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Turkish guy to study at a university in Poland. Is that problem for Polish people?

Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
8 Jul 2016 /  #31
I guess that you're right. They give none, they deserve none.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
8 Jul 2016 /  #32

You obviously never understood what I wrote, therefore, it's pointless for us to continue with you here!
We'd be happy to help you with your English (as well as to learn Polish), but only if you're willing:-)

What I posted about Istanbul aka "Constantinople" is TRUE, if you've bothered to read history; the Muslims invaded Constantinople which was originally Christian (named appropriately after the Emperor Constantine)!

Thank you by the way for correcting my Turkish sentence.
8 Jul 2016 /  #33
Nothing good comes from moslims.....
jon357  72 | 22778  
8 Jul 2016 /  #34
use your brain about writing something about other culture.

Very wise.

Ignore the haters. You won't see them; they never leave their bedrooms.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
8 Jul 2016 /  #35
So you have to learn tolerance and respect for us.

So what can you teach Poles about the tolerance and respect that Turks have for others? Perhaps you can start by sharing with the forum Turkey's own human rights record over the centuries and in particular its interactions with other ethnic and religious groups in and around its own borders such as regarding Armenians and Kurds.
jon357  72 | 22778  
9 Jul 2016 /  #36
A case in point.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
9 Jul 2016 /  #37
A case in point indeed. Thanks for noticing. And it's good that you agree that it is very rich for someone like the OP to make sneering and false accusations about Poles being "racist" while simultaneously making demands for him and his kind to be tolerated and respected especially when said person comes from a country and indeed a society notorious for its unapologetic intolerance of others which history shows is also willing to enforce it with brutal violence and even orchestrated murder on a mass genocidal scale.

Here is a particular case in point for you to study and then come back to the forum and comment on.

Go to this link which I have shared many times before on PF: commonwealth.pl (and don't worry there is an English version on the webpage for you to use!).

There you will find a short feature regarding how Armenians have integrated, contributed, and lived peacefully in Poland for centuries.

I look forward to reading your opinion of Polish tolerance and respect for Armenians in comparison to Turkey's genocide campaign against Armenians between 1915 - 1915 which left 1.5 million dead. You can then move on to Turkey's state sponsored military actions against the Kurdish population throughout the 20th century which left thousands killed, displaced, missing, wounded and imprisoned.

Additionally you can compare Poland's history of relations with other different peoples. For instance (and obviously you wouldn't know this) but on this past 1st of July Poland celebrated its 447th anniversary of the Union of Lublin which saw the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth now regarded as the First Polish Republic. Two very different cultures at the time which mutually united peacefully and politically for mutual benefit. Now compare this union with Turkey's own 20th century version of a "union" through its internationally condemned invasion and internationally unrecognized annexation of Northern Cyprus in 1974 which left thousands killed, wounded, and missing and hundreds of thousands permanently displaced.

Again, I am very much looking forward to you telling the forum what Poles can learn from Turks about tolerance, respect, even love and peace, in relation with others.
jon357  72 | 22778  
9 Jul 2016 /  #38
Poles being "racist"

Some are most certainly racist as you would know if you had any connection to or understanding of Poland. Check out the CBOS data (you'll have to translate it since you don't speak Polish).

and don't worry there is an English version on the webpage for you to use!).

Useful for you, no need for me to read an English version.

Union of Lublin which saw the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth now regarded as the First Polish Republic.

Very good indeed, Bieggers, that you are extolling the Liberal current within our society and rejecting the conservative and nationalistic tendency - looks like you're finally beginning to grow up a bit.

The OP however should not worry. He sounds young but I'm sure he'll cope.

BTW, have you ever been to Istanbul? A gloriously multicultural city.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
9 Jul 2016 /  #39
Ignore the haters. You won't see them; they never leave their bedrooms.

Says the devil's advocate who has been trolling virtually every day on PF for years.

Clearly your interest and encouragement to the OP to come to Poland stems from your personal comfort in knowing that you two will never cross paths in real life.

