How can a thread be closed? Take a thread. Look at it. How could it possibly be closed? I suppose you could close it back into the sewing box. It might even be an embroidery term I'm not aware of. "This tapestry is nearly complete. All that remains for me to do is to close the thread."I'd prefer to use a term like 'Tie a knot in the end of thread."If you have a sticky thread, you might need a trip to the dry-cleaners, but maybe a simple machine wash. Maybe even a handwash, but certainly not if chewing gum is involved.Posts like this are a disgrace to the forum and members who do such things ought to be punished by the moderation team.
spmetimes you make me wonder Osiol. You know what I meant by "closing" the thread.
how about locking this thread instead. it seems to have way overrun it's course
let it go Plk
No, it's a discussion, and it's about Michal, because, let's be honest, he's the main culprit here, his translations (or "corrections" to someone else's translations) are usually causing the stir up.
this is precisely why I created this thread.