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General differences between Poland and the USA?

jkb  - | 197  
5 Jun 2013 /  #151
Unfortunately, that is true and very disheartening to see...
mochadot18  18 | 245  
5 Jun 2013 /  #152
Unfortunately, child obseity is on the rise in Poland according to TV news reports. In fact, the increase is much faster than elsewhere in the EU. It's probably a combiantion of junk food, hours in front of the comoptuer and paretns providing written excuses for their kids to sit out PT at school.

Have you seen the U.S????? I mean McDonalds is the biggest sponsor of the olympics, what do you expect kids are way to lazy these days and their parents arnt pushing them too go out and be active. But I know the U.S is really trying to change this such as I know before I graduated high school and even when I was in middle schools they starting changing out our vending machines getting more healthy food and getting rid of the cookies. Lots of schools also now have a ban on having soda in vending machines. And in New York its even against the law for any place mostly gas stations and fast food places to sell 42oz Sodas from the fountain drinks.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jun 2013 /  #153
Unfortunately, child obesity is on the rise in Poland according to TV news reports.

It is. And two minutes spent outside can tell you why :(

In fact, the increase is much faster than elsewhere in the EU.

It is very believable.

It's probably a combination of junk food, hours in front of the computer and parents providing written excuses for their kids to sit out PT at school.

It's a bit more complicated than that, but for instance :

- Grandparents can now afford all sorts of treats that they couldn't in the previous generation
- Children being made to sit in pushchairs and munch
- Children not allowed out because of imaginary pedophiles
- Children not being allowed to play because they might get hurt
- Diabolical attitudes towards physical education in Poland (many PE teachers are utter failures in life)

And so on. I've lost track of the amount of big fat children that I see in pushchairs! I even saw one girl the other day who was too fat to walk properly - the girl was 3. A crying shame.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
5 Jun 2013 /  #154
Children not allowed out because of imaginary pedophiles??? Really lol

Also now a days children don't go to summer camps as much, parents don't feel like paying for them, instead they stay home all day. Also even those kids that do go away instead of playing and having fun nowadays kids at the age of 7 have cells phones so instead of playing at actually texting their little friends. Its so different from when I was a kid I got my first phone for my 9th birthday. But I remember none of my friends had texting it was only to call my parents and friends so I was not on it much.

Have you guys seen that new cell phone that is also hand held playstation so that the kids have a game station everywhere they go??? It's because of things like this that are causing kids to be such little fatties. Its pathetic and honestly I would make my kid run on a treadmill for hours if they ever got fat haha. Kids are also not signing up for sports as much anymore.

Delph do your kids still have gym class?? I know some schools are even cutting gym classes too try to cut down on costs just like most schools are cutting art and music classes.
5 Jun 2013 /  #155
I agree with Delphiandomine. I visited Poland a few weeks ago and I was amazed at the obese children I witnessed. The adults also seem fatter than the last time I was in Poland.
grspring  11 | 55  
5 Jun 2013 /  #156
OK forgive me for turning this thread to fat.

One of the major differences between the two countries is that we can live very well on our American Social Security while living in Poland.
jkb  - | 197  
6 Jun 2013 /  #157
That's not a difference. That's like comparing apples to oranges...
mochadot18  18 | 245  
6 Jun 2013 /  #158
One of the major differences between the two countries is that we can live very well on our American Social Security while living in Poland.

That's great for you. Too bad i'm not guaranteed to still be able to get social security with the way everything is looking and the way its going bankrupt haha.

jkb: Also, a large part of unemployment in Poland is purely on paper for benefits purposes.

Also question does Poland count Discouraged workers into their unemployment rates???? Because the U.S does not.
grspring  11 | 55  
6 Jun 2013 /  #159
Too bad i'm not guaranteed to still be able to get social security with the way everything is looking and the way its going bankrupt

I wrote to my Senator and he agreed that the way to save SS is to (1) Remove the cap on earnings and (2) Treat money that earns money the same as labor that earns money.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
6 Jun 2013 /  #160
Well Yes the whole cap is just stupid and should have never been put in place, it definitely needs to be gotten rid of.

Can you expand on what you mean by #2???

Also just because he wrote back does not mean that this will actually happen i sure hope it will but doesn't look like it as long as Obama is here.
grspring  11 | 55  
6 Jun 2013 /  #161
Capital gains tax (money earned from investments) are taxed like interest. You only pay FICA (Social Security) tax on earned income, not savings or investment earnings.

Long term capital gains (stock held for 12 months or more) is taxed at a capital gain rate. So if you get up in the morning and go to the factory, your tax rate could be around 28%. If you stay home and watch the stock market your tax rate is around 15%.

Before retiring I worked for a company that owned 3 sports teams. A bench sitter making $5 million a year, would finish paying Social security a week and a half into the year.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
6 Jun 2013 /  #162
not savings

Yeah but that is because your savings is from the money you got from your income so its usually already been taxed no point in taxing the same money twice. Its the same this as gifting money to family members that money has already been taxed so it wouldn't be fair to tax it again.

The other problem is that the rich hardly have to pay taxes on what they make. They find every tax break that they can get, they hide their money in off shore accounts so no one especially the government can get it.