Some are most certainly racist

That's a strange and unsupported opinion for you to express about Poles especially when you take into account your own obvious personal preference of keeping a very wide berth from any true multiculti or majority non-white areas.

And just because of your habitual experience of being a wallflower during your seasonal visits to Poland (apart from the brief moment you get business required attention from a taxi driver or receptionist at a hotel) doesn't mean that Poles are racist.

It's not us, it's you.

no need for me to read an English version

I think you'll find that your Polish phrase book for tourists will only take you so far. And no one on PF has ever complimented you on your reliance on Google Translate.

extolling the Liberal current

There is no "Liberal" current. But you could only know this if you actual lived in Poland and knew Poles and understood Polish thought and sentiment.

All you ever extol on PF is an attention-seeking false narrative spun by a fringe Anglocentric element with a leftist agenda.

have you ever been to Istanbul? A gloriously multicultural city.

And of course you don't provide any details to back up your ludicrous claim.

But let's look at the facts. Today the annexed through Turkish conquest city of Constantinople has a population of over 14 million Turks. At last count less than a decade ago the foreign population among them was barely above 40,000. There are only 3,000 Greeks there today down from 850,000 back in 1910. Now there are only around 50,000 Armenians compared to 164,000 in 1913.

Talk about sizable diverse communities being displaced and replaced by a nationalistic ethno-theocratic monocultural.

So what again is "gloriously multicultural"about this city you obviously only prefer to visit? Oh, that's right, "gloriously multicultural" is code for your perverse interest and persistent agitation for European decline and expansion of some Soviet-modeled neo-Babylonian Levant.
jon357  72 | 22778  
9 Jul 2016 /  #40
Your rants are actually hilariously funny; it's clear you know nothing about either country: the Turkish community in Poland, in Warsaw there are bars, clubs, the Turkish Mosque and much more.

At last count less than a decade ago the foreign population among them was barely above 40,000

Dangerous to rely on the Internet; however lacking personal experience of either Poland or Turkey I suppose that's all you can try to do.

There is no "Liberal" current


But you could only know this if you actual lived in Poland

Longer than you've been alive, boy...

I invite you to come and visit us one day.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
9 Jul 2016 /  #41
the Turkish community in Poland, in Warsaw there are bars, clubs, the Turkish Mosque and much more.

So what's your point? But OK then. How much of your own time and your own money do you spend each day in these Turkish bars, clubs, mosque, and vague claim of "much more." You do interact on a regular basis with these Turks don't you? I bet you will say you do but then I find it hard to see how you can have any actual and meaningful face-to-face dialogue and exchange of cash with them given how much time you devote to posting on PF each day and at all hours. And I'm quite sure some imam and the congregants in this mosque you pretend to be familiar with would definitely had said something to you at some point about being face down in your smartphone rather than a prayer mat. Or do you just go there to enjoy the communal foot bath with a bunch of strange men and then skip the services?

Dangerous to rely on the Internet

So why do you?

however lacking personal experience of either Poland or Turkey I suppose that's all you can try to do.

And again you can't refute me with any facts or figures of your own. But then again a British tourist like yourself would only have a very cursory understanding of the world especially a non-Anglocentric country like Poland.


Facts and figures of your own then. Facts and figures.

Longer than you've been alive

There's no fool like an old fool, eh?

I invite you to come and visit us one day.

Again, if you actual lived in Poland and knew Poles and understood Polish thought and sentiment then you would know that Poles have better things to do with our time than hang out with British tourists like yourself.
jon357  72 | 22778  
9 Jul 2016 /  #42
How much of your own time and your own money do you spend each day in these Turkish bars, clubs, mosque, and vague claim of "much more."

Each day? When you're old enough to drink I would hope you don't spend money in bars 'each day' and I can tell you right now how much money I spend in mosques. The same as I spend in churches " each day"; a big fat zero.

So why do you?

That's probably the weakest attempt st rhetoric yet seen in this forum; and there is heavy competition!

