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A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"

Seanus 15 | 19,672
13 Mar 2008 #241
Yeah, u wonder how these so-called 'tramps' afforded the airfare across in the first place. I disagree that immigrants bring more money than they take out though.
OP noimmigration
13 Mar 2008 #242
have a wank before posting your dumb analy racist posts

how do you know that I am not doing both at the same time
LondonChick 31 | 1,133
13 Mar 2008 #243
that would explain the typos, Mr Poto Head.
hu_man 6 | 131
13 Mar 2008 #244
Yeah, u wonder how these so-called 'tramps' afforded the airfare across in the first place. I disagree that immigrants bring more money than they take out though.

seanus i thought more of you i've read alot of your posts and you came accross really inteligent..and im not trying to put you down but come on...

what im trying to say is the amount of immigrants compared to the ammount of tramps is meaningless for example 1 out of every 1000 is a tramp now if 800 out of the 1000 get taxed minus thier expences and **** you really think they are taking more ????? it goes deeper than that but im not gonna type it all out cos it would take to long and i would rather someone was smart enough to work it out them selfs before posting something they just thought of on the spot cos thier bored...
Seanus 15 | 19,672
13 Mar 2008 #245
Aha, from that angle, I c where u r coming from now. I thought u were approaching it from the perspective of investing from abroad into key industries. It is well known that immigrants, especially Poles, send money home quite often and in large amounts. The important fact is that Britain has allowed immigrants in through their EU Treaty obligations which has simplified the free movement of people.
osiol 55 | 3,921
13 Mar 2008 #246
Why do the so many of these people who claim to be so proud of their country seem to be same people who have so little faith in their country?

I have explained before about my view of pride. I can only be proud of what I have done, not of what other people have done. I appreciate all that is good about my country and sometimes allow myself to take a little pride in my own little part in this.

Life is defined in the living. What is most visible is not necessarily the most representative. Not every 14 year old hassles people outside the local shops with a garish logo-infested shell-suit and a pitbull. There are plenty more you don't see precisely because they are not spitting and swearing in the street in a garish shell-suit.

Likewise, I think the way I do, and there are many more like me. But I am not the most visible within the media because being tolerant, understanding and most of all, positive does not provoke nearly so strong a reaction as intolerance, misconceptions and negativity. It's also because


Well, not much anyway.
Filios1 8 | 1,336
13 Mar 2008 #247
It's always a laugh tho, u can see it that way

Not to everyone it isn't. Some of his posts are especially disturbing and offensive to Poles and anyone, for that matter, that has a heart.
Seanus 15 | 19,672
13 Mar 2008 #248
That's if u take it seriously. I too dislike Pole-bashing as u may have gathered but pinch of salt springs to mind
hu_man 6 | 131
13 Mar 2008 #249
Not to everyone it isn't. Some of his posts are especially disturbing and offensive to Poles and anyone, for that matter, that has a heart.

Exactly not only that but this forum since i started reading it came accross as a place that people who liked poland and thier people could come together and exchange cool stories and you just let this pr*ck noimagration come all up in here ranting his abuse and not telling him to f*ck off!!!
Seanus 15 | 19,672
13 Mar 2008 #250
He has been suspended b4, only to come back vocal again. I guess it's as the saying goes, 'If you can't say anything positive, don't say anything at all'.
dasla - | 52
14 Mar 2008 #251
the probelm as i see it is that not all but alot of the younger gen' in britain expect everything to be given to them on a plate and will just go get pregnant and a council flat and live of the dole, instead of having a little pride in earning a decent wage.

if you ask many of the dole bashers to go and do meanial task's like cleaning, bin collecting or fruit/veg picking they will tell you were to go, cos they think there better than that, no man is any better than one that is earning his way, irelavant of there position.

this is the problem we have, stop the dole money and make the lazy c--ts go to work, its the parents fault so let them sustain ther own failure's.

this giving money away is killing this country and its our soft stupid self's fault, (and government's) the immagrants are only doing what jobs our youth think there too good for in a lot of cases.

we have skilled poles ie nurses bloody cleaning and wipeing the arses of the elderly when there skills could be used more constructively.
i do know this for a fact because i know alot of people doing this.
enough from me, i just like the hard work most of the poles i know over here do. respect is due to them showing how it should be done.
OP noimmigration
19 Mar 2008 #252
myth of lazy brits

