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Polish traffickers in the UK jailed for enslaving hundreds of their own people

5 Jul 2019 /  #1
This is a truly shocking and sad case.
Members and associates of two Polish crime families have been jailed for between 3 and 11 years in 2 separate trials for trafficking, conspiracy to require another to perform forced labour, and money laundering.

Julianna Chodakowicz, 24, Marek Brzezinski, 50, Marek Chowaniec, 30, Justyna Parczewska, 48, and Natalia Zmuda, 29, were sentenced to a total of 35 years in February, and today, Ignacy Brzezinski, 53, Jan Sadowski, 28, and Wojciech Nowakowski, 42, were sentenced in what has been described as the UK's largest ever modern slavery ring.

Police believe there have been up to 400 victims, vulnerable people from their own homeland who were targeted with promises of money and a better life.

The reality turned out to be very different. Victims were housed in appalling conditions in the West Midlands, put to work in a variety of menial jobs and were made to open bank accounts which the offenders had complete control of. One of the victims died in captivity and his possessions removed to avoid discovery of the plot. Over a 5 year period the gang netted over £2 million pounds.

When victims complained, they were threatened and tortured.
In 2015, 2 victims escaped and contacted Hope for Justice, a slavery charity, and told of their ordeal.

Ironside  50 | 12312  
5 Jul 2019 /  #2
two Polish crime families

Wasn't they gypsies? At least most of them?>
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
5 Jul 2019 /  #3
They look like gypsies.... but what gets me is how those Poles were so stupid as to fall for it.
Were they druggies alky's or mental retards?
mafketis  38 | 10868  
5 Jul 2019 /  #4
Wasn't they gypsies? At least most of them?>

There seems to be some gypsy involvement but at least half of the defendants don't look like gypsies (to me)

There is no shortage of scuzzy bottom feeder Poles eager to rip off their countrymen... lock them up and throw away the key!
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
5 Jul 2019 /  #5
They look like gypsies to me.....

mafketis  38 | 10868  
6 Jul 2019 /  #6
When and where do you see Polish gypsies? A couple look a bit like there might be some gypsy ancestry but generally no, they don't like the gypsies that you see in Poland...

Granted there are cases where gypsy criminals in WEurope get labelled by citizenship rather than ethnic group (especially from Slovakia and Lithuania it seems) but in this case I don't see it (and I've had gypsy neighbors and used to live in a part of town where they were more concentrated)

cms neuf  1 | 1721  
6 Jul 2019 /  #7
Don't look like gypsies to me either - I see plenty on my travels around Polsnd and other countries.

Still easy to rush to judgements from behind a screen in Chicago (or Moscow)
OP Chemikiem  
6 Jul 2019 /  #8
Wasn't they gypsies?

I have read that one of the families are Polish Roma, but I don't think all of them are.

Were they druggies alky's or mental retards?

Unfortunately, many of them had problems. Some had fragile mental health, some were alcoholics, and others were homeless. Some had financial problems due to business failure and redundancy, others had marital problems.

What they all had in common though, is that these people were vulnerable and targeted specifically. The gang used to round them up from outside homeless shelters for example. When people are desperate for a better life, they don't always think rationally, and the offer of a new life and job obviously proved tempting.

No justification whatsoever for the appalling way they were treated. If they tried to leave, they were told their families back home would suffer, or that they could start digging their own graves.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. I've found another recent case of a large scale slavery operation. Four more Poles jailed for trafficking their own countrymen, this time in Newcastle.


It appears that modern day slavery is on the rise in the UK, which is extremely disturbing to say the least.
Does anyone know if this has been widely reported in the Polish press?

Guys, just a reminder to please respect my thread and keep on topic. This thread is not about the IQ of the British, meet ups in London or religion. Please don't post unless it is relevant to the thread topic thanks.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
6 Jul 2019 /  #9
By the way - what do you mean by their own people? Aren't people individuals? Regardless of their gender, age, race or ethnicity?