Again, if you actual lived in Poland and knew Poles and understood Polish thought

Well, Cartman, some oc is have lived here longer than you have been alive. You have never even been to this continent; you don't speak the language, you don't have any direct experience of things Polish...

Yet you try to bully that fine Young Turk who will soon have more in common with Poland than you ever will be able to aspire to.

And your bleating rants are pure comedy..,
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
9 Jul 2016 /  #43
That "fine young Turk" that he may be, ought at least to learn Polish before he commences either to study and/or to live in Poland, ostensibly for an extended period.

His English is obviously challenged, therefore many of his comments should be taken with a grain of salt:-)
9 Jul 2016 /  #44
ought at least to learn Polish

If the OP does end up studying in Poland, I'm sure he will make some attempt to learn the basics before he leaves, but as you know it's not a language you can learn easily or quickly, he is going to pick it up far more easily once he is there.

Besides, his question isn't about learning Polish.

His English is obviously challenged,

It's not his first language!! Don't be mean! Some people on here could comment that your Polish is obviously challenged ;)
Bieganski  17 | 888  
9 Jul 2016 /  #45
The same as I spend in churches " each day"; a big fat zero.

Exactly. Big fat zero. Multiculturalism is your collection plate-free religion and just like any fanatical follower of any other cult you surprise no one that you refuse to practice what you preach.

All we see from you on PF is your routine pious "one world, no borders" canting about the virtues and need for OTHERS to embrace multiculturalism without limits or conditions and yet in your own day to day life you won't give a second of your copious amounts of idle time nor a penny of your meager amounts of money to different communities. It's absurd that you expect Poles to roll out the red carpet for the entire world when Poles have already allowed some different groups to stay in Poland.

That's probably the weakest attempt st rhetoric yet seen in this forum; and there is heavy competition!

Note for the record that you never answered as why you have a heavy reliance, nay dangerous addiction, to the internet.

Well, Cartman

Who or what is Cartman? If this word is meant to be an insult then you will need to explain how it is in keeping with the expectation on the forum to address members and guest only by their registered usernames.

Yet you try to bully that fine Young Turk who will soon have more in common with Poland than you ever will be able to aspire to.

Your lame leftist attempts at shaming tactics won't work. If you can't have a civil conversation, remain on topic, or as usual fail to convince others of your absurdities then that means the time is ripe for you move on to another forum. Indeed, I asked the OP what Poles can learn from Turks about tolerance and respect and got no answer. I asked you the same question after you butted in and you still haven't answered the question.

And your call to have Turks emigrate to Poland while admitting that you refuse to part with your own time and money when it comes to interacting and supporting a Turkish community is all the proof that is needed to show who the real bully in life is. Yep, you are certainly one who looks to make trouble for others so you can then just sit back and watch the spectacle unfold with empty-headed glee.
Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
10 Jul 2016 /  #46
The Turks are awful non-European people
jon357  72 | 22778  
10 Jul 2016 /  #47
Buy a map
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Jul 2016 /  #48
The Turks conquered, raped, pillaged, murdered and annexed the once great and magnificent European capital city of Constantinople in 1453.

At its greatest expansion it covered 14 square kilometers. But for some British educated British tourist simpletons this capture is enough to make Turkey itself (at nearly 800,000 square kilometers in area) somehow "European."

There is no denying that the EU has been in complete control by leftists for decades. Odd then they even they of all people have decidedly and repeatedly delayed and rebuffed Turkey from joining the EU. What does it say when even unskilled poorly educated economic migrants from Africa and other areas of the Middle East have a faster track to landing jobs, benefits and even citizenship in the EU while Turks still have to wait to get a visa.

Obviously there are some members on PF who have a hard time facing reality.

The truth is that no one can answer the question about what Turks can teach Poles about showing tolerance and respect for others.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
10 Jul 2016 /  #49

They'd be right too, but at least I'd gladly admit it:-)

No, the question was clearly could the gentleman expect hostility in Poland to his being of the Muslim faith, to which I merely interjected my two złoty worth, that's all.

