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Why English do not like Polish?

mietek emigrant  2 | 3  
17 Aug 2010 /  #1
just a quick question i though i ask here on forum as it seems like lots of englsh people posting. so-why english people doesn't like polish - especially polish emigrants in uk. kinda weird as i didn't observe this with reference to other immigrants in uk, i'd rather prefer to avoid word hate but maybe it should be used here;
Zed  - | 195  
17 Aug 2010 /  #2
Hi, maybe you could shed some of your personal experience before we comment?
Richfilth  6 | 415  
17 Aug 2010 /  #3
Because for years the English have had the chance to blame their laziness, stupidity and irresponsibility on the obviously-different people coming into Britain.

Now that pale-skinned blue-eyed hard-working Europeans from the same area of the moral compass have come in, the English haven't got a xenophobic leg to stand on; the Poles have made them look bad. They can't even criticise the food, because kielbasa and cabbage are infinitely better than Pot Noodles and Marmite washed down with Tizer.

So the English hate the Poles because they've got no reason to be xenophobes any more. Boo hoo. "Bloody Poles, comin' over here, doin' the jobs we won't, treatin' our wimmin with respect, gettin' rid of our old junk scrap cars for us, it just ain't right."
Zed  - | 195  
17 Aug 2010 /  #4
Rich.... an interesting comment. Do you actually live in UK?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Aug 2010 /  #5
They do not like the polish because of slavophobia.It is natural reaction in western world.(for example who likes the Russians?Or the Serbs? etc)
Richfilth  6 | 415  
17 Aug 2010 /  #6
Rich.... an interesting comment. Do you actually live in UK?

Not for the last six years. I'm only commenting on that section of the UK that would make such a silly statement as "I bloody hate Poles". There's no REAL reason to hate Poles, or any other law-abiding immigrant, so I came up with the only rational reason for an otherwise irrational hatred.
omalley  2 | 27  
17 Aug 2010 /  #7
I don't hate the Polish people at all, I think they are most excellent. I love them so much that I am going to marry one...... sorted!
pubben  2 | 15  
17 Aug 2010 /  #8
I think they are most excellent. I love them so much that I am going to marry one......

Same here!

I do not think English people hate Polish people more than they hate any people per se. Every nation is xenophobic to an extent. There is a section of English society that hates Polish people, but then again, they hate Black people, Asian people, Chinese people... the list could go on. You should feel included!

It's a silly question, I could ask why Polish people hate Black people. Some Polish people do, others don't.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
17 Aug 2010 /  #9
There is also a section of Pilsh society that hates the English and still bear a grdge after the Howard Wedd incident in the last EWuro championships.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Aug 2010 /  #10
Some English have a tendency to dislike anything that isn't English. A Scot is only seen as British if he is successful like Andy Murray. Between English and Polish folk, it's a simple difference in perception. They both have an elitist streak in them and perceive themselves as better than the other. They don't look for commonalities when differences will do. I have in mind certain elements within each of their respective societies.
Zed  - | 195  
17 Aug 2010 /  #11
Well.... anyhow. Last tim I visited the UK was in 2001 which was an overnight stay in Windsor. Way back before we joined UK..... Ok, then in 2004 I visited Heathrow on the way to US, again. So, I have no experience with the UK nfested by PL:-). But, soon I will visit there to shape my own opinion as to how the things go. Anyhow... my polish friends who live there do not logde many complaints! :-)
17 Aug 2010 /  #12
There is also a section of Pilsh society that hates the English and still bear a grdge after the Howard Wedd incident in the last EWuro championships.

oh and because they hate Englishmen they beat up innocent Welshmen... poor guy ;P
trevness  1 | 17  
17 Aug 2010 /  #13
I don`t have a problem with Polish people , Some of my best friends are Polish and the ones I work with are very good hard workers.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Aug 2010 /  #14

I really don't understand what it is with this pierogi. I ate them a few times and I really didn't think they were special. No offence meant. To me they are just like bigger Ravioli without the tomato sauce. I like Gowabki (?) - those rolled cabbage leaves with some stuff in it much better than pierogi. And I like Zurek a lot :)

I mean, I liked pierogi, but I really didn't think they were special. Maybe if they would add some tomato sauce to the pierogi, it would improve a bit, but that's just my opinion.

