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Polish food is making me fat

Qacer 38 | 125  
28 Mar 2008 /  #1
... Well, I'm making myself fat because I can't help but sample all the Polish delicacies that have graced my residence recently. My mother-in-law is visiting for a few months, and I enjoy the fact that I get home cooked meals every time I come home from work. :)

So far, I've had the following: bigos, meat stuffed with cheese (I forgot the name), cold pasta with yummy strawberry sauce (not sure if this is traditional), lots of Polish CHOCOLATES (e.g. marshmallow covered with chocolate), a variety of potato dishes, and many more. I'm still waiting for flaczki and some more kashanka (spelling? blood sausage). Yum!

Lately, I've also been experimenting with some Polish vodka and fruit drinks. Since strawberry season is here, I've made some nice strawberry smoothie with a "dash" of Zubrowka and apple juice. It taste pretty good.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
28 Mar 2008 /  #2
lol now i want my mom to come and stay with me!! :D
El Gato 4 | 351  
28 Mar 2008 /  #3
Haha. I love home cooked meals every day. Moms are awesome...

JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
28 Mar 2008 /  #4
yeah i really miss that, and no matter how hard i try to cook my efforts are not even close to my moms sensational cooking skills!
OP Qacer 38 | 125  
28 Mar 2008 /  #5
Well, my wife does pretty well cooking. The problem is that we are both busy, so we normally just end up eating frozen food or a Subway sandwich. It's really nice to have her mom over and cook for us. Heck, she also cleans the house some more even though we told her to just relax and watch some TV Polonia.

Tonight she made some really nice soup with parsley, carrots, potatoes, and some meatballs. She also poured a little cream into the soup, so that made it taste pretty good.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
28 Mar 2008 /  #6
mmm mmm. soon youre gonna be fat like Totoro lol
krysia 23 | 3058  
29 Mar 2008 /  #7
What will you do when she goes back?
Besides going to the gym to lose those extra pounds...:)
sledz 23 | 2247  
29 Mar 2008 /  #8
I gained a few pounds after I found Pierogi factory

It was well worth it...:)
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
29 Mar 2008 /  #9
You can't beat British food... Fish and Chips :P
osiol 55 | 3921  
29 Mar 2008 /  #10
Lately, I've also been experimenting with some Polish vodka

Experimentation gives rise to innovation. Good luck, sir.

I don't think it's just what you eat, but how you eat it and what you do to burn it all off afterwards. I eat quite a few large breakfasts with very high meat content, but I do manual work so it soon disappears.

You can't beat British food... Fish and Chips

You didn't mention pies (hot or cold), sausage and mash, bacon sandwiches, black or white puddings, kippers, roasts (especially pork, lamb, beef, pheasant, with roast tatties and Yorkshire puddings), bread and cheese, bubble and squeak, cauliflower cheese, scones, kedgeree, and so on and so on. British food should be more interesting than it is. A lot has been lost over the years, but a lot also just gets ignored. I'm sure there are some very nice Polish dishes that had British equivalents that died out. We should eat more Polish food over here. So what about worries about getting fat - junk food seems to be far worse. We have more of it here and people are getting fatter all the time.

Moms are awesome

But not everyone has one, so you reach the stage where you just have to learn to do it for yourself.
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
29 Mar 2008 /  #11
I can't eat fish, black pudding, bubble and squeak and all these British and Polish delicacies :( I'm only allowed to eat vegetables. Eating disorder.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
29 Mar 2008 /  #12
if you are a vegetarian you can eat bubble and squeak
29 Mar 2008 /  #13
bubble and squeak

co to jest? Baked mouse with cheese?
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
29 Mar 2008 /  #14
if you are a vegetarian you can eat bubble and squeak

I'm a vegan.

