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For a student in Poland - how do they do internship?

myrat  1 | 1  
7 May 2013 /  #1
Dear friends,
My name is myrat, i want to do internship abroad, my classmates told me that doing internship in poland is a good choice,but i dont know how to choose a suitable one ? could you tell me how you polish students do internship ?are you participating in internship program or asking school career centre for help?

i want to broaden my horizon and practice my language as well as accumulating professional skills. wish to through this internship abroad experience, i can reach a new stage in my career.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
7 May 2013 /  #2
If you're not in Poland then how Polish people do internship is not the same as you can do. Only option to try luck through AIESEC. If you were from EU you would know that there are no jobs in Poland.
22 May 2015 /  #3

Hello guys, I am from Malaysia and i have recently got accepted in Quantitative Finance Program in University of Warsaw. Can any one say me, will i be able to land internship during my stay at Poland. As during holidays i don't wanna go home but try for Internship and gain experience. are there companies in Warsaw which offer Internships to students who are non polish. I also have strong background in web development.
Clemence  - | 1  
22 Oct 2015 /  #4
Merged: Unpaid Poland internship in urban planning

Hello everyone, I'm a French student looking for an internship in Poland that I have to do from 11th april to 3rd may 2016.
With my present school - University of Caen, Normandy, I constantly have to deal with professionnals, and I'm currently managing a participatory habitat project. My abilities include project budgeting, managing client relationships, and critical thinking about planning. I would like to know more about Poland and its urban networks.

Would you know some adress where I could apply ? Or any tips !
Until now no one answered me, if someone had ever find an internship there, feel free to contact me !
Ahmed Hasan  - | 3  
1 Nov 2015 /  #5
Hello every one I am from IRAQ student study in Ukraine 6th course medicine faculty after graduate in 2016 I looking to get internship in Poland so how can i get it ? my classmates told me that doing internship in Poland is a good choice,Do I need a certificate equation after graduation from Ukraine before study internship ?? and when i finish my internship can i working there
jon357  72 | 23482  
1 Nov 2015 /  #6
Shlonak habibi!

Unfortunately I'm told it's very hard to get internships there - Poland has an oversupply of doctors and a lot of medical schools relative to the population
Ahmed Hasan  - | 3  
1 Nov 2015 /  #7
So if i wanna get just internship?
Paulina  19 | 4451  
1 Nov 2015 /  #8


Poland has an oversupply of doctors

Actually, it's the opposite - we have a shortage of doctors in Poland. I don't know where did you get such a fantastic idea that there's an oversupply of them in Poland o_O

Both articles are from 2015:

(please don't pollute the forum with your google search ->copy->paste link skills, thank you.)


So if i wanna get just internship?

I don't know anything on this topic and I don't have time right now to look for info - I googled a bit and that's what I found:


my classmates told me that doing internship in Poland is a good choice

Why don't you ask them then? Maybe they know something.
Ktos  15 | 432  
1 Nov 2015 /  #9
Precisely, we have shortages of doctors, but foreigners from the West know the situation better and will tell us otherwise, it always amazes me how misinformed westerners are about our nation and yet how confidently and robustly they tend to make their conclusions and even preach us as to where it's at in Poland.
Ahmed Hasan  - | 3  
1 Nov 2015 /  #10
Ktos, sorry but do you any idea ?

How can I get a master degree ? And how much long is the study there ? And do i need internship or no before that ? Do I need a certificate equation ?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
2 Nov 2015 /  #11
we have a shortage of doctors in Poland

I have just been informed by my employer that it's time for my periodic check-up. When I heard this, although I was expecting it, my heart sank. The last time I went I spent five hours in a clinic which was staffed by doctors who were all over sixty years of age, some apparently much older. All women, by the way. In a properly run clinic one doctor could have done the check-up in 30 minutes. In this place I had to wait, sometimes for over an hour, for individual doctors to check my ears, weigh me, look up my hooter, take my blood pressure, etc. I saw about five doctors. The Polish health service is a complete mess, and very patchy in the delivery of care. There are undoubtedly centres of excellence, but there are also places where you wonder whether the communists are still running the show.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Nov 2015 /  #12
IWhen I heard this, although I was expecting it, my heart sank.

You can go to any clinic for it - for instance, I go to one clinic where it's done and dusted within 30 minutes and given for 3 years. There's no reason to waste so much time on it - all I do is phone up clinics and ask them what their expectations are. Anyone that suggests more than 2 doctors is immediately a no-no.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
2 Nov 2015 /  #13
I'd happily pay to have it done privately, but unfortunately the clinic and uni have an arrangement set in stone. I tried it on three years ago, but "computer says no". You are welcome to try arguing with them on my behalf!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Nov 2015 /  #14
Bloody hell! That's bureaucracy at the very worst. Or more accurately, someone's getting a nice backhander from giving one clinic all the business from the university. The vast majority of normal businesses will just give the paper to the employee to get it done at any clinic of their choosing.