But on topic: you shouldn't hate anybody. Because if you hate ppl it eventually will always come back to you. Period. But it's a bit like with Brits abroad: they even manage to hate the native ppl of the country they're visiting :) Experienced that a few times when I lived in Amsterdam.


M-G (could be woken up for a decent bowl of Zurek any time)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
17 Aug 2010 /  #15
so-why english people doesn't like polish - especially polish emigrants in uk. kinda weird as i didn't observe this with reference to other immigrants in uk

It's considered "acceptable" to be prejudiced towards Poles as they are white Europeans. The media loves to encourage these views, but as we have so many PC laws these days, this would never be tolerated towards non-Europeans. There's no way you would read an article which celebrates the fact that Pakis or Africans are "going home" (or encourages them to do so) - the Grauniad-reading yogurt-knitters would be "offended" and have a field day.

However, it's also not really surprising that a lot of English people are fed up of Poles. They have come over in huge numbers during the past six years, and the previous Polish population in the UK of around 250 000 has probably quadrupled since then. During this time, unemployment has risen massively, and it wasn't exactly low in 2004 either. Despite continually rising unemployment, they have continued to come over in huge numbers.

What makes it worse is that the left-wing media still continually goes on about "jobs the Bristish won't do", when we have fewer and few jobs, but more and more applicants. An example here:


If the leftie media were a bit more (ha!) impartial, they would keep us informed of the relentless non-EU immigration we have to put up with, which causes far more problems; in which case, the Poles would probably be let off the hook. But, as I mentioned above, this is never going to happen, as it's "not PC" to do so. So the Poles get all the cr*p from the media, and therefore some Britons believe that Poles are the biggest (or even only) threat to them.

Let me just mention that we as a community were not hated until a few years ago - few other immigrant groups have assimilated as well as we had in the past, and few people could honestly recognise "a Pole" until recently.

Unfortunately, it's also a different generation coming over now, who are not escaping oppression or war, and are purely economic migrants. Which means that they have nothing to be "grateful" to Britain for, and many have a smug "the UK owes us a living" attitude, which p*sses hard-working Britons off - and with good reason!

I see this from both sides - as someone who was born in England, but also came from a Polish family. Yet even I get fed up of Polish immigrants - partly for the reasons above, but also because many seem to think that because I speak the language, it's OK for them to slag off the UK and English people (especially English women), and are stupid enough to think that I will agree! And as for the ones who think I'm going to help them get as many benefits as they can, so they don't need to work - I'd have them back on the coach tonight!

Quite simply, the main problem is that far too many came over too quickly. If only 50 000 had been allowed in since 2004, I don't think anyone would have even though that Poles were a "problem" at all.

But it's a bit like with Brits abroad: they even manage to hate the native ppl of the country they're visiting :)

Some Britons. I love visiting other countries, and I certainly do not make a point of looking for "other British people" when I'm abroad either. Furthermore, I've never visited another country without making an effort to get by in at least one official language. I know you didn't really mean that all Britons are like this, but please try not to generalise. Believe it or not, some of us are actually quite cultured and respectful over here.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Aug 2010 /  #16
So the English hate the Poles because they've got no reason to be xenophobes any more.


You're a cock you're a cock you're a cock!

