I'm in Florida, Titusville area. I was in Orlando/Winter Park area today so I stopped into my favorite Polish deli for some fresh polish kielbasa & a loaf of Poppy seed bread. One item I've had difficulty finding sown here is Placek. Does anyone here know where I could find some?
I asked the owner of the deli - I tried to describe to him what Placek was to me - looks like a loaf of bread, has raisins, and a crumby or clumpy sugar on top. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Can anyone provide a recipe, or better, somewhere in Florida that makes it and could ship overnight?
It's called a placek drożdowy. Here's a recipee but it's in grams so might need to convert to normal measures.
Ingredients for dough:
500 g flour 50 g yeast 1 glass milk 100 g butter 3 egg yolks 1 egg 100-150 g sugar 50 g raisins 1 sugared vanilla 1/2 lemon skin salt
100 g flour 60 g butter 50 g sugar 2 spoons cinamon Preperation: 1.make the dough from the ingredients above 2.knead the crumbles, meaning mix the flour with sugar and cinamom, add melted fat and quickly knead so it forms small crumbs . 3.Flatten the dough and place into a baking dish then spread beaten egg and put the crumbs on top. Set aside to grow, then bake for about 50 minutes.
My aunt in Poland made the most wonderful placek drozdzowy. I was visiting her at least twice a month to stuff myself with it! And, a glass of cold milk to boot.
500 g flour - 17 oz 50 g yeast - 1.76 oz 100 g butter - 3.5 oz 100-150 g sugar 3.5 - 5.3 oz 50 g raisins - 1.76 oz 100 g flour - 3.5 oz 60 g butter - 2.11 oz 50 g sugar - 1.76 oz
There are different ways of making the placek, here is another one translated from Polish and if you add 0.1 oz more of something I don't think anyone will notice...
Ingredients: 2.2 lbs flour 0.14 oz yeast 1 cup milk .35 oz butter .5 oz cukru 4 egg yolks salt 1 tspoon vanilla Mix yeast with sugar and warm milk, add 1/3 flour, mix, set aside to rise. Mix egg yolks with sugar. When dough doubles add the yolks, salt, vanilla and mix, add melted butter and set aside to rise. Put in a baking dish, you can put plums, cherries or other fruit on top. Bake 390 for 55 min