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The issue of [not] writing in Polish on the forums (part 2)

Ronek  1 | 261  
6 Sep 2007 /  #1
To admin:
Are you bloody serious? I can't use polish? Are you just ignorant or what is the cause?
Just a quick reality check. The forums are called Polish forums and I cant write in polish every now and then? soo typicaly english/american of you.
Karima  3 | 50  
6 Sep 2007 /  #2
If about using polish- I'm sorry! I didnt notice admin's warn abaut language,it will not repeat
OP Ronek  1 | 261  
6 Sep 2007 /  #3
Karima you have nothing to be sorry for when it comes to speaking polish on this forum.

Niech się baran uczy języka jak mu się nie podoba a nie się wtrąca. Ja rozumiem gdybyśmy coś złego robili. Ale upomnieć kogoś za używanie polskiego na Polish forums to szczyt bezczelności.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
6 Sep 2007 /  #5
actually I know you guys are Polish, but the language of the forum is English.. so really you shouldnt be posting in Polish
Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Sep 2007 /  #6
Just a quick reality check. The forums are called Polish forums and I cant write in polish every now and then? soo typicaly english/american of you.

Yes, typically English/American because it's an English/American sight for those interested in Poland......I think it would be nice if you are going to write in Polish, to at least have the courtesy to translate for most of us who don't speak the language.....one of the reasons many come on here is to learn the language and you would be helping a great deal if you would translate. :)
OP Ronek  1 | 261  
6 Sep 2007 /  #7
Ok you can stop telling me how and where write in my language. I've been using english mostly and helping some of you with translations because I realy like this forums site and its concept. But sometimes I will use polish languange when communicating with polish people like I did in this thread.

Dont expect that every time everything will be handed to you in your language, its definately not the way to learn foreign languages.
If what I did was so annoying then make an effort and try translating it on your own.
Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Sep 2007 /  #8
You say you like this forum and you help others translate, and I think that is wonderful, but you should also respect the rules of the forum (although, I will admit, they are not followed very stringently, and I have even been one to fall to the wayside).

III. Forum Rules and Code of Conduct

1. All posts must be in English (unless they are related to Polish translation or explanation of the Polish language).

Your post was not related to a translation or explanation of the Polish language. You posted in a topic that had nothing to do with Polish translation and therefore it did not belong in this particular thread. :)
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #9
Yes, there was a similar discussion about it a while ago and my answer is there. If you logically think about it you won't be surprised that Polish Forums is to be a website in English (because the words: Polish and Forums are the English words, not Polish). You may write in Polish, but then it would be nice to translate your comment into English so that other members know what you wrote.

Nie widze w tym w żadnym wypadku "szczutu bezczelności". Sugerujesz, że grzeczne przypominanie reguł forum to "szczyt bezczelności"? Rozumiałbym Twoje oburzenie, gdybyś był, na przykład, członkiem "ForumOPolsce.com" i tam by Ci ktoś zwrócił uwagę, że masz czelność pisania po polsku. Tutaj jednak strona i sama nazwa strony są z założenia po angielsku.
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Sep 2007 /  #10
how about Polish only room like there are English only areas on similar forums in Polish?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Sep 2007 /  #11
Why do you want to exclude people ?
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #12
how about Polish only room like there are English only areas on similar forums in Polish?

Well, that might be an option.. But as Wroclaw suggests, it could lead to excluding other members from participating in the discussions. Plus, we don't want to create groups of cliques that could be talking behind other members' back. :}

Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Sep 2007 /  #13
how about Polish only room like there are English only areas on similar forums in Polish?

I would not be against that, but then again, the admin did point out there is a PM button to use, if you want to converse with someone specific......technically this is not a "chat" room, so should not be used as such, although we do chat back and forth at times.

Why do you want to exclude people ?

I agree more with you. It's nice for everyone to be able to contribute.
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Sep 2007 /  #14
Are you just ignorant or what is the cause?

Well those are the rules, do you expect them to change for every new member that comes here? You have only been here 2 days
Lady in red  
6 Sep 2007 /  #15
Yes Sledz but Michal does it all the time .........and no one has pulled him up about it have they ?

I do agree with you though. If its in the rules, then the rules should apply to everyone.

So Admin, is this rule going to be changed ? If not, then what about Michal who keeps doing it ?
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Sep 2007 /  #16
Why do you want to exclude people ?

the idea behind my thought is not about excluding anyone.. i want to practice my polish.. translatings is nice but discussion would be even better. imho.

i'm not the one pitching a b here.. just sharing my thought. i'm sure the admin will consider all of this and will rpoceed accordingly. either way, i'm cool with this forum for the most part. :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Sep 2007 /  #17
the idea behind my thought is not about excluding anyone.. i want to practice my polish.. translatings is nice but discussion would be even better. imho.

I see your point.
OP Ronek  1 | 261  
6 Sep 2007 /  #18
yeah Thats exactly my point. The forums shouldnt be only for bunch for british and americans who would like to know what pierogi are or would like to chat up a polish bloke. NO. Polonia and polish fom different parts of the world should also have their place to meet and chat about what ever they wish.

The whole fuss started about that. I wrote a question which was for polish men because I was curious what was their point of view.

People here say they're intrested in Poland or have other business that in some way involves poles and polish language. But everone gets upset when people start speaking polish? C'mon dont be that ignorant. I speak russian, german, french and english besides my national language so I guess everybody else could also make an effort and at least be more opened to polish language.

