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Puzzler  9 | 1088  
19 Oct 2007 /  #1
Why certain threads are closed and one cannot post further comments in them? For instance, why have you closed the thread, by jareck, on 'racism' in Poland? E.g. one clown posted the following comment there: 'there were plenty of poles killing jews to save themselves and their own families.' I'd like to ask him or her: have you got any proof of this? Give some facts! And how about Jews killing Poles, e.g. Polish villagers during WWII, e.g. in Koniuchy? How about Jewish secret police members torturing and killing Poles? Some of these criminals, such as Wolinska, are hiding e.g. in UK and Sweden, and, of course, America.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Oct 2007 /  #2
censorship is flexible it would appear
world baby  
19 Oct 2007 /  #3
when u fight for your life u kill who u have to...ther's no nation that is absolutely saint!!! good thing-it's all in the past...now...who was the last person any of u has helped?
Kilkline  1 | 682  
19 Oct 2007 /  #4
Its true about the censorship on this board though. Stuff disappears, gets edited moved all without comment. Theres often no rhyme or reason as to why its been edited either.

Some people are on a little power-trip I think.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Oct 2007 /  #5
one clown posted the following comment there: 'there were plenty of poles killing jews to save themselves and their own families.'

hey punk.. that's what i said as i know it to be true.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
19 Oct 2007 /  #6

It's not a power trip thing. Some discussions may be closed because they get out of control and are breeding grounds for trolls. If you feel that we've ended a discussion that you feel the need to comment on, please feel free to let any of us know and perhaps we can work together toi clean it up and re-open for discussion, or create a new one with a title that's not so negative.

Theres often no rhyme or reason as to why its been edited either.

There is a rhyme and reason. Please provide an example.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
19 Oct 2007 /  #7
There is a rhyme and reason. Please provide an example.

I cant. The examples have disappeared.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
19 Oct 2007 /  #8
The examples have disappeared.

:) LOL Well, if you come across another similar situation, please bring it to my attn and I'm positive a logical explanation can be provided. Maintaing this forum can be more difficult than you can imagine. We do try our best though.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
19 Oct 2007 /  #9
Generally, if people start fighting or posting derogatory or racist comments, that means they aren't mature enough to discuss the topic so it usually gets closed (or deleted).

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
19 Oct 2007 /  #10
fighting and posting derogatory or racist comments isnt a sign of immaturity
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
19 Oct 2007 /  #11
Whatever a sign it is, derogatory or racist comments are not allowed here.

plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Oct 2007 /  #12
fighting and posting derogatory or racist comments isnt a sign of immaturity

what is it a sign of then?
anuska  1 | 30  
19 Oct 2007 /  #13
is calling a donkey a smelly flea ridden waste of space wrong or is it ok?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
19 Oct 2007 /  #14
what is it a sign of then?

many things... you may hazard a guess if you feel so inclined

Archives - 2005-2009 / Feedback / THE ISSUE OF CENSORSHIP ON THIS WEBSITEArchived