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Polish migrants provide a welcome boost for Southampton (The Polish mile)

Wroclaw Boy  
5 Jun 2015 /  #1
Just came across this article which was amusing.

An influx of 10's of thousands of Poles has left Southampton's schools full to bursting - with some locals feeling pushed out. But BARBARA DAVIES, who grew up there, found there's another side to the story

Most recent figures show that there are now 25,000 Poles living in the city. With a population of around 240,000, that means more than one in ten is Polish.


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5 Jun 2015 /  #2
nice article for a change! and in the Mail! amazing.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jun 2015 /  #3
The Polish Mile, as the locals are now calling it used to be known as the mutant mile, its one of the more common areas in Southampton. I visit there sometimes and i don't blame the locals for being slightly annoyed, i would say that 2 out of every 10 people are Polish. When you drive in the area it shows even more who's Polish and who's not. They do tend to drive with that Polish arrogance, really annoying, no road etiquette.

My Polish brother in law was even attacked one night by three Polish lads, they beat him up pretty good too. If/when i lived in a foreign country the last thing i'd want is to live in areas surrounded by British people. Know what i mean?
6 Jun 2015 /  #4
Southampton ! Crikey what a dump of a place. It's not just Polish that live there it also has a high percentage of Somalia and Afro Caribbean persons. I went to Southampton once, I thought I wasn't going to make it out alive !!. One place I would NEVER want to live.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jun 2015 /  #5
One place I would NEVER want to live.

I used to think that until i visited Sheffield and quite a few other places North of and including Birmingham. Where do you live?

I went to Southampton once, I thought I wasn't going to make it out alive !!

Really, what did you do - walk around St Marys calling all the coloured chaps paki's or something? Bournemouth is a nice place to live.

lol....the place is a dump and a typical response from someone who can't take criticism.

Im more than willing to discuss Southampton in more detail, i have no problem with criticism, i welcome it. Please define dump? What constitutes a dump? Its easy to think of a certain place as a dump, till you compare it with others. Where do you live?

It would appear that you are bothered about my comment regarding 2 Poles for every 10 people in some parts of Southampton, Assuming you are Polish, how would you feel if 20% of the people in your home town were Russian or Pakistani and they were rude to you and drove like maniacs?
6 Jun 2015 /  #6
Actually I am English and live in the North Yorkshire moor area. I appreciate your comment about alot of immigrants, see I don't have that problem here, but I am seeing a major migration of southern people coming up here to get away from high eastern European intake areas like Southampton. I think anywhere with mass immigration is dump to be fair.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jun 2015 /  #7
but I am seeing a major migration of southern people coming up here to get away from high eastern European intake areas like Southampton.

The reason some people move up North is mainly because property is about half the price. Certainly not immigration.

Have you ever been to Sheffield? i was absolutely shocked at that place, its about 70% ex council by the looks of it, I went up there a couple of months ago and saw first hand the people, the poverty, the roads, the buildings, i have never seen so many ugly people in one place in all my life and I've been to Belgium......and the obesity was shocking too. Southampton is a paradise compared to that place. They call it the grim North for a reason. I honestly missed the Poles whilst i was in Sheffield ohh and Rotherham too, thats just as bad.

I think anywhere with mass immigration is dump to be fair.

London must be number one on your list going by that logic. It depends on the caliber of immigrants really. Poles for the most part are pretty good immigrants as far as immigrants go.
jon357  72 | 22778  
6 Jun 2015 /  #8
You must have missed the nice bits of Sheffield, which are very nice indeed. A lot of Poles going to the UK go to the North because the country's industrial base is still there and therefore recruitment (especially jobs that don't require much English), Crappy jobs largely, but available.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jun 2015 /  #9
You must have missed the nice bits of Sheffield, which are very nice indeed.

There were some nicer areas in the West with respectable neighbourhoods but even so i really wouldn't want to share a city with such an overwhelming majority of poor people and the problems that brings with it. I was blown away by Ice Sheffield in that it has two Olympic sized rinks within the same complex, and the sport institute across the road also very impressive. Some of the smaller sub districts to the North and closer to the Peak District were OK. The huge shopping complex was very annoying in that its advertised bloody everywhere and the actual city centre seemed to have more £1 shops than Kebab joints...very ugly. and the hills......and the accents drove me nuts.

Can we please focus on Southampton
Lolek222  - | 79  
8 Jun 2015 /  #10
Wow, a positive feedback about Poles and immigration. A rare bird indeed.
Out of topic, flaming content removed

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Polish migrants provide a welcome boost for Southampton (The Polish mile)Archived