I did it just last month again, and there were no blood tests, no blood pressure tests, nothing. Just shows that the entire system of checking one's fitness to work is utterly nonsense.
jon357  72 | 23482  
2 Nov 2015 /  #15
I saw about five doctors

Exactly - so many of the younger and better ones are working elsewhere. Nevertheless, as far as internships are concerned, there is still an high number of doctors coming out of medical school (and a lot of doctors relative to the population as a whole) whatever Paulina and Ktos may think.

There are also quality issues - there are plenty of Polish doctors of questionable quality and plenty of patients having horrific experiences. I have seen both noticeably good and noticeably bad. In most places doctors are just doctors.

There are also plenty of qualified doctors working in other fields because of the money.

weigh me, look up my hooter, take my blood pressure

five doctors

Five doctors doing the job of one, and most of those tests don't even need a doctor to do them. I've seen the same myself. So yes, there are too many, and lots coming out of medical school which puts pressure on the limited number of internships.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
16 Nov 2015 /  #16
(please don't pollute the forum with your google search ->copy->paste link skills, thank you.)

Posting links to news articles and replying to someone's request for info is illegal on this forum nowadays? What on Earth?

The last time I went I spent five hours in a clinic which was staffed by doctors who were all over sixty years of age, some apparently much older.

Well, as you can imagine, it makes no impression on someone who was born in Poland - the last time I went to see an endocrinologist (I think it was 2 years ago) I was waiting for my visit for around 5 months :)

The Polish health service is a complete mess, and very patchy in the delivery of care. There are undoubtedly centres of excellence, but there are also places where you wonder whether the communists are still running the show.

It is a mess and people are fed up with this, understandably. Poles say that one has to have a "horse's health" in order to be sick in this country lol :/

Nevertheless, as far as internships are concerned, there is still an high number of doctors coming out of medical school (and a lot of doctors relative to the population as a whole) whatever Paulina and Ktos may think.

So yes, there are too many, and lots coming out of medical school which puts pressure on the limited number of internships.

No, there are too few people graduating as doctors from medical schools and there's a shortage of doctors in Poland. This is not what I "think", it's not my personal "opinion" - those are facts I got to know from TV, news articles. Just make the effort and read the articles I provided. You can google for more articles, Polish internet is full of it - here you have one of them:


The title: "In the tail of Europe. Why do we educate so few doctors?"

According to the chairman of NRL, Maciej Hamankiewicz, at least 5 000 students should be admitted every year for day studies to satisfy the demand. But only over 3000 are being admitted and then a bunch of them leave for the West anyway.

To put things into perspective - in 1987 around 6300 people were studying medicine in Poland.
There's a shortage of specialists above all. It's not easy to make a specialization in Poland, apparently, there's a problem with residencies, etc. but not because of oversupply of doctors - I'm not going to write all about this here, there are plenty of articles on the Polish internet and even comments by young doctors or graduates under the articles about the reasons.

Btw, there's also a shortage of nurses.

There are also quality issues - there are plenty of Polish doctors of questionable quality and plenty of patients having horrific experiences.

I suspect you will naturally get quality issues if there aren't enough doctors (it means not enough competition, I can imagine) and hospitals etc. have to be satisfied with what they got or what's left in Poland.

Ahmed Hasan, in case you aren't a troll - it doesn't look like anyone here can help you, so try to google info, ask around at your uni, read the links in English I provided, e-mail some university in Poland with your questions, there are also internet forums where people interested in studying medicine in Poland are exchanging information.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Nov 2015 /  #17
and then a bunch of them leave for the West anyway.

I actually support the Hungarian solution to this - if you leave, you get a huge tax bill to pay for the cost of your studies.

It's always struck me as absolutely unfair that we pay for 17-18 years of education for someone, only for a foreign country to take full advantage of it.
jon357  72 | 23482  
16 Nov 2015 /  #18
It's always struck me as absolutely unfair that we pay for 17-18 years of education for someone, only for a foreign country to take full advantage of it.

Absolutely, unless such a scheme is very reciprocal. There are ways of recouping by fees and of course it contributes to a country's cultural impact.

Medical internships are a little different, especially in centres of excellence which Poland isn't.

Still too many doctors in Poland though, doing the jobs of other healthcare professionals, whatever out 'cut n paste' TL:DR poster Paulina thinks.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
16 Nov 2015 /  #19
Still too many doctors in Poland though, doing the jobs of other healthcare professionals, whatever out 'cut n paste' TL:DR poster Paulina thinks.

Ah, yes, Paulina, the 'cut n paste' poster "polluting" PF with facts :) I honestly feel here sometimes like in some Twilight Zone discussing with children.

Jon357, I see you're like a really hopeless case of a Holocaust denier - no matter how many facts, proof, testimonies, documents one throws at you you still will be claiming that there was no Holocaust, "whatever Jews think" lol

So, tell me, jon357, is Polish TV, "Gazeta Wyborcza" and other Polish newspapers and portals lying? There is no shortage of doctors, especially specialists, in Poland? No shortage of nurses? If yes, then why everyone's lying that there is? Who's behind this conspiracy? Zionists? Masons? Cyclists? Aliens? :)

You have any links, articles, statistics to prove that they are all lying?
Or maybe Polish TV and the most renowned newspaper in Poland aren't lying, maybe they just "think" that there's a shortage of doctors in Poland? All of the media in Poland are wrong and you are right? If yes, then please provide proof for your claim - links, articles, statistics.

