Let me paraphrase the thread so far:
Well done Shawn. Your summary captures the very essence of this thread's trashing.
It is getting a little old guys.
Indeed it is, but we shouldn't stay silent while this forum is turned into a hostile place for the very people it is meant to serve: Anglophonic Polonians.
pgtx - stay out of it.
Don't be giving such orders to any of the moderators, delphiandomine, they are all here to make sure people don't troll the forum.
Vincent has already dealt with it and made an agreement with us - should myself or Harry reply to Des (or provoke him in any way) - then it's a long suspension
Des is also under the same agreement - he cannot reply to or provoke us in any way.
I have made no such agreement with Vincent or any other moderator. I will continue to reply to your posts when I see fit to do so.
You have absolutely no need to get involved here, nor were you party to the agreement between ourselves and Vincent. In fact, you weren't even a moderator at the time. Thanks :)
There is a glaring need for pgtx to get involved in this, and other threads, that are being trashed by th likes of delphiandomine and harry. This is an English language Polish discussion forum and threads like this one should be unsullied by an irrational hatred of Polish-Americans.
Can anyone suggest specific Polish-Americans and others who might be good candidates to help honor and illuminate this profoundly heroic and inspirational true story ... to inspire current and future generations?
I would like to suggest hiring the Polish-American musician Dick Dale to work on the film's soundtrack. He has composed for other films in the past and surf music makes everything better!

Spray hate away!