Plus as plk123 said, it would be a great way for polonia to stay in touch with polish language and for other people to learn it and interact with it.

You all cant be asking poles to translate your text messages to the end of your lives.
6 Sep 2007 /  #19
I speak russian, german, french and english besides my national language so I guess everybody else could also make an effort and at least be more opened to polish language.

I second that ..
I am starting year 2 of level one in Polish in two weeks time which concentrates more on the speaking and writing side, as last year was mainly reading and listening but also at the same time i will be learning year one of level one in Russian .. German and Spanish (i would have been doing French as well but clashes with another course i am doing)
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #20
So Admin, is this rule going to be changed ? If not, then what about Michal who keeps doing it ?

Nobody has been banned for using Polish, but some have been warned about it when they excessively used Polish even if they didn't have to. "Michal", in most cases, when using Polish also comments it in English so that is acceptable.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #21
The whole fuss started about that. I wrote a question which was for polish men because I was curious what was their point of view.

If you had opened a new topic in the OFF-Topic section (even in Polish), that would have been perfectly fine. But when you start writing in Polish in an interesting thread that is outside the Off-Topic section, we don't allow that because otherwise the thread would have to be trashed.

Here are some more thoughts on threads hijacking and forum etiquette.

So you may talk about anything in any language in the world - as long as the discussion is in the Off-Topic section.

Plus as plk123 said, it would be a great way for polonia to stay in touch with polish language and for other people to learn it and interact with it.

There are MANY of websites and forums in the Polish language. Why would we have to duplicate and compete with them?

sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Sep 2007 /  #22
i'm not the one pitching a b here.. just sharing my thought. i'm sure the admin will consider all of this and will rpoceed accordingly. either way, i'm cool with this forum for the most part

Perhaps you and Ronek have a valid point, I really dont mind when I see ppl talking
Polish it helps me learn.

What really bothers me is when I log on and see the 3 same silly threads day
after day on top of the board.

Theres some members that come here and stay all day posting in these useless

Maybe there should be a limit on how much a person can post in one day,
then they would use there posts more productively.

That word game, 5 word story, cybercrush is really getting old!

start writing in Polish in an interesting thread that is outside the Off-Topic section, we don't allow that because otherwise the thread would have to be trashed.

They would have to have thier own section then or it would get really confusing
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Sep 2007 /  #23
this almost sounds like you're telling us to go find the greener pasture.
OP Ronek  1 | 261  
6 Sep 2007 /  #24
There are MANY of websites and forums in the Polish language. Why would we have to duplicate and compete with them?

so we should leave? oh so people here are intrested in polish culture but dont like having poles around, it that it?

c'mon level with me. Nobody is saying we want to duplicate something you are part of polish minority your self and do you realy think there is no need for poles have their corner here to keep in touch with their language, culture and be able to share it with others?

I'm actualy amazed that you beeing polish(or am i wrong and you just speak polish) are making such a fuss from all of this.

And as you see there is a certain level of support on this forum for this idea, so its not some delusional image.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #25
this almost sounds like you're telling us to go find the greener pasture.

You may go and try to find the greener pasture, but at the end of the day it probably won't be any greener than it gets here ;).

It's not possible to satisfy each and every member (especially if there are thousands of them)..

osiol  55 | 3921  
6 Sep 2007 /  #26
Here is an example:

Someone in the US wants to find out about their Polish heritage, yet doesn't speakl Polish
Someone in the UK is trying to learn Polish, but is still a beginner.
Someone in Australia wants to know more about Pierogi.
A Finn who speaks Enlgish wants to learn some Polish swear-words.
A Polish person wants to practice English.

On a forum with an English name.

By the way, it's not like anyone doesn't like having Poles around (with one obvious exception).
Many people (most probably) are at least slightly Polish.
For consistency's sake and to hold the site together as a creible forum, it has to be based in one language.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #27
so we should leave?

It's nice after having been a member for 2 days you identify with all the forum members. Or perhaps you meant "Should I leave?" But no, I don't think you should leave.

Nobody is saying we want to duplicate something you are part of polish minority your self and do you realy think there is no need for poles have their corner here to keep in touch with their language, culture and be able to share it with others?

I certainly think there is a need for Poles who don't live in Poland, but want to speak in Polish to keep in touch with their language. I'm Polish myself, have only lived in the US for 6 years, and I only use English when I talk to someone who doesn't know Polish at all. But then there are other websites that have this goal in mind. For me it doesn't make sense to divide the site into two language versions - just because it would be much harder to achieve the goal of PolishForums.com -

To become the best resource about Poland and Polish people in the English language.

OP Ronek  1 | 261  
6 Sep 2007 /  #28
nobody is telling you to devide forums just make a special place for poles so that nobody can complain they are using polish there and thats it.

and the off-topic section would be a bad answer since that section is like a bit trash can.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #29
nobody is telling you to devide forums just make a special place for poles so that nobody can complain they are using polish there and thats it.

But using the Polish language outside the translation or Off-topic sections hasn't really been a big issue. Maybe once or twice a year, no more than that... So we don't think we'll add a separate section in Polish. But who knows, maybe it will change..

Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Sep 2007 /  #30
think there is no need for poles have their corner here to keep in touch with their language, culture and be able to share it with others?

I agree there is a need, but you did not share it with others in this instance did you?(only those who understand Polish).....again it was in the wrong thread.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Feedback / The issue of [not] writing in Polish on the forums (part 2)Archived