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Deleting a member

starchild 2 | 120  
6 Sep 2007 /  #1
Will you delete a member if they ask you to?

Also, if you deleted a member for whatever reason, what happens to their posts? Do they disappear as well?
plk123 8 | 4129  
6 Sep 2007 /  #2
i'm sure he'd erase the member if one asked him to..

i think i noticed that they basically become guests although i am sure admin could erase all the posts if that's what was desired.
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #3
plk123 is correct in this part: "i think i noticed that they basically become guests"

But we will not be able to erase the posts.

sledz 23 | 2247  
6 Sep 2007 /  #4
there has been several members either banned or they asked to be deleted

and not a trace of them is still here
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
6 Sep 2007 /  #5
The posts stay, as does your name.

Whatever you have written looks like it was written by a guest.

So, your posts will have starchild next to them, but nothing else.
sledz 23 | 2247  
6 Sep 2007 /  #6
But we will not be able to erase the posts.

what about jameslondon??

the troublemaker his stuff is gone....I`m glad too

Whatever you have written looks like it was written by a guest.

yeah I noticed that about Justyna and zion, ok I stand corrected
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
6 Sep 2007 /  #7
on this subject i'm surprised i haven't been banned or warned, most of the time i get slated for giving my own honest outspoken opinion, maybe you admins are not the lefty liberals i thought you were :)
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #8
what about jameslondon??

the troublemaker his stuff is gone....I`m glad too

In extreme cases, of course, it's possible to delete everything... But when a member participated in many discussions, it's not possible to delete his/her posts because otherwise the discussions would not make sense.

osiol 55 | 3921  
6 Sep 2007 /  #9
maybe you admins are not the lefty liberals i thought you were

What are you going on about?
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
6 Sep 2007 /  #10

Are you asking the question because you are worried about something ?

If so, change your Profile information and block your e-mail.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
6 Sep 2007 /  #11
What are you going on about?

people who don't like other points of view that conflict with theirs or that are extreme in some way
osiol 55 | 3921  
6 Sep 2007 /  #12
That is not liberalism.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
6 Sep 2007 /  #13
your going to say they promote free speech, yes maybe they do but only on their terms, like all politicians they are spin doctors and liars :)
OP starchild 2 | 120  
6 Sep 2007 /  #14
Are you asking the question because you are worried about something ?

No, its too late for that! Ha ha

Mostly I was asking because I just wondered if you could get deleted by choice.

Although I wish I had given more thought to some of my comments, especially now that a certain person is going to find them and read them!

osiol 55 | 3921  
6 Sep 2007 /  #15
your going to say they promote free speech, yes maybe they do but only on their terms, like all politicians they are spin doctors and liars

Liberal-ISM is not a politcal party. It is an ideology.
You get to say what you want - others let you.
That is liberal.

The people who complain about 'Liberals' are narrow-minded people preying on the narrow-mindedness (and greed) of others.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
6 Sep 2007 /  #16
The people who complain about 'Liberals' are narrow-minded people preying on the narrow-mindedness (and greed) of others.

hahahaha, i like that, just slipped that bit in for me did you :)
osiol 55 | 3921  
6 Sep 2007 /  #17
just slipped that bit in for me did you

Not just for you.
This is a public forum.
I know those whom I've heard complaining about 'liberals' and whom I haven't.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
6 Sep 2007 /  #18
now that a certain person is going to find them and read them!

I thought as much.

Find a forum friend and then PM your future translations.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
6 Sep 2007 /  #19
Not just for you.
This is a public forum.
I know those whom I've heard complaining about 'liberals' and whom I haven't.

ok each to their own, if you think i'm narrow minded however you obviously haven't seen a lot of what i said, the 'lefty liberals' is just a nickname for the admin :)
sapphire 22 | 1241  
6 Sep 2007 /  #20
Although I wish I had given more thought to some of my comments, especially now that a certain person is going to find them and read them!

dont worry we have all done that. I asked admin to remove a couple of particular posts that I regretted posting and they very kindly did. If he knows your profile name and password there it can be problematic :) I dont think you have anything to be ashamed of though, from what I have seen. Hope you are gonna tell us how your night went ;)
Admin 25 | 404   Administrator
6 Sep 2007 /  #21
the 'lefty liberals' is just a nickname for the admin

Being a Polish citizen in the US, I cannot even vote in the US so I should not be tricked into a political game ;).

OP starchild 2 | 120  
6 Sep 2007 /  #22
Find a forum friend and then PM your future translations.

No the translations are fine. That was fun!

If he knows your profile name and password there it can be problematic :) I dont think you have anything to be ashamed of though, from what I have seen. Hope you are gonna tell us how your night went ;)

Haha... if he does read this, even though i've told him not to, then...

the night was rubbish - couldn't have been worse! haha ;-)
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
6 Sep 2007 /  #23
Being a Polish citizen in the US, I cannot even vote in the US so I should not be tricked into a political game ;).

lol, fair comment

Archives - 2005-2009 / Feedback / Deleting a memberArchived