A bench sitter making $5 million a year, would finish paying Social security a week and a half into the year.

Yes now that is stupid

The other big thing is that I personally think that way tooo many people abuse the system. Way too many people collect unemployment, when they can get a job.
grspring  11 | 55  
6 Jun 2013 /  #163
If you buy an investment with money that was earned from an investment it's still Capital Gains and Social Security is not involved. The tax codes were written by corporations and the extremely wealthy. There is no fixing the tax code, it has to be thrown out and a fair code written. However since tax bills are generated in congress this could never happen as outside lobbyists dole out the money for campaigns and pet projects. Congressmen who own family farms make sure they are eligible for subsidies. Wall Street reform is hard to since congressmen can do insider trading without much fear of penalty.

It's just a mess. Looks like my plan to move somewhere I have only a rudimentary knowledge of the language will work. Maybe I won't understand I'm getting screwed.

PS: You have to pay federal tax on Social Security and many states collect collect state tax on SS as well. Good luck with those twilight years everyone.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
6 Jun 2013 /  #164
It's just a mess. Looks like my plan to move somewhere I have only a rudimentary knowledge of the language will work. Maybe I won't understand I'm getting screwed.

haha sounds like a pretty legit plan too me lol

How different is the Weather in Poland compared to that of lets just say Upstate New York, where its freezing in the winter but hot in the summer?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jun 2013 /  #165
About the same as America's northern states include upstate New York. Latitudinally Poland is about as far north as frigid Hudson's Bay, but the Gulf Stream, a warm Atlłantic current, warms the Old Continent.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
8 Jun 2013 /  #166
Does Poland have American Restaurants, like in the U.S we have Chinese places and Polish places, so does Poland have U.S places???

Also does Poland have Hibachi restaurants???
pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Jun 2013 /  #167
There are American restaurants in Poland, like McDonalds, KFC and such ;)

There is also Jeffs which is called American but it is only similar.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
8 Jun 2013 /  #168
McDonalds, KFC and such

But those arn't good places lol those arn't even that good in American just cheap lol. Jeffs sounds more like it what do they have??
pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Jun 2013 /  #169
Check here: www. Jeffs.pl
mochadot18  18 | 245  
8 Jun 2013 /  #170
Now that sounds more like it HAHA. Def looks like an American restaurant from the outside, but not a bad food choice. And do all places serve Diet Coke and Coke products??
pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Jun 2013 /  #171
They serve coca-cola zero and light. It's not healthy anyway :)
mochadot18  18 | 245  
8 Jun 2013 /  #172
No but that's why American's drink lol I only do Diet though, do you know about if Poland has Hibachi??? And do they serve American beers at bars???
Paulina  18 | 4545  
8 Jun 2013 /  #173
do you know about if Poland has Hibachi???

Yes, but it's called teppanyaki:

Teppanyaki is a Japanese garden, where new Papaya Thai Restaurant Master arranges a true culinary show, preparing meals in front of guests. Fly knives, and the food is on fire! Will be served dishes such as:

salmon marinated in cajun pepper - 56 zł,
duck marinated in sake - 58 zł,
chicken with mushrooms - 36 zł,
squid - 38 zł.
For younger guests, a lot of magic tricks, at which great fun the whole family. The offer also includes a children's menu:

chicken with soba noodles in honey - 28 zł,
chicken in sauce teryiaki - 28 zł,
shrimp with soba noodles - 42 zł.


Btw, there's a restaurant in my city that is called "American Home" lol
mochadot18  18 | 245  
10 Jun 2013 /  #174
gastronauci.pl/pl/artykuly/1610-restauracja-papa ya-w-w arszawie-zaprasza-na-teppanyaki#ad-image-0

MY MOUTH IS WATERING HAHA that place LOOKS Awesome haha OMg I wanna just transport their right now.

Is Poland as technologically advanced as the u.s???
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2013 /  #175
More so in many areas.

And do they serve American beers at bars???

Some bars, yeah. Not that any of it is worth drinking ;)
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
10 Jul 2013 /  #176
that's because you've only had the mass produced bull$hit American beers, the good stuff simply cannot be found in Poland.
Anthonycasey  1 | 11  
10 Jul 2013 /  #177
'The good stuff cannot be found in Poland'... are you kidding? There's a micro-brewery thing going on here that would have you begging and weeping for more. Not easy to get hold of, mind, but even in Kraków you can find bars that serve something way more interesting than yellow headache water. As part of the Kraków Post's crack Beer of the Month team, you have my word on that:)

Anthony Casey
tygrys  2 | 290  
10 Jul 2013 /  #178
What a stupid topic. Those are two different countries, different traditions and culture and there are million upon millllion of differences. You can go on forever about this and still won't cover all the diffs. it's like comparing apples with oranges. Then one country will say : " oh, we do this better than you" and argues their point, instead of accepting each country as it is.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
10 Jul 2013 /  #179
instead of accepting each country as it is.

you got that right
Monitor  13 | 1810  
10 Jul 2013 /  #180
'The good stuff cannot be found in Poland'... are you kidding?

I think that FUZZYWICKETS meant good American beers.

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