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What is "must-see" in Poland?

plaiddino 4 | 3  
2 Aug 2010 /  #1
I will be living for about ten months in Poland from September to June for a teaching job. I'll be based in the Radom area, but I'm hoping to do a fair amount of travel while there.

Are there any suggestions of places to go or things to see while there? I'm a very outdoorsy person, so I'm looking for hiking or outdoor sports, but anything will do.

Museums, historical sites, beautiful landscape, villages -- I'm open to anything!

pgtx 29 | 3115  
2 Aug 2010 /  #2
Museums, historical sites, beautiful landscape, villages -- I'm open to anything!

PennBoy 76 | 2429  
2 Aug 2010 /  #3
I will be living for about ten months in Poland from September to June for a teaching job. I'll be based in the Radom area, but I'm hoping to do a fair amount of travel while there.

  • Malbork Castle

  • Masurian Lakes
Seanus 15 | 19668  
2 Aug 2010 /  #4
Zakopane or the Bieszczady mountains for hiking :)

The Poles are becoming quite a sporty bunch so outdoor sports aren't hard to find.
imagegroup 1 | 9  
3 Aug 2010 /  #5
Thanks Jimy Festival, Wroclaw, May 1st
itsmerob - | 1  
29 Jul 2013 /  #6
Merged: Visiting Poland early next year, what to do, what to see?

It will be my first time in Europe as all of my previous traveling experience has been in Latin America. I'm in my early mid-20's and am spontaneous when I travel. I don't like to have a plan; just a general idea of what I may or may not do. It will be a two-week vacation and I'm thinking of arriving in Krakow. I do enjoy nightlife but I also like to meet the locals and explore the city.

I'd like to visit at least two cities in Poland, the other being Warsaw and possibly one more but I don't think I'd have the time. Would two-weeks be too much or too little for Krakow and Warsaw? Also, as the thread title mentioned: What should I do? What should I see?

Thank you!
Anna00 - | 4  
31 Jul 2013 /  #7
In two weeks you have to plan something more than Warsaw and Krakow - the best ride from Krakow to Zakopane - Polish up - a lot going on and you can see Polish culture from the other side - you can later go to Gdansk - the sea port city :) and very different.

From a logistical point of view - Warsaw - Gdansk - Krakow - Zakopane or Warsaw - Krakow - Zakopane - Gdansk.

Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
31 Jul 2013 /  #8
What should I do?

spend some time with a map before you decide, and keep in mind that it will take at least six hours travel time to get from one end of the country to the other.

check what is going on in Poland: festivals, concerts, free stuff etc. .... regardless of the weather things still happen.

add wroclaw to your list.

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