Thats all I have to say on the matter - to you!

just a quick question i though i ask here on forum as it seems like lots of englsh people posting. so-why english people doesn't like polish - especially polish emigrants in uk. kinda weird as i didn't observe this with reference to other immigrants in uk, i'd rather prefer to avoid word hate but maybe it should be used here;

Most Brits strangely enough dont actually spend half of their day pondering on how much they dislike Poles, I'd go as far as to say, they dont think about Poles at all..

bit like with Brits abroad: they even manage to hate the native ppl of the country they're visiting :) Experienced that a few times when I lived in Amsterdam.

A few times doesnt mean all.

Believe it or not, some of us are actually quite cultured and respectful over here.

Here here!! :D
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Aug 2010 /  #17
Of course I know it's not all the British, but unfortunately those with the beerbellies, the purple bald heads and their slutty gf's are the types you usually notice first as they don't seem to manage to behave themselves and are loud. The ones enjoying culture and being polite and all, you don't notice them that quickly as they, you've guessed it, don't make much racket and don't bother bypassers with the allmighty "are you Bri-ish?" or the even more legendary "fancy a shag?"


M-G (they seem to like Amsterdam though)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Aug 2010 /  #18
Some of those English lads need a right proper slap. They wanted my wife to give them a BJ, simply because she was Polish. That kind of attitude is purely dumb! If they came across here and started that nonsense, they'd get a BE rather than a BJ :) :) The Polish police would likely applaud me for doing it too :)

PS Just to keep it fair, some Scottish guys likely think that way too.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Aug 2010 /  #19
Some of those English lads need a right proper slap.

First time I was in Krakow is was Scots being pr*cks...Not English lads.
17 Aug 2010 /  #20

what's "be"?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Aug 2010 /  #21
Black Eye, Zeti :)

There are plenty of those too, Am. I've never heard any asking Polish girls (who are not their GFs) for a BJ, though. My wife grew tired of hearing it. She would have bitten them hard :) :)
17 Aug 2010 /  #22
Black Eye, Zeti :)

oh, i thought something worse... ;)

First time I was in Krakow is was Scots being pr*cks...Not English lads.

why do you constantly attack others? You can't bear any critisism, can you?
I tell you something - the thing you do here is anything close to be patriotic.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
17 Aug 2010 /  #23
why do you constantly attack others? You can't bear any critisism, can you?

Because I dont like it when people single "English" guys out when there are others that are doing exactly the same - does that answer your question?

I tell you something - the thing you do here is anything close to be patriotic.

Could you write that in English please?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Aug 2010 /  #24
Barium Enema? OK, let's stop here ;)

Nah, she has a point. I did say that Scottish lads were likely as bad in some ways, Zeti. It's just that she was always treated well in Scotland but badly in England.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
18 Aug 2010 /  #25
Why the heck do the majority of English people get labelled 'Pole haters' when actually it is a minority!!!! everytime i see this sort of thread created here it makes me sick!!!

I'm sure a few Poles here and there don't like the English but you don't hear me shouting my mouth of about not liking us!!!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
18 Aug 2010 /  #26
Why the heck do the majority of English people get labelled 'Pole haters' when actually it is a minority!!!! everytime i see this sort of thread created here it makes me sick!!!

Poles get labeled all the time, but when English get labeled it's "OMG, how dare you!!!!"

you're funny...
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
18 Aug 2010 /  #27
if you look at what i wrote i said 'a few poles' not 'poles' in general, ie the OP's thread name.

of course there are a minority of Poles who don't like the Enlgish for whatever reason and of course there are a minority of the English that do not like the Poles, however you cannot say 'the English' or 'the Polish'

Not having a dig Ironside, just making sure you got my point
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
18 Aug 2010 /  #28
so-why english people doesn't like polish - especially polish emigrants in uk.

it is not true, they like, but only girls :D
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
18 Aug 2010 /  #29
Just like many of you poles hate negroes and pakis for no apparent reason other than their skin colour.
plk123  8 | 4119  
18 Aug 2010 /  #30
for example who likes the Russians?

the english do..

Maybe if they would add some tomato sauce to the pierogi, it would improve a bit, but that's just my opinion.


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