Btw, have you read any of the articles I provided? Or maybe you don't know Polish well enough?

To be clear, I'm writing all the time about a shortage of doctors in Poland. It means that there aren't enough doctors in Poland. In case there's some misunderstanding.
jon357  72 | 23482  
16 Nov 2015 /  #20
There you go again, lastworditis and in danger of going off topic. There's a few big problems with the bits of your post that I'd be bothered to read.

You ignore the fact that all your posts are from within Poland and lack objectivity - many tasks in Poland that are often done by doctors simply do not need to be. X-ray testing, Chiropody, taking blood pressure, parentology, midwifery.

And I'd prefer it if you don't call me a 'holocaust denier', unless you want a letter from a lawyer.

Hard to know how any of your posts in this thread help the OP...
16 Nov 2015 /  #21
No shortage of nurses?

There certainly isn't a shortage of trained nurses here. The shortage is in the number of trained nurses who are willing to do the difficult job for the pathetically tiny wage that's on offer.

This is a different topic - please discuss the internships for students in Poland.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
16 Nov 2015 /  #22
There you go again, lastworditis and in danger of going off topic.

Jon357, you started the off-topic by claiming that there is an oversupply of doctors in Poland. I pointed out that it isn't the case and you, instead of behaving like an adult and admitting that you were wrong or at least not digging yourself any deeper you decided to continue despite the facts.

There's a few big problems with the bits of your post that I'd be bothered to read.

I'm bothered with your general attitude when you're proven that you're wrong about sth. It's not the end of the world and you behave like it is. I don't understand it. Everyone can be wrong from time to time about sth.

You ignore the fact that all your posts are from within Poland and lack objectivity - many tasks in Poland that are often done by doctors simply do not need to be. X-ray testing, Chiropody, taking blood pressure, parentology, midwifery.

I don't ignore anything, I don't pretend to be an expert on this topic and I doubt you are one. I'm quoting to you articles from Polish press, do you understand?

And Polish press, among all kinds of experts, doctors, officials and whomever, is quoting OECD raport for 2014 according to which the ratio of doctors to inhabitants of the country is the worst in the EU. In the numerous articles you can find on the Polish internet there are all kinds of analysis explaining why this is the case.

I'm asking you again - have you read any of those articles?

And I'd prefer it if you don't call me a 'holocaust denier'

That's OK, because I didn't and I don't.

Hard to know how any of your posts in this thread help the OP...

More than yours.

There certainly isn't a shortage of trained nurses here.

I've read in one of the articles that there are less and less people willing to become nurses and nurses who are already working are getting older...
InPolska  9 | 1796  
16 Nov 2015 /  #23
To do internship in Poland, I assume first of all a perfect command of the Polish language is mandatory. How can a nurse/doctor treat someone properly if problems to communicate? I personally have had to cope with (thyroid) cancer and believe me, it was most often very rough for me to properly explain my (endocrinological/cancer related) situation to Polish doctors, speaking nothing but Polish (the main thing is that they did a good job and I'm now 100% ok). Medical staff and patients need to be able to communicate with each other accurately so how can some foreigner not speaking Polish can work with Polish patients????

PS: to whomever knows: how much do hospital nurses get in Poland? I assume not much but does anyone have a concrete idea? At least now, they don't expect bribes, and it's a big improvement. When leaving hospital, a gift left at nurses' station is appreciated and normal in all (?) cultures.
jon357  72 | 23482  
17 Nov 2015 /  #24
I don't pretend to be an expert on this topic

That's very wise, since you are certainly not one, and you are wrong here.. As I say, I don't bother to read your ranting posts. In Poland there is an oversupply of doctors with people who are qualified as doctors doing work that it is not necessary for a doctor to do.

@InPolska is very right - a good knowledge of the Polish language is essential for an internship in Poland and they are very hard to find due to oversupply.

I strongly suggest that the OP looks elsewhere in Europe, in countries that unlike Poland follow the western healthcare model. Internships do exist, however language skills are a requirement and the convenience of the path to qualification is still very much dependent on the respective specialisation.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
17 Nov 2015 /  #25
That's very wise, since you are certainly not one, and you are wrong here..

Prove me wrong then :)

As I say, I don't bother to read your ranting posts.

Oh and what about those articles I provided? You didn't bother to read them too? :)

In Poland there is an oversupply of doctors with people who are qualified as doctors doing work that it is not necessary for a doctor to do.

Wow, it's like you're in a total denial... Damn... One rarely sees sth like that even on the internet... o_O
Jon357, could you somehow prove that there's an oversupply and not a shortage of doctors in Poland? If me, "Gazeta Wyborcza", other newspapers and Polish TV are wrong here then surely you're able able to provide some links, articles and statistics of your own? :)

I'm waiting... :)
jon357  72 | 23482  
17 Nov 2015 /  #26
No need. You're just wrong.

And going off topic too, since the OP asked a straightforward question.

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