I replied that should he learn Turkish more or less adequately, he should encounter little difficulty, save among the rabid right-wing conservative boneheads, as anywhere in Europe. "When in Rome.....", as the old saying goes.

However the responses which I received through PF-mail, suggest the fellow might be a hothead and well instigate trouble if his views are even gently called into doubt!

'Scuse me! I meant "......should he learn POLISH......"

Sorry for the typoLOL
OP lixt1  1 | 17  
14 Jul 2016 /  #50
who care about polish stuff ? i wanna speak english what are u gonna do something about it ? I dont give sh*t.

"The truth is that no one can answer the question about what Turks can teach Poles about showing tolerance and respect for others."

the truth is guys like you nothing.just trash talking.you never know something about are people because you have a very dirty brain with huge walls against other believes.

"The Turks conquered, raped, pillaged, murdered and annexed the once great and magnificent European capital city of Constantinople in 1453.

At its greatest expansion it covered 14 square kilometers. But for some British educated British tourist simpletons this capture is enough to make Turkey itself (at nearly 800,000 square kilometers in area) somehow "European."

There is no denying that the EU has been in complete control by leftists for decades. Odd then they even they of all people have decidedly and repeatedly delayed and rebuffed Turkey from joining the EU. What does it say when even unskilled poorly educated economic migrants from Africa and other areas of the Middle East have a faster track to landing jobs, benefits and even citizenship in the EU while Turks still have to wait to get a visa.

Obviously there are some members on PF who have a hard time facing reality."

look at dirty talk.Fatih Sultan Mehmet never do something like that.Yes we war against Byzantium but we never do rape or other stuff.We give them church,peace,happiness search and find the truth idiot.Guys like you always gonna lose about everything.Because you are making war.You like chaos.Chaos feeding you.Poor losers.And we dont need being europan people because we are already BIG.So you wanna war,murder,rape because you are ugly,*sshole,big fat zero and you deserve 0.You can give from us just BIG SH*T.Maybe you wanna play with it and build big europe.

"Nothing good comes from moslims....."

nothing comes from like losers :D.Attention nothing comes because like a sad before guys like you big zero.

"You obviously never understood what I wrote, therefore, it's pointless for us to continue with you here!
We'd be happy to help you with your English (as well as to learn Polish), but only if you're willing:-)

What I posted about Istanbul aka "Constantinople" is TRUE, if you've bothered to read history; the Muslims invaded Constantinople which was originally Christian (named appropriately after the Emperor Constantine)!

Thank you by the way for correcting my Turkish sentence."

dont worry i know better than you history.Everybody know something about Byztanium.We let their people.Their people's complelety free.But in your country guys like you want fight,crime,murder we can know whole this dirty stuff in your comment.Because guys like you no have a brain,interesting about something.Live like a sh*t.So watch that movie loser.

imdb.com/title/tt1783232 maybe you can know something about truth.

"I guess that you're right. They give none, they deserve none."

we give what you deserve,but guys like you never take from us any good thing remember that brainless.

"Turkey should give back heads of Polish nobles cut off in past. Just then, expect minimal respect. If you can`t found heads, sorry, no respect."

heads ! so what are u think about europian serial killers ? They should give back any head from their's victims.I mean you never talking dirty stuff about your country or in europe but you are always creating dirty stuff something about us.Because guys like you i mean brainless hate us afraid from us why ? We want peace,we want happiness but sc*ms like u want war,crime,revenge,rape because you are s*ums.So try to dont use computer,just sleep,eat,and go to toilet this triangle better than anything for you.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
14 Jul 2016 /  #52
You're clearly a troll with a primitive English level, so kindly stop infecting out space with your pointless, illiterate rants!
Crow  154 | 9207  
14 Jul 2016 /  #53
heads !

yes, heads.

