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Wroclaw University of Technology - job prospect, living expenses, city info

kaustabh 1 | 1  
12 May 2011 /  #1
Im kaustabh from India. Actually I got an offer for MS in power engineering from Wroclaw university bit confused whether to join or not as very less information is known to me regarding job prospect, course and living expenses. It will be of great help if u guyz make out these somewhat clear.

To start wid, considering the moderate tuition fees and little bit of R&D which I did for dis course nd univ both, I suppose its worthwhile doing dis course and i would like to have as many as opinion on dis.. and please throw sum information regarding job prospect!!!

Secondly do tell me about the living expenses in Wroclaw as financial aspect is the major issue for me....
12 May 2011 /  #2
please throw sum information regarding job prospect!!!

You have none. You will need a work permit for any job you do (while you study here and afterwards) and no employer will bother to get a work permit for you, particularly not for part-time student jobs!

As for living costs, Euro 500 a month is absolute bare minimum.
OP kaustabh 1 | 1  
12 May 2011 /  #3
U mean to say there is no scope for work in poland aftr doing MS in power engineering (nt talking about part time job).....even for home students!!!surprized...
15 Jun 2011 /  #4
PWr is good. and being a good university means you will get a job too with fairly good salary. about the local language thing, well, you will learn polish anyways since PWr do organize free polish classes for foreign students in a professional level and after completing the course and passing the exam, you'll have the certificate equal to those who get in their schools in Poland.

about living expenses, it will cost you around 300 euros if you will live in dorms of PWr, else around 500 euros if you decide to live in a flat. being a student, you can find jobs in stores. i know ppls who work part time so you could cover your expenses almost from that. but due to visa's limitation you can work only for 3 months in a calender year unless you have a work permit.

Wroclaw as a city is awesome. you can never get enough of it. its not like dead London or Paris, infact it has got a lot of life in it.

Ignore the negative comments you recieved. there is nothing like that. Poles are very friendly and helpful but there are always some arsehole losers who cannot see the world as globally one. well you can name them as you like. i just call them losers.
Shiv - | 1  
4 Jul 2011 /  #5
Hi Kaustabh, M from India too & even i got an offer to study in WUT for my MS programme in Renewable energy system.I recently completed my BE this year. I think it will be much cheaper to accomodate in dorm rather than opting a rent. For jobs we need to know Polish cuz out der they prepare Polish than English.
3 Jul 2012 /  #6
Hi shiv,
I also have offer in renewable energy systems. What is your plan , will you join the university. Also have you queried about the the job perspectives after masters . Actually i got to know one can earn about 700 -800 $ a month only, after doing MS, Do you have some idea . Plz comments
25 Aug 2012 /  #7
Merged: masters in automotive engineering at wroclaw university of technology

hi all,
i'm nikhil from india . i got an offer letter from wrocalw university of technology . i want to know about the technical side of this college as well studies & after studies in poland in this stream .

regards ,
sivakanthbojja - | 2  
18 Dec 2012 /  #8
[Moved from]: Siva Kanth from India, looking for info, Wroclaw University, chemical metullurgy.

can any one from wroclaw university of technology please contact me i want some information about this university and is there any chance to get part- time job to survive
jwojcie 2 | 762  
18 Dec 2012 /  #9
why not contact them directy? :

Agata Gwiazda
Full-time International Student Consultant
Tel: +48 71 320 46 72
sivakanthbojja - | 2  
18 Dec 2012 /  #10
i want to contact indian students studying there
17 Jul 2013 /  #12
hi friends I need your guidance. I am engineer and i have got admission in Language course. i am looking forward job in Poland. I know polish is necessary for getting job in poland but after completing i will have only language of polish, degree will be of my native country. so any guide either it is good idea to just go for language course there and find job. Please do comment i am confused.
Monitor 13 | 1810  
18 Jul 2013 /  #13
what about work permit? there are jobs int IT.
23 Nov 2016 /  #14
Hi sir I'm rahul from India I got an offer from Wroclaw university in ms in automotive engineering .....I just want to know job prospects and placements in my country
Polskirod - | 2  
27 Jan 2017 /  #15

Study and Working in Poland

my name is Diego Barrera and I'm from Guatemala. I'm planning on studying a Bachelor in International Business in Wroclaw University of Economics. I've been to Poland once and totally fell in love with Wroclaw. The thing is that I'd like to know if there's any chance to get a part-time job during my studies in Poland. I've read that you might need a temporary resident permit or something like that, and some people also say that is impossible to get part-time jobs unless you speak polish. I can support myself without any problem for a year and maybe more, but I'd really help a lot if I can get a job in the meantime. I know that non-EU students can work on certain months (three, I think) but, can I work the other months too? Do I need a resident permit? Also, I'm a musician and have worked playing at gigs in my country; Is it possible to work like that in Poland? Do I also need a permit? And finally, Is it too hard to get a resident permit?

Thanks in advance for your help, it means a lot to me :)

Best regards,


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