Well i'm a Polish man living in the U.S, and i love our all American women lol
Do Polish guys like American girls?
We love American girs

i love our all American women
Sth like above?
Oh SNAP! I'd hit that a ton!
Pinching Pete - | 554
16 Oct 2010 / #65
Sth like above?
Honestly.. that's not really an exaggeration, esp in the US Midwest.
big country boobs, from eating all that cornbread
American girls are cool; we like them.
trener zolwia 1 | 939
16 Oct 2010 / #68
American girls are cool
Cool?? They're downright chilly!
Sth like above?
those aren't American girls, these are...
You took these pictures in the silicone camp, right? ;-)
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
16 Oct 2010 / #71
silicone camp
nah, he took them in the Silicone Valley;)
haha not a single one has fake boobs, these are college girls not stripers
Pinching Pete - | 554
17 Oct 2010 / #73
these are college girls not stripers
Yeah in college in California.. every where else looks like somebody put dresses on a herd of water buffalo.
Nah, here in Pennsylvania we've got some hot college girls too, mostly the suburban girls, pretty well taken care of.
Nice to see one guy on here doesnt want to assassinate all American girls..Penn, you sure know how to step up to the mark! Full marks to you..You're a real man, unlike these idoits that have put down all American women most of whom have forgotten that their sisters and mothers are just that!
Tut Tut to the rest of you...I wasnt going to comment on this but I had to praise Penn...good lad as we say in Manchester!
Tut Tut to the rest of you...I wasnt going to comment on this but I had to praise Penn...good lad as we say in Manchester!
I wasnt going to comment on this but I had to praise Penn...good lad as we say in Manchester!
thanx babe
Didnt do it for thanks sweetie, just to highlight there are "real" men out there who dont feel the need to put down women...of which Ive never seen you do..Which is a sign of a contented confiendent man with little or no bravado..
Well i respect my mother and sister, so i respect other women
just to highlight there are "real" men out there who dont feel the need to put down women
What is that supposed to mean? Nice argument, ama.
Are you a "real" woman?
Unfortunately the stereotypes about american women are not so far from reality. I am sure there are some in the middle who are attractive and all, but you have so many silicone babes there running around or the ones who are giving shade in summer and warmth in winter.
Sorry, but the measure in terms of looks is quite high...if you once have been to Brazil, Cuba or in Europe to the ex YU area.;-)
To Pennsylvania, I was there and I saw a lot of big, I mean really big women there. I am sure there are attractive ones. Maybe they were just hiding when I was there...;-)
Well i respect my mother
I respect my mother too. What kind of an argument is that?
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
17 Oct 2010 / #80
I respect my mother too. What kind of an argument is that?
that one learns how to treat people at home.
OK. Just at home?
Still don't get the magnitude of that argument. Sorry.
Still don't get the magnitude of that argument. Sorry.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427
17 Oct 2010 / #82
OK. Just at home?
I would say so. Either directly, or indirectly. If he respects his mother he will respect other women- simple, there is not rocket science to that;). Nor there is a magnitude in this argument either, so if you are making fun of those fat American women whose pic you so keenly posted, you don't respect them, therefore if your mother would get fat, which I am assuming she is not, you would disrespect her too;). Or maybe your mother pays too much attention to her weight, I don't know.
there is not rocket science to that;). Nor there is a magnitude in this argument either.
Of course not, man. Just how he formulated it, it looked to me that way and that's way too much.
Honestly, do you respect ALL women ;-)
Do Polish guys like American girls?
Unless they're gay..
HI Everyone!!
I met and worked with a polish guy and admired HIm so much,I fall
in love with him but sad to say I'm not His type.I fell in love with Him coz
I observed He is a nice,gentleman,caring and seems shy type of a guy....
since then I feel and do believe guys from poland are one of the best...
HI Everyone!!
I met and worked with a polish guy and admired HIm so much,I fall
in love with him but sad to say I'm not His type.I fell in love with Him coz
I observed He is a nice,gentleman,caring and seems shy type of a guy....
since then I feel and do believe guys from poland are one of the best...
O yea, I remember you. You're cute and smart but you were too young for me :)
deeply_inluv 1 | 28
21 Oct 2010 / #87
hi xyla, so what happen? are you guys did have a chance to really know each other?
30 Sep 2012 / #88
she was from the Deep South. I remember her once saying that London was far more dangerous than the USA - because back home "if someone pulls up at the lights and tries to jack my car, I pull out my gun and blow that n1gger's head off. I can't do that over here, and that's not right".
She was not a real Southerner..Lady or otherwise. That is ghettospeak. Only time a southerner uses N word , they are prejudiced AND are referring directly to a black individual (Those theevin Neggers cross't street are makin me plumb het up!). Do NOT use JACK for steal... are um... NOT likely to live in town with that many long stoplights. Usually call a gun by it's name or a name and say "TAINT RIGHT".
It would be CAINTDOWITT one word. She mite been livin a southern city when you seed'er an courted er but she twern't no Southn'r.
(exp: raised middle school and hs deep south. Cahrlinahs, Gawjuh, and Bamma. Has been coon hunting for blind date fun ...er no it was not. Green dogs flushed a deer!)
jus sayin budirow
WielkiPolak 54 | 988
30 Sep 2012 / #89
American is such a big place with so many women of so many different colors and creeds that for each fat corn fed texas big momma you'll get 2 or 3 seriously good looking females.
Yup I agree, there are many nice girls out here in the US, but in general polish girls are more visually appealing