Some cooked potatoes.
Some cooked runner beans or cabbage.
Slices of back bacon. [or Gammon, Ham, or Corned Beef.]
Grated, or finely chopped onion.
Lump of butter.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Mixed herbs, to taste.
Fried egg.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
29 Mar 2008 /  #15
you can easily make a vegan version and its not typical to put bacon or egg in it. Any left over veg like carrots, sprouts and typically cabbage and potatoes fried in vegan oil
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
29 Mar 2008 /  #16
Then I have that more or less every night lol
Seanus 15 | 19668  
29 Mar 2008 /  #17
I hardly eat pierogis, good as they are, so that helps. I occasionally treat myself 2 a quality łazanki but that contains empty calories. The Poles love their meat so that piles on the pounds. I tend to keep it to a minimum.

The worst are the jars of dumplings. They are LOADED with calories and fat. I once came home rather worse for wear and scoffed a whole jar, not a good idea
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
29 Mar 2008 /  #18
bubble and squeak

LOL our mate Filios1
djf 18 | 166  
29 Mar 2008 /  #19
I'm a vegan

Negative Evolution.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
29 Mar 2008 /  #20
Krokiety are not Polish in origin but many Poles eat them. Talk about a heart attack on a plate. Klopski are the real danger, chunky balls of less than premium meat, edible and more but brutal on the gut
Kasia84 8 | 40  
6 May 2008 /  #21
cold pasta with yummy strawberry sauce (not sure if this is traditional)

Are you kidding me?? I love strawberry pasta :D I make 'em all the time ;) in fact I will be making them now! :)) I got some fresh strawberries...I can't wait to eat them soon ^_^ mniam, mniam!
Daydreamer - | 46  
6 May 2008 /  #22
This thread is making me so hungry. We have an aisle of Polish food at my local supermarket. (Pasta with strawberry sauce hey haven't heard of that one before?!)The only problem is this requires someone to cook it and being a microwave queen to me that's like finding a cure for cancer...
Seanus 15 | 19668  
6 May 2008 /  #23
I had them with whipped cream, ooh, that hit the spot.
Krzysztof 2 | 973  
6 May 2008 /  #24
Pasta with strawberry sauce hey haven't heard of that one before?!

It's hardly a sauce, so I doubt you can buy it in jars.
It's simply mashed, fresh strawberries (with some sugar) and added to the pasta, at least that's how they make it where I live.
Kasia84 8 | 40  
6 May 2008 /  #25
This thread is making me so hungry. We have an aisle of Polish food at my local supermarket. (Pasta with strawberry sauce hey haven't heard of that one before?!)The only problem is this requires someone to cook it and being a microwave queen to me that's like finding a cure for cancer...

All you need is sour cream, fresh mashed strawberries, sugar...mixed it well (if you have an electrical mixture...would be helpful :))

You can have it will noodles or some time I have rice instead
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
6 May 2008 /  #26
Pasta with strawberry sauce hey haven't heard of that one before

i mix mashed strawberries with sour cream and sugar (just chuck it all in a blender) and pour it over pasta or rice.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
6 May 2008 /  #27
It sounds like a pregnancy craving food
Daydreamer - | 46  
6 May 2008 /  #28
lol I agree seanus but I would quite like to give it a try thanks for the tips guys I'll try it when I need venture into the dangerous territory of cooking stuff on the hob (I have actually burnt pasta in the pasta lol just as well I've learnt to like the taste of burnt food, mmmmm carcinogenic) I shall let you know how it turns out. the only thing I want to know though, is it a desert or a main meal? It sounds kinda sweet?

Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
6 May 2008 /  #29
Negative Evolution.

Hey I look great for it so I have no problems with it. If you want a decent figure then eat exactly what I eat mate and you'll be there..! If I was told I can eat anything I like now I'd stick with my diet. I'd stick with my vegetables and stick with being a vegan. I'm very health conscious and I care about my appearance.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
6 May 2008 /  #30
It sounds like a pregnancy craving food

is it a desert or a main meal? It sounds kinda sweet?

it is a dessert and yes it does sound weird, but its absolutely delicious. funny thing is that my man refuses to even taste a bit of it because in his opinion pasta can not be served as a dessert with anything sweet in it. why not i say?? what about all them summery fruit soups or even milk soup? fancy that??

Archives - 2005-2009 / Food / Polish food is making me fatArchived