I am absolutely sick of poles claiming that brits are lazy. Have a look at the figures above and compare this with polands astronomical unemployment levels.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544
19 Mar 2008 #253
Oh shut it you lazy brit! :)
plk123 8 | 4,138
19 Mar 2008 #254
and you limies aren't??? hahahahahaha too funny
OP noimmigration
19 Mar 2008 #255
arent what ?
PolskaDoll 28 | 2,098
19 Mar 2008 #256
The employment figures are based on population so it's most likely that of the "16,000" people who have gained employment, a huge majority of them are Polish.
osiol 55 | 3,921
19 Mar 2008 #257
Lazy Brit is a bit like the myth of the Hard Working Pole.
Sometimes both of these myths are true, sometimes the opposite is true.
Could anyone possibly need to say anything else about the subject?
Seanus 15 | 19,672
19 Mar 2008 #258
Well said OsioĊ‚, threads on the forum are strung out by needless drivel. U were concise and to the point. People see such characters as us who can say such things as devoid of substance and simplifiers but we are usually spot on and we need say no more. I tip my hat 2 u, humorous Mr Succinct.
Mali - | 300
19 Mar 2008 #259
I am absolutely sick of poles claiming that brits are lazy. Have a look at the figures above and compare this with polands astronomical unemployment levels.

And I'm sure Poles are sick of you calling them lazy.

You are one narrow-minded individual, noimmigration.
isthatu 3 | 1,164
19 Mar 2008 #260
has the semi human turd breath surfaced again?
One word no immi,your a fekin student(or so u claim) ,you have naff all right to call anyone out for laziness.....
Flower_girl - | 1
21 Mar 2008 #261
I certainly don't dislike the Polish people, but I am angry at just how many are coming to live here.
I work in a G.P surgery in a medium sized town, and we have registered a huge amount of Poles. Surely this is putting a major strain on the NHS, and I notice it is also putting a strain on our available appointments for patients who are UK citizens.

They get free NHS treatment, NHS prescriptions (OK they have to pay £6:30 per item, but a lot of drugs actually cost the NHS a lot more than this to make & supply).

It bothers me also that they can claim benefits for themselves, and their children, when they haven't yet paid anything into the money pot that is made up from national insurance contributions (Which UK citizens pay into from 16yrs of age once they are in employment).

Where is all the extra money needed going to come from? Probably in higher taxes on us all.
I think people coming from outside UK to work should get sponsorship, simular to how I believe they do in USA.
I really don't have a problem with Poles coming to work here, I just think we should limit the amount, and tighten up on benefits etc.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148
21 Mar 2008 #262
but I am angry at just how many are coming to live here.

I heard that many more is going to come soon.
szkotja2007 27 | 1,498
21 Mar 2008 #263

I would be interested on your views on how the centre you work in operates. How much did the partners that own the business make ?

What is the average G.P.s salary ?What did they do to get that salary ? Called out at all times of the night ? Lifesaving surgery ?
hairball 20 | 313
23 Mar 2008 #264
Probably in higher taxes on us all.

And as the Poles went to the UK to work and not claim benifit they ARE paying for the system and entitled to benifit from it!

You are one narrow-minded individual, noimmigration

You forget to mention his small tadger!
osiol 55 | 3,921
23 Mar 2008 #265
I heard that many more is going to come soon.

Welcome to Britain, Grzegorz.

the Poles went to the UK to work and not claim benifit they ARE paying for the system and entitled to benifit from it!

That includes many who go back to Poland for their medical treatment. It's quite simple. The government decided to allow so many workers from the new EU-member states to come here and work because they did a few sums and worked out that these workers would put in more than they take out. Other old EU members didn't do this because their economies were not so well suited - higher unemplyment and the like.
Seanus 15 | 19,672
29 Mar 2008 #266
All the more when u consider that we have a reciprocal agreement with Poland. They are entitled to care, provided the claim is valid and fulfils the criteria.

No drinking this evening, I learned my lesson, again
IdW - | 33
31 Mar 2008 #267
To round of? I understand to round up to, but to follow that with an indetermined value (near one million) doesn't really make sense.

And as the Poles went to the UK to work and not claim benifit they ARE paying for the system and entitled to benifit from it!

People pay for the preceding generation NOT the current one..
Mister H 11 | 761
31 Mar 2008 #268
And as the Poles went to the UK to work and not claim benifit they ARE paying for the system and entitled to benifit from it!

I agree in theory, but it shouldn't be from "Day 1".

I think that there should be a minimum of five years worth of contributions before people are entitled to services such as the NHS.

Those who haven't been paying in, but want to give birth in a UK hospital or send their kids to a UK school should pay for those services.
isthatu 3 | 1,164
31 Mar 2008 #269
I think that there should be a minimum of five years worth of contributions before people are entitled to services such as the NHS.

Does that follow that all UK born folks should have to wait till they are 21 for treatment on the NHS and then only partiel untill they have had 5 years of paying full Tax/NI making some services unavailable till age 23?
PolskaDoll 28 | 2,098
31 Mar 2008 #270
Yep, I agree with you isthatu.

Mister H, what about the thousands of able Brits who don't contribute tax because they are unemployed? They're still entitled to NHS help.

So my Polish friend has been paying tax for two years and breaks her arm falling on the ice. She can't get that arm fixed on the NHS because she hasn't contributed for a minimum of 5 years?

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