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Sending PMs to other members

31 Dec 2006 /  #1
how do i PM you?
sorry i may be ginger but i cannot find where to send a PM to you regarding the above :)
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
31 Dec 2006 /  #2
Click on Profile. Then click on e-mail.
OP telefonitika  
31 Dec 2006 /  #3
Sussed it out :)
31 Dec 2006 /  #4
i didnt get a message from you yet... have you sent it...?
OP telefonitika  
31 Dec 2006 /  #5
Yeah i sent you a message to you hours(around 520pm now some three hours later) ago via your profile bubbawoo/jasiu
31 Dec 2006 /  #6
didnt get it yet...
OP telefonitika  
31 Dec 2006 /  #7
strange PM me then i will get back to you Jasiu as i dont know why you have not got it??
31 Dec 2006 /  #8
OP telefonitika  
31 Dec 2006 /  #9
ok Jasiu just waiting to see if it will come through as it goes to your email address registered on the forum doesnt it. Not through yet though? :(

i have not received anything Jasiu :( nor do i not understand why you havent received message from me ... i have GG if that helps? 3596903!
31 Dec 2006 /  #10
supa weird... not on gg so will email again
OP telefonitika  
3 Jan 2007 /  #11
Jasiu/Bubbawoo this is my email seems that PM-ing aint working still :)
so if you want to discuss this still regarding the sim card mate contact me at taralady@

Jan 3, 07 [15:13] - Attached on merging:
Not received my PM's

Can someone tell me why i am not receiving my PMs i have sent two messages to bubbawoo/jasiu and he hasnt received them nor have i received the 2 messages he has sent me?? why is this??

Eurola 4 | 1898  
31 Dec 2006 /  #12
Do a test. Sent me one , i check my email and let you know.
31 Dec 2006 /  #13
overdue millennium bug perhaps... or admin has been out celebrating... :)

we'll sort it in the new year
OP telefonitika  
1 Jan 2007 /  #14
yeah will try and sort in New Year Jasiu what a pain though strange as i received one about a week and half ago to my inbox no problem very strange :(

tried once again to use the PM method and nothing received (had two messages from Jasiu/Bubbawoo sent) and i have sent some to Bubbawoo also not received is there an issue with this Admin?????
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
3 Jan 2007 /  #15
Actually, I've just sent a couple of test messages to different accounts and it's working as good as always.. :) What do you to to send a PM? Admin
OP telefonitika  
3 Jan 2007 /  #16
i go to bubbawoos profile and click on send an email only thing i can see to send a message :( i am doing it wrong?
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
3 Jan 2007 /  #17
i am doing it wrong?

It seems you are doing it correct; the only reason the message would not go through is if the recipient ("bubbawoo" in this case) has an invalid/inactive email in his/her profile.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
3 Jan 2007 /  #18
admin... my profiled email is both valid and correct... i have had the same problems emailing telefonitika...?
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
3 Jan 2007 /  #19
Did you check your Junk Mail folder? Admin
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
3 Jan 2007 /  #20
yeah... i got the one from you but not from telefonikita

I sent one to "telefonika" too.. Admin
OP telefonitika  
4 Jan 2007 /  #21
i too received three emails in my junk folder from Admin but alas none there from Bubbawoo :(

Bubbawoo read the sim posting i have put my email ad in there for you maybe easier
23 Jun 2007 /  #22
i sent a PM to myself, for a test, and it was denied. why??
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
23 Jun 2007 /  #23
Because you cannot send a message to yourself.


Archives - 2005-2009 / Feedback / Sending PMs to other membersArchived