prices start at around 25zł per half-litre?
30 Jun 2009 /  #5
No , you can find some cheaper vodkas - I think that it's quite easy to find a vodka for about 18 zl

Archives - 2005-2009 / Food / Price of food and drink in Krakow (zubrowka, krupnik, lager)Archived