Turkey should regret for cut off and humiliating bodies and heads of Polish King Wladislaw and great Polish hero from Grunwald battle Zawisha Czarny. Oh, Turkey should regret.

Turkey invaded Slavic world and Europe and we Slavs defended ourselves. Even in our time, we still deal with numerous and tragic consequences of our encounter with Turks. Turks, who tried to overrun our bodies and our souls.

Yes, Turkey should regret. In the name of universal principles of justice.

I mean you never talking dirty stuff about your country

if anybody from my country committed some crime, it was committed in defense. It does not justify any particular case of eventual crime but, there is the difference. My people never invented genocidal ideologies.

And what have you Turks done to my people for our refusal to obey to Islam and for refusal of assimilation by the Turks? You Turks used to built towers from heads of my people, you used to impale my people in thousands, hunted my people for slave markets in Arabia, stealing our children and taking them to Anatolia. From once most numerous Slavic people, Serbians are reduced to scattered remains and its own shadow. So, how many people we really lost due to Turkish invasion. If we count dead, enslaved, assimilated, unborn children, people forced to emigrate out of Serbia in period 1389-1912, we lost at least 60 million people. How would Turks repay that to us?? HOW?!

This is not an answer to the OP's question

Having all said in mind, no need for any Turkish student to come to study in Poland. Really. It can be problem for Polish people and for all who sense to belong to Slavic civilization.
OP lixt1  1 | 17  
14 Jul 2016 /  #54
you are playing with us.not every person commit crime because of self-defence.You cannot say this sentence,your looking your side not every angle.an the other hand yes maybe i dont know some slav kings killed by turks but it doesnt mean i support that.you cannot judge us with their past.because theirs past.so you have to be objective.

"You're clearly a troll with a primitive English level, so kindly stop infecting out space with your pointless, illiterate rants!"

primitive english and i'm using an the other hand dude please dont say to me you dont know english you are arguing with me since last week.think about that.so stop talking like a loser and go to bed dont throw your dirt are lifes we dont need your hysterical ideas.

"Go to germany."

i want poland STILL :D
jon357  72 | 22778  
14 Jul 2016 /  #55
@Lixt1 you come across as angry and argumentative. Do you realise that if you come here, you'll be coming to a place where arguing is pretty well the national sport? Much better to chill out and just be happy that you know you're right and they're wrong.

Plenty of people here from Turkey, by the way, there are very long-standing links between the countries and a Turkish prayer house in Warsaw.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
14 Jul 2016 /  #56
@Lixt1, how can you expect to work/live in Poland, for example, knowing only broken English?
You're a joke which has long ceased to be funny:-)
OP lixt1  1 | 17  
15 Jul 2016 /  #57
@jon357 im not angry im just giving anwsers.Yes if somebody want to argue with me its fine i can argue for hours.besides im always happy i never give up,you dont know anything about me so just dont get any idea about me.i know turkish bakkal,prayers house, i know these place.

@Lyzko "how can you expect to work/live in Poland, for example, knowing only broken English?
You're a joke which has long ceased to be funny:-)"

broken english huh.how can you expect to live good broken brain and loser life style.I know my English better than you.Like a sad before you are talking with me nearly 2 weeks, with broken english ? how old are u,i think 15 max.you are not joking you completely big funny joke.I'm smiling :D
dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
15 Jul 2016 /  #58
lixt1 can you explain what you mean when you say "loser life style", what lifestyle are you expecting if you go to university n Poland?
OP lixt1  1 | 17  
15 Jul 2016 /  #59
"can you explain what you mean when you say "loser life style", what lifestyle are you expecting if you go to university n Poland?"

im not talking about my lifestlye.i dont expect anything.i'm going to there for education.he is a loser and he has a loser life style like you.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
15 Jul 2016 /  #60
"loser life style like you."

How do you know what lifestyle I have here in Poland , the above is the first post that I have made on this thread, can you explain why you think that I have a loser lifestyle?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Study / Turkish guy to study at a university in Poland. Is that problem for Polish people?Archived