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Today's Polish Name Day - New Feature

Admin  25 | 403   Administrator
12 Nov 2007 /  #1
A new forum addition - Polish Name Days (Imieniny) - has been released. Every day a comprehensive list of Polish first names associated with the tradition of Name Days appears. You can find it on the bottom of the main page.

Polish Forums Team
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Nov 2007 /  #2
You can find it on the bottom of the main page.

Yesterday they were on top.
Daisy  3 | 1215  
12 Nov 2007 /  #3
variety is the spice of life ;)
sledz  23 | 2247  
12 Nov 2007 /  #4
So is it a celebration day like your Birthday?
12 Nov 2007 /  #5
Yesterday they were on top.

i didnt notice them yesterday
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Nov 2007 /  #6
So is it a celebration day like your Birthday?

see wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_day#Poland
sledz  23 | 2247  
12 Nov 2007 /  #7
Cool I like it:)

Now I have to find my name on the list
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Nov 2007 /  #8
I see Krystyn has his names day today.... Nice name for a guy.

Now I have to find my name on the list

You won't find your name until April, May, June or July.
plk123  8 | 4120  
12 Nov 2007 /  #9
Renat??? never heard of a guy with that name.. hmm
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Nov 2007 /  #10
Cool I like it:)

women like it too because they can cellebrate something personal each year without having to reveal their age (which everybody knows anyway cuz the kids talk a lot)
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Nov 2007 /  #11

I was wondering about that one too...hmmmmmm

(which everybody knows anyway cuz the kids talk a lot)

That's why you tell your kids you're 20 because they think it's old enough.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Nov 2007 /  #12
I think it's got to do with Latin renatus - reborn
sledz  23 | 2247  
12 Nov 2007 /  #13
You won't find your name until April, May, June or July.

I did a search and found the nameday calender but I`m not on it?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Nov 2007 /  #14
That's why you tell your kids you're 20 because they think it's old enough.

Oh, I've been generically called "geezer" since my daughter was capable of understanding the word, so the age really lost its meaning :)
12 Nov 2007 /  #15
i wont be on the names closest to my name is apparently Tamara or Tekla :-S
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Nov 2007 /  #16
I did a search and found the nameday calender but I`m not on it?

if you're looking under "sledz", you'll never find it because nobody names their kids "sledz" anymore :)
12 Nov 2007 /  #17
if you're looking under "sledz", you'll never find it

ha, ha, ha....................sorry Sledziu, Sledziunio - maybe Dziunio:)
sledz  23 | 2247  
12 Nov 2007 /  #18
"sledz", you'll never find it because nobody names their kids "sledz

really I thought it was a popular name..lol



Hahaha nobody likes a smarty pants execpt of course me :)

All I could find were female names??
krysia  23 | 3058  
12 Nov 2007 /  #19
You have 5 days which you can chose as your names day, (in which I won't give out the exact dates in fear of losing your secret identity and then being stalked).
Eurola  4 | 1898  
12 Nov 2007 /  #20
Actually, I think you should always choose the name day which comes first right after your birthday...not just any...that's what i heard.
13 Nov 2007 /  #21
A new forum addition - Polish Name Days (Imieniny) - has been released.

Good addition :) Thanks Admin!
Mufasa  19 | 357  
13 Nov 2007 /  #22
I think this is a great idea. The imieniny fascinated me from the day I stepped foot onto Poland. My husband and I both adopted one closest to our names - won't tell you though.

Now it's time for another great idea:

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
19 Dec 2007 /  #23
Today's Polish Name Day - New Feature

Top left looked better. Top right [now] it's too small.
21 Dec 2007 /  #24
i noticed that this morning ... good place to have it though than down the bottom of the webpage :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
21 Dec 2007 /  #25
Please tell me people do not name their children Festus...
21 Dec 2007 /  #26

i was thinking that as well ..... poor thing if it is =S
Daisy  3 | 1215  
21 Dec 2007 /  #27
Please tell me people do not name their children Festus...

We have someone where I work named Phestus
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
21 Dec 2007 /  #28
first name uncle :)
Daisy  3 | 1215  
21 Dec 2007 /  #29
I think that everytime his name comes up on my phone
wildrover  98 | 4431  
21 Dec 2007 /  #30
My name is Ian , but most Polish friends call me Jan , which is kinda nice........Can anyone tell me when is my name day..??? my birthday is on 19th november........

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