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Wroclaw....good parts? Any "affluent, quaint European, suburb" areas here?

Tonyd  5 | 17  
11 Dec 2014 /  #1
I was looking on Google Street View maps of just random streets in Wroclaw.

It seems the city is filled with old buildings (and not in a good historical way) and lots of graffiti.

Is it possible that I was looking in the bad part of town?

Is there such thing as a "suburb" of Wroclaw that is comparable to a suburb of America?

I'm not trying to start a fight here....but I was kind of hoping for a "quaint European town"....and what I saw looked like it was just some random street in downtown New York.

Thanks if you can give me any tips on which cities/areas by or near Wroclaw to search.

Are there any "affluent" areas that aren't in the middle of the city, and are maybe 20 minutes out side of the city? Nicely manicured lawns, wide open spaces....

I have to be honest....I do not like the "big city". I like suburbs....does Wroclaw have suburbs?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
11 Dec 2014 /  #2
.and what I saw looked like it was just some random street in downtown New York.

Thank you. It's a compliment for us Poles.
cinek  2 | 347  
11 Dec 2014 /  #3
Is there such thing as a "suburb" of Wroclaw that is comparable to a suburb of America?

Like this?:
I don't know if it's comparable. If you're looking for wooden houses and open lawns then not in Poland. Most single family houses have small fenced gardens. We have also a lot districts full of blocks of flats that used to be surrounded by open grass, but it's usually being replaced with parking lots today.

Wroclaw Boy  
11 Dec 2014 /  #4
^Come on, you can do a lot better than that^

Try the golf course development in North Wroclaw or some of the newer (2007 build) Suburbs to the east.
lateStarter  2 | 45  
11 Dec 2014 /  #5
Tonyd, are you serious? Suburbs in America suck. Please stay where you are. By the way, have you checked out 'death by gun stats' worldwide recently? Try thinking outside the box for a few seconds. What is this obsession with crime? If you can afford $1200/month for housing alone, you will be living like a king here in Poland.
OP Tonyd  5 | 17  
11 Dec 2014 /  #6
North Wroclaw

Thanks man. Will look into the golf course area....I love golf.

I just saw a bunch of old, dilapidated buildings when I browsed Google Street View last night and it freaked me out. I hate New York, and living near buildings and many people make me nervous.

I need trees and open spaces and nice big front and back yards to keep my mental sanity.

I was hoping Poland was better kept and had a slower pace of life than America. I'm hoping I just accidentally browsed the bad part of town in Wroclaw.

And I'd have a better chance at getting shot in the city, than in a suburb....suburbs in California are some of the safest areas in town.ff

Just trying to find where the "rich" people live in Wroclaw and hopefully I can afford to rent a house/apartment in that area.
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Dec 2014 /  #7
If you're as rich as you are telling us, why in the name of Jaysus would you move to Poland?
Go to Switzerland or Germany or Liechtenstein or Monaco.
If you're not willing to get down and dirty you're going to detest Poland.
OP Tonyd  5 | 17  
11 Dec 2014 /  #8
I'm "rich" in Polish terms....not "rich" by standards where I live in California.
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Dec 2014 /  #9
I'm "rich" in Polish term

You'd be better off in Germany so....maybe Czech.
I'm thinking of moving to Czech, no religion there, fantastic beer too.
OP Tonyd  5 | 17  
11 Dec 2014 /  #10
I was thinking Switzerland maybe as a backup plan. No taxes.

I would like to do Monaco (no taxes), but I cannot afford even the cheapest slum apartment there.
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Dec 2014 /  #11
I was thinking Switzerland maybe as a backup plan. No taxes.

Switzerland is simply the most beautiful place I've ever seen.
Geneva is not special, but the wee towns around it are magical.
If I were to ever strike it rich I'd be there in a flash.

Been to Monaco too, can't say I enjoyed it tbh, looked nice and all, just thought it was devoid of any soul. Just rampant capitalism.

I dunno mate, best of luck with your decision, but from the way you're talking I think either Germany/Switzerland...or maybe a Mediterranean country would suit your desires better.

Have you thought of Croatia or Bosnia? Price-wise it's quite similar to Poland.
OP Tonyd  5 | 17  
11 Dec 2014 /  #12
I'm 1/2 Croatian and 1/2 Polish....so ethnically I would fit into either country.

Yeah.....well I'm just in the planning stages now. Trying to see what my options are for moving.

thanks for your help.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
11 Dec 2014 /  #13
Just hang around in few places. Keep your stuff in some garage and move each month into new place rent through airbnb.com. I also think that Czech Republic is better place than Poland. It's similar in terms of cost, but it's more organised, cleaner (I don't know about people though). You should not forget about climate and language. It's good to know local language and Polish does not belong to the simplest to learn. Climate in cheap Greece, Portugal or Croatia is very different from Polish. People are quite different too.
17 Dec 2014 /  #14
I was thinking Switzerland maybe as a backup plan. No taxes.

Where did you get that impression? Switzerland isn't a low tax country in the slightest. More to the point, it's highly unlikely that a US citizen without significant means (i.e., rich by Californian standards) would have any chance of obtaining a residence permit.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Real Estate / Wroclaw....good parts? Any "affluent, quaint European, suburb" areas here?Archived