Why shun nationalists then if you operate within the same pattern of thinking?
6 Jul 2019 /  #10
I think that sort of operation is stupid. Why not just do modeling with young girls like the Ukrainians like to do if you want to make quick money?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2019 /  #11
It depends on what their specialty is, what they're good at, who they know, etc.. Some are welders, some run modeling agencies, some do "recruiting"

Recruiting companies make anywhere from a quarter to 100% of a new hires salary so there's even more money to be made as theres less competition and a huge demand due to all the job vacancies
OP Chemikiem  
7 Jul 2019 /  #12
what do you mean by their own people?

In the title I meant 'people' in the sense of them being members of a particular country. The traffickers enslaved hundreds of their own countrymen, the Polish people.

Human trafficking is horrendous anyway, but it just seems somehow worse to me that the victims were people deliberately targeted from their own country.
jon357  72 | 22778  
7 Jul 2019 /  #13
Don't look like gypsies to me either

No evidence that most of them are, not that it's relevant.

There is no shortage of scuzzy bottom feeder Poles eager to rip off their countrymen

Sadly no shortage at all. This seems to be true everywhere,

These crimes should never have happened, and appropriate sentences have been given by the courts.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
7 Jul 2019 /  #14
he traffickers enslaved hundreds of their own countrymen,

Well, they weren't nationalists then, you should rest easy. Unless they were in fact gyppos in which case they are disgusting racist anyways.


just seems somehow worse to me that the victims were people deliberately targeted from their own country.

That is the patter I'm talking about. Why is that somewhat worse?
It is logical they are much more familiar with their own country and it makes it easier to target an easy prey.

These crimes should never have happened, and appropriate sentences have been given by the courts.@ jon357

Are you pontificating again?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jul 2019 /  #15
The traffickers enslaved hundreds of their own countrymen

That word is about to lose its meaning. A slave who can walk out and go to the police is not a slave. Just as a woman who is physically able to walk out cannot claim years of abuse.
jon357  72 | 22778  
7 Jul 2019 /  #16
Are you pontificating again?

No, you are.

The justice system exists for a reason, and these criminals have been justly sentenced. Hopefully they will be deported on release.
OP Chemikiem  
7 Jul 2019 /  #17
It is logical they are much more familiar with their own country

This is true, but it seems like the ultimate betrayal to traffick people from one's own country.

A slave who can walk out and go to the police is not a slave.

Did you read any of the articles I gave links to in the first post?

When people are tortured, as many of them were, it tends to keep people in line. Especially the thought of something happening to their families back home, the threat of having kidneys removed, and being told they would be digging their own graves.

But hey! You know better.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jul 2019 /  #18
Yes, I do. If you can walk, you are not a slave. After the first session of "torture", I would be running to the cops, not walking.

The threat of hurting "families back home" is bs. It can be made to the first person walking down the street. "If you don't give me all your money, I will kill your mom and dad". Actually, by not going to the police you would be aiding and abetting the criminals. Like paying ransom or blackmail. There is no end to it. In fact, paying ransom should be a felony because your act of paying ransom sustains the crime of kidnapping.

I know. You are a woman so logic is heartless.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
7 Jul 2019 /  #19
he ultimate betrayal to traffick people from one's own country.

Again - why? After all that is what you are against, a preferential attitude given to people from one's country. You're not up to speed with progressives. Everyone equal but offence against foreigners, different creed or a race is so much worse than those inflicted on one's countrymen.

You are on par with some hard core nationalist in your believes here.

Yes, I do. I

No you don't. You are detached from the reality and most likely you don't even know yourself.
OP Chemikiem  
7 Jul 2019 /  #20
Yes, I do.

Well why don't you apply for a job with Anti-Slavery International, being as though you have all the right answers and a wealth of advice and experience to offer.

Honestly, you are unbelievable. Just because someone isn't physically chained, doesn't mean they aren't shackled psychologically. Try harder.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jul 2019 /  #21
If you allow "shackled psychologically" as having any meaning other than a lame explanation, then anyone walking down the street could sue you for false imprisonment or enslavement. Try harder. "Your Honor, I was free to leave but this sob shackled me psychologically. I want five million bucks"

Also, if "shackled psychologically" is equivalent of "slavery", tell that to the reparations advocates here in the US to use this term instead. It would go like this: We want reparations for the psychological shackling of African-Americans. Yeah. Sure it would sell very well.

