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How good is Politechnika Warszawska?

sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #1
Hi guys,

As you see my post time, I've spent my whole night in this forum with reading your comments, advices to students who want to come Poland for university education.

In last years, people prefer Poland for university education for these reasons:

- Living in Europe,
- Cheap university fees,
- Easier to admitted than UK, USA or any Western Europe universities...

But my reason is none of these things. I'm already university student who study Software Engineering. (completed 2 semesters)

I have Polish girlfriend for 2 years, this relationship seems really serious and I'm tired of all trips, all paper works for get visa, all costs for visa, flight, hotel etc..So, I decided to continue my education in there and I'm looking for some technical universities.

Before reading something in this forum, my list was like this:

- Politechnika Warszawska
- University of Information Technology and bla bla in Rzeszow,
- Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz,
- National Louis University in Nowy Sacz

But most of you guys say that private universities are terrible and just sell certificate...So, I have only Politechnika Warszawska option now.

How good is this university? Are they best or one of the best about Computer Science? What do you think, does it really worth study in this university, move Poland and change my life?

If you have some university suggestion for me, please write it. (Course language must be English.)
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #2
According to rankings and opinions the best are: Politechnika Warszawska, Uniwersytet Warszawski, AGH in Kraków, Politechnika Wrocławska. If you want private school, then only one has good reputation: Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych (Warszawa). Those schools are good mostly because top students go there, but it doesn't have to be the case when you want to study in English.

If you want to come here, then don't do that for university, because they won't be better than best Turskish (especially that you want to study in English). If you want to stay later in Europe, then it is some option for you. Study time will count (in 50%) to 5 years period after which European Permanent Permit is granted. With Polish graduate diploma you don't need work permit and search for job in Poland.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #3
Thanks Monitor.

I read nearly your 100 posts yesterday, and you're one of the people that made me hopeless. :) So good that you wrote and I can ask you something...

You say that departments' English education isn't good as much as Polish. They make everything simple when the language is English and there is no education of high quality.

Well, why? My university isn't one of the best universities in Turkey but nearly all professors speak English good and can explain everything clearly. The university also has some foreign professors who can speak English good.

Polish universities don't have these professors? This is not medical or psychology, just computer science. It mustn't be too hard.

Well, AGH and Uniwersytet Warszawski don't have my department in English. I'm so late for Wroclaw but will try to talk with them. And I read lots of awful feedbacks about Polsko-Japońska.

Politechnika Warszawska looks like best option but prices...I pay 3000€ for my university by 10 installments while Warsaw wants 3300€ in one time. I don't have any rent cost here and also living costs are cheaper than Warsaw. If I decided to go Politechnika Warszawska, it will cost 2500-3000€ per year more than my city.

I'm totally lost. Yesterday, I was so sure that will study in Poland and today thinking give up. And this will kill my girlfriend.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #4
Well, why? My university isn't one of the best universities in Turkey but nearly all professors speak English good and can explain everything clearly. The university also has some foreign professors who can speak English good.

Most of older generation here know Russian, not English. But it's not a problem in IT, as most of stuff should be younger and know English. I am not complaining about quality of teaching. This should be similar in English and Polish spoken specialties.

What is different is the quality of students. In Poland universities usually make goals that some percentage (or not more than) should fail exams. In this way professors adjust difficulty of exams. When you study in top school with top students, then exams are harder, while when you study in English, students are not top, because they're mostly children of rich parents from the east or south part of the world, not necessarily top students. You won't study with other Poles most likely, because public education is free in Poland when thought in Polish. When tutoring language is English, then school can request payment, so Poles don't go studying there. So if you go studying there you will not gain any valuable contacts in Poland, because most of students will leave the country back home after graduation. You will not be studying on the same level as Polish students, because professors will be requiring less from you. That's not necessarily bad, but you will not be able to say that you are one of the elite who graduated top schools.

Solution would be any good, not necessarily top school, which has English language IT course free for Poles. There are only few such, but I think I've heard that Wrocław has something like that, but I was not investigating. Polsko-Japońska Wyższa Szkoła Technik Komputerowych could be good too if there are many Poles on English programs.

I am simply discouraging studying in Poland with foreigners only.


Politechnika Warszawska charges EU students 2500zł/semester


I don't see information that studies in English costs EU citizens any money, so probably it's true, that in Politechnika Worcławska all English courses are free to Poles.

That's why Wrocław seems to be the best option.

Lodz University of Technology has "BSc in Computer Science" and:

"EU citizens and permanent residents of the Republic of Poland study free of charge; non-EU citizens - 4000 EUR per year "

It's not top, but good university at least for Polish courses. £ódź is in the center of Poland and has cheap accommodation.

More options:

It seems that quite many universities offer English courses free of charge for EU citizens now. It must have changed in last years.

Also here is confirmation that EU people can study for free in Wrocław:
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #5
I see your point now and you're totally right.

In Turkey, we have some kind of exams to deserve university education after high school. All students who failured in this exam go to Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia for university education. Obviously, universities make everything easier for them because they pay money. I'm totally agree with you.

