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22 yo white American studying abroad in Poland, looking for some information.

22ftw  1 | 3  
17 Feb 2012 /  #1
Haya, new to this site and community. But anyway, i backpacked Europe this past summer and went to 15 different counties. Long story short, i had an outstanding time; however, Krakow Poland was the best city i went too. It had everything i was looking for. Some of which include a great nightlife, nice people, and tons of history. Which is great, for my major is history and Krakow has plenty of it. Not to mention the women there are so darn hot, i mean there has got to be something in the water there man lol. I enjoyed it so much i want to study abroad there and really get to know the city and Poland altogether. I want to study at Jagiellonian University and was wondering if anyone has had any experiences with this university or with studying abroad in Poland altogether. I don't speak polish...and i am not polish. 22 year old white american to be more specific.

But yeah, just looking for info/experiences on the Jagiellonian University and would like any other recommendations on were to study in Poland.

Thanks in advance.
17 Feb 2012 /  #2
any other recommendations on were to study in Poland.

Uniwersytet Wrocławski. I love Krakow, but Wro has my heart. It's got more of what you want, and less of what you don't.
OP 22ftw  1 | 3  
18 Feb 2012 /  #3
Oh nice, ill check into universitys there aswell to see what they got. And thats not to far from Berlin, Prauge, and Warsaw too. Right smack in the middle FTW.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Feb 2012 /  #4
I spent a year at UJ (Jagiellonian Univ) and I thought it was great. That was a long time ago though. The place has some cache' around Europe as opposed to some other places. I also spent 6 years in Wrocław and am in love with the town. There was an extra benefit to graduating from there in my day: many German institutions recognize the place as their own.

Either place is a good choice. If you can you should come and visit Wrocław and see for yourself. Being so close to Berlin is a big plus!
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
18 Feb 2012 /  #5
Not to mention the women there are so darn hot, i mean there has got to be something in the water there man lol.

If you think that is the case, you should take a walk on Friday or Saturday afternoon in old town Warsaw and your eyes will pop out your head. I don't know if it's just me me but Krakovians look decidedly average in comparison to Varsavians. And this is coming from somebody who was born in Malopolska.
OP 22ftw  1 | 3  
18 Feb 2012 /  #6
I also spent 6 years in Wrocław and am in love with the town

Wroclaw sounds like a great place man, why did i not go there when i was there this past summer! Should have went there instead of Warsaw. I mean Warsaw was a pretty cool city, with its old town and Uprising memorial. but still Wroclaw is a must, i will not make the same mistake twice. Its gonna be Wroclaw or Krakow, ima roll the dice ;P
18 Feb 2012 /  #7
I'm not knockin Warsaw, but to me, that whole city is a memorial, y'know? Wrocław just has this awesome, I dunno.. energy, is the best way to put it. And I'm not some touchy-feely kinda guy, either.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Feb 2012 /  #8
Wrocław just has this awesome, I dunno.. energy

i wouldn't put it that way.

wroclaw is a good place to be, yes

as a tourist city it is a two or three day destination.

for music, clubs and bars it's great, most of the time.

university types will find all they are looking for.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Feb 2012 /  #9
Its gonna be Wroclaw or Krakow, ima roll the dice ;

How long will your studies take you?.....
OP 22ftw  1 | 3  
19 Feb 2012 /  #10
I'm not knockin Warsaw, but to me, that whole city is a memorial, y'know?

Yeah i don't mean to knock it ether; however, i really would have loved to see that city before the Nazis destroyed it. I think it would have been outstanding.

university types will find all they are looking for.

I am looking into programs there right now for Wroclaw but there are significantly less programs available compared to Krakow. But i know i can find one that meets my needs.

How long will your studies take you?.....

I can study there for one semester or a year. I have to save my own money for this trip, I'm only 22 and its hard busing tables to make a trip like this happen lol. But i know its going to be worth it. I have about 2 years till i get my bachelors, if that is what you were wondering.
19 Feb 2012 /  #11
I have to save my own money for this trip

I feel confident in telling you, your dollar will go further in Wro. Especially as a foreigner whom might not be as savvy as a local in spending it.

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