Do you realize how stupid your "shackled psychologically" is? Especially in a country like the UK or the US where there is friendly police and millions of people ready to help right down the street? It's not like escaping from Black Dolphin or Dachau, for crying out loud.

BTW, how do you explain the actions and the behavior of the NAZI death camps inmates the moment they were liberated? Did they stay in a daze because over the years they got used to being "shackled psychologically' or did they try to kill their oppressors?
mafketis  38 | 10868  
7 Jul 2019 /  #22
Well why don't you apply for a job with Anti-Slavery

Leave it to RM to side with the slavers....
OP Chemikiem  
7 Jul 2019 /  #23
lame explanation

Ok, given that you appear to be the expert in these matters, perhaps you would like to tell me why so many people in this situation didn't just up and leave when they had the chance?

After all that is what you are against, a preferential attitude given to people from one's country.

Where did I say that? I think you're looking into what I said a bit too deeply Iron.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
7 Jul 2019 /  #24
Perhaps. On the other hand maybe you just don't understand progressive ideology and just go with the flow. In that case there ought to be some inconsistency in your views.

If you allow

Some adults are vulnerable for some or other reason. Some people exploit it for their gain. Sometimes it is extreme. You just cannot dismiss any or all wronging basic it on - hey he could just walk off to the police. That bonkers. Totally detached from reality.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928  
7 Jul 2019 /  #25
you just don't understand progressive ideology

WTF is "Progressive Ideology"? and what, exactly, is "Progressive" about it?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jul 2019 /  #26
You just cannot dismiss any or all wronging basic it on - hey he could just walk off to the police.

Yes, I can. I am paying big bucks for the police - the FBI, state, county and the city.
The problem is that in the PC world we always excuse the "victim". The victim is never a co-contributor and always an angel.

The facts are not so angelic. The sex slaves typically break the law by crossing over illegally or lying on the visa application by stating that they are only coming here to visit Aunt Matilda. Instead, they work, which is another violation of law. Some will steal IDs and forge their Social Security cards, two federal felonies. Yes, I should feel sorry for them because they do it only to better themselves.

Many, especially Poles, overstay their visas. The bad guys look for the criminal human garbage like this knowing that the garbage will not go to the police for the reasons I just mentioned. So, all that crap talk about slavery is just an excuse. They don't run to the cops because they don't want to.

Real human trafficking involves kidnapping and imprisonment - both are federal felonies punishable by up to life-no-parole. Add to this aggravated rape if a woman is forced to have sex and you are dealing with major s***. At least in the US. So, what do "traffickers" get in Europe? 5 out in 2? Or parole with "please don't do it again".
cms neuf  1 | 1721  
8 Jul 2019 /  #27
None of them were overstaying their visas Rich - it's the EU and they have every right to live and work in Britain.

Still I realize that being controversial is just what you are paid for so hopefully you will get a bonus helping of kasza for that
Lenka  5 | 3471  
8 Jul 2019 /  #28
Try to respond again Rich after you stop being so hysterical
OP Chemikiem  
8 Jul 2019 /  #29
They don't run to the cops because they don't want to.

Is that your answer to my question as to why the victims didn't leave when they had the chance? Bit of a lame explanation don't you think? Obviously they preferred the holiday camp conditions they were living under than going to the police. I see your speciality is victim blaming. Instead of rambling about the US and showing your ignorance regarding visas and freedom of movement in Europe, why don't you actually read about the case from my links, that way you would also know about the sentences the traffickers were given.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
8 Jul 2019 /  #30
Gypsies are not Poles. They are human tumors.

Notice for mods: strong verbal abuse against an ethnic group. Should not be tolerated on the PF and punished with a lengthy suspension.

Does anyone know if this has been widely reported in the Polish press?

It has been widely reported on TV. Having said that, I don't know about public TV since I stopped watching information programs on TVP due to stubborn and obtrusive governemnt propaganda there.

You are a woman so logic is heartless.

Notice for mods: fairly mild verbal abuse of women. Abuser should be suspended?

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