Accommodation cost can be cheaper in Lodz but university price are more expensive than Warsaw and Wroclaw. The difference is 700-1000 € per year which is 2000-3000 Turkish Liras.

What do you think about probability of getting scholarship in Poland as a foreign student? I have scholarship in here which makes tuition fee %50 less. Something like this in Poland, would be most helpful thing.

By the way, that links that you wrote, becomes blank page when I click on it.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #6
By the way, that links that you wrote, becomes blank page when I click on it.

You mean this?

Badly made website, choose field of study "Mathematics, Informatics" in top left and type of degree "Bachelor" to see the list of Informatics courses in English:

Cracow University of Economics

BSc Applied Informatics

Cracow University of Technology

BSc in Computer Science

Gdansk University

BSc in Economical Mathematics

BSc in Mathematics

Lodz University of Technology

BSc in Information Technology

BSc in Computer Science

Opole University of Technology

BSc in Informatics

University of Lodz

BSc in Computer Science

Vistula University
(formerly University of Economics and Computer Science in Warsaw)

BSc in Computer Science & Computer Engineering

Wroclaw University of Technology

BSc in Computer Science

What do you think about probability of getting scholarship in Poland as a foreign student? I have scholarship in here which makes tuition fee %50 less. Something like this in Poland, would be most helpful thing.

I think that usually top 4 students don't have to pay tuition and probably foreigners don't have access to scholarships which usually top 10% of students get, but I am not 100% sure of that.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #7
Things are getting harder and I should make best decision for myself. Stay or move, if move, choose best university, try to get scholarship etc...I don't have too much time and my brain will explode soon because of these things.

Thanks for everything, Monitor.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #8
If you can program already and move to Warsaw, then you can probably earn some money in free time.
Sparks11  - | 333  
12 Aug 2014 /  #9
I agree with Monitor. I teach English to numerous I.T. people, many of them never even finished university or studied programming in any sort of formal setting. They all got their jobs based on skill. I think that with I.T. the type of degree doesn't really matter, so much as knowing what you're doing.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #10
Yeah I can program, especially I'm good about creating algorithms and has knowledge about web site designing & programming. However, I don't know how to get a job as a student who is foreign and can't speak Polish...

Do universities help me about this? Can they redirect me somewhere that I can earn some money?

@Sparks11, you're right. For us, self-development is much more important than degree.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #11
Do universities help me about this? Can they redirect me somewhere that I can earn some money?

No because as an out of EU student you have basically no right to work legally in Poland, except of summer, but there are so many companies in Warsaw, that you could find some small one which could employ you online illegally if you can do stuff. In best universities nearly half of IT students have some part time job since 2 - 3year.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #12
I see.

Is there anyone who has any opinion about these 3 universities:


I would be very, very happy if you could send me some reviews, feedbacks. As you know, I don't know Polish so that I can't google about them. When I ask this from my girlfriend, she says only positive things because she wants me to come Poland whatever happens. So, I need some objective comments.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #13
If you're not interested in best universities, then choose at least good. It should be on this list:

These 3 which you linked are called "Szkoła Wyższa". It's the type of school which cannot be called University in Poland. Usually created in last 20 years. It's 2nd choice school, where people go if cannot get into one of University mentioned in the Wikipedia article. Moreover most of them will disappear in next 15 years because of demographics (less young people every year)

There is other website with list of English courses:

I see that University of Białystok charges

- I year tuition fees 2.500 (EUR)
- II year tuition fees 2.300 (EUR)
- III year tuition fees 2.300 (EUR)

if you are searching for lower tuition. Białystok is also cheap city, but it means lower chances for any job during studies too. I don't know if there are any Poles in this course.


More options:

University of £ódź: 2500eur per year


£ódź is better for jobs than Białystok, 3rd biggest city and in the middle of Poland. But they write that program can be opened if only 15 people apply... It would be strange to study in so small group.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #14
Thanks Monitor. I won't consider those 3 "Szkoła Wyższa" anymore.

What about Adam Mickiewicz University?


I know this university is one of the best and I know Poznan, stayed there. If I will pay 3000 € per year, Poznan definitely would be better than Warsaw.

I looked Lodz before. If I am not wrong, their admission deadline was 15th of July.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #15
It's good university and city, but why not Wrocław - it's top 3 city and university and the price is the same? And as I pointed out Poles can study for free in Wrocław Technical university in English what is not the case in most of other universities.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #16
Same reason with Lodz, admission deadline. However, my girlfriend wrote e-mail to them and said me that they asked information about me, what is my situation, why Poland, something like this...

So, we're waiting for e-mail from them.

Let's put together:

1) Politechnika Wroclawska - Computer Science (BSc) - 3000 € (problem: admission deadline but still may have chance) - 7 semesters

2) Politechnika Warszawska - Computer Science (BSc) - 3300 € - 7 semesters

3) Adam Mickiewicz University - Computer Science (BSc) - 3200 € - 6 semesters
Problem: This B.A. programme is taught on demand provided that a group of at least 20 students is recruited.

