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Ketamine recommended to be upgraded to class B, will this have an impact on Poland?

Ant63 13 | 410  
10 Dec 2013 /  #1
Under the new classification, illegal possession of ketamine could lead to a five-year jail sentence.

Ketamine is an anaesthetic used for operations on humans and animals that has become a popular recreational drug.

Kettamine recommended to be upgraded to class B. This should keep the UK border force busy and be a problem for Poles in the UK.
Kevvy 2 | 37  
10 Dec 2013 /  #2
Why is it a problem for uk poles?
OP Ant63 13 | 410  
10 Dec 2013 /  #3
Lets imagine Dr Spock gives you Ketamine in Poland. You fly to the UK and you are then guilty of drug trafficking.
Kevvy 2 | 37  
10 Dec 2013 /  #4
Ah, is it legal in Poland? In the uk it is licensed for animal use and emergency medical use.
10 Dec 2013 /  #5
You fly to the UK and you are then guilty of drug trafficking.

You would be at the moment: class C drugs are illegal and can get you a couple of years for simple possession or 14 years for supply.
OP Ant63 13 | 410  
10 Dec 2013 /  #6
You would be at the moment

Yes I know. My partner was most upset when I disposed of her "supply". When a UK doctor explained why it was an issue she understood. Similar problem to the over indulgence in antibiotics practised by many Poles.
smurf 38 | 1940  
10 Dec 2013 /  #7
Pretty sure you aren't just prescribed Ket in Poland, isn't it only for procedures that induces anaesthesia for very short medical procedures?
What I mean is doctors/nurses would have access to it, but they don't prescribe it...
or am I mistaken?

And if it can be prescribed, what symptoms/illness must I have to get it prescribed?
I very much doubt that doctors prescribe it in Poland, but then again......
Kevvy 2 | 37  
10 Dec 2013 /  #8

A little old but basically states ketamine is for medical procedures mainly in children

So supposedly you arnt able to get ketamine prescribed but can be given it in a hospital
10 Dec 2013 /  #9
This will have an an impact on Poland.

Why? I mean, the stuff is already illegal in the UK unless one has a valid prescription.
It's the same story with benzodiazepines: some Polish doctors hand the things out like Smarties and people seem to see nothing wrong with sharing other people's supplies but they are illegal in the UK unless you have a prescription for them.
sobieski 106 | 2111  
10 Dec 2013 /  #10
Dentists prescribe it in Poland after particular painful interventions. We have it at home, but never use it, I should have a look at expiry date on the bottle.
OP Ant63 13 | 410  
10 Dec 2013 /  #11
Ant63:This will have an an impact on Poland.

I didn't add that bit


The truth is you can buy it over the counter in Poland. It's in lots of pain relief medication. Prescription not required.

Dentists prescribe it in Poland after particular painful interventions.

They even give a kit to inject yourself when you have a bad back.

A little old but basically states ketamine is for medical procedures mainly in children

For children I think the side effects would be particularly undesirable. It brings on severe nightmares and halucinations. Not the purple haze of sixties acid although that had some pretty nasty side effects for some people.
smurf 38 | 1940  
10 Dec 2013 /  #12
Dentists prescribe it in Poland after particular painful interventions

thanks I didn't know that.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Ketamine recommended to be upgraded to class B, will this have an impact on Poland?Archived