4) Politechnika Bialostocka - Computer Science, 1st degree engineering studies - 7 semester
Unfortunately couldn't find any information about fees. pb.edu.pl/en/
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #17
I wrote you how much University of Białystok charges. Look above. I think it is good order from best to worse.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
12 Aug 2014 /  #18
What you wrote is University of Bialystok, what I wrote is Politechnika Bialystok :) Politechnika also looks good. What do you think? If its price is around 2000€, I may choose it.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #19
A yes. I haven't noticed :) You're right. Politechnika is better than Uniwersytet in Białystok.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
13 Aug 2014 /  #20
Wroclaw didn't write anything yet.

Bialystok is not sure that they have courses in English. They will write us about this later.

And the most interesting one. My girlfriend talked on phone with some woman from Adam Mickiewicz University and she said to her that it's only for Erasmus students. But how???

It doesn't look like and I'll write e-mail to them.

I hope, Warsaw won't be my last and only option.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Aug 2014 /  #21
My girlfriend talked on phone with some woman from Adam Mickiewicz University and she said to her that it's only for Erasmus students.

On the bottom of their website is written:

This B.A. programme is taught on demand provided that a group of at least 20 students is recruited.

So it seems that they're only trying to start this course in English and first they check how many applicants can have. Probably this year was too little, hence such an answer your girlfriend got.

I hope, Warsaw won't be my last and only option.

Then check Białystok University too: uwb.edu.pl/kandydaci.php?p=2240

(applicants: then click "Recruitment rules for international students" "Studies in a foreign language" "First degree studies" on the left)

but about Białystok University it can be that student there must know both English and Russian. My first thought was that it's possible to choose, but probably I am wrong.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
13 Aug 2014 /  #22
Yeah, I was looking for their courses.


It looked like to more mathematical than usual. For example "Mathematical Analysis 3", first time I see this. Anyway, I will ask my girlfriend to call them. Is this such a good university, what is your opinion?

And Monitor, what do you think about courses which I already took in here. For example, Calculus I, Calculus II, Introduction to Programming (with C programming language like most of universities), Discrete Math etc...

Will I have to take these courses again in Poland or they will accept my grades in Turkey?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Aug 2014 /  #23
No it's an average one, or one of worse universities, but still better than most of private schools and these Szkoła Wyższa. I think that it will be hard to have your grades accepted officially, except if you have ECTS points in Turkey and you will translate papers with all your marks to English/Polish. But sometimes professors unofficially let you skip their course if you passed the same in other university.

And you have noticed correctly. Universities usually have more math and theory while Politechnika / Technical University have more practical and engineering subjects, little less plain math.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
13 Aug 2014 /  #24
Yeah yeah, of course we have ECTS points.

I don't know but I'm so positive about Politechnika Bialystok. I hope they will have English courses and price is around 2000 €.

And I really can't understand why there are very few universities whose course language is English. I think all computer scientists, programmers, engineers must know English if they want to refresh their knowledge 10-20 years later.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Aug 2014 /  #25
It's because Poland has very little foreign students. By percentage of all students Czech Republic has 10 x more foraigners. Courses in English were introduced in many universities only recently for Erasmus students and now to tempt foreigners, as demographic causes less local candidates every year. I don't think that Politechnika Białostocka has Computer Science in English, because they're not advertised on study in poland and go-poland (except if I've missed them). If they're not there then how foreigners should know about a course.

--- edit
ok they're there, so you have chance :)
but "
Application deadline:
Tuesday, 15 July, 2014"

Anyway your girlfriend can call. They souldn't reject student paying them cash.
OP sedooe  1 | 12  
13 Aug 2014 /  #26
Yeah, problem is language with them, not deadline.

But dude, I'm not talking about only for foreign students. Polish students also should study in English, that's my opinion. In Turkey, studying in English language is harder (need more points for exam after high school) and everybody works for this.

Courses in university will never be enough. You know, technology is progressing day by day, there will be always something NEW. And until someone translate these new things to their main language, people can find resources only in English.

Polish students should tend to study in English more.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Aug 2014 /  #27
Maybe it's not the best idea, because Polish teachers would always hurt English in some way, as they don't speak it on native level. But I think that promoting English books would be useful.
5 Mar 2015 /  #28
Merged: AGH University or Polit. Warsaw for Electronic Engineering?

Which is the best university in that field in Poland? I want to know because I want to do an Erasmus there.
DominicB  - | 2706  
5 Mar 2015 /  #29
Which is the best university in that field in Poland?

Both are very good, but you will enjoy living in Kraków a lot more than living in Warsaw, so go for AGH.
Mateusz20x  - | 1  
1 Sep 2017 /  #30

Warsaw university of technology (politechnika warszawska)

Hello I'm thinking about studying at Warsaw university of technology in English, I heard programs taught in English are not as good as Polish taught programs. But that do not matter as long as they are decent or okay, would you recommend it ?, its my only option for early 2018 or I would have to wait a whole year to apply to other universities... Hoping to get a positive answer

Have a good day and thanks

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