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Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya

gumishu  15 | 6228  
26 Feb 2017 /  #31
well I don't know about banning - but Crnogorac makes me sick
mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #32
well I don't know about banning

Me too, I think simple mockery and exposure of their Putinesque view is enough.
26 Feb 2017 /  #33
Russian propaganda is targeted at destroying the security of its borderlands- Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic's. Russia wants to remove Nato and reinstate the Warsaw pact. The methods they use is to encourage nationalism and fin-fighting between Russia's enemies (Nato), to question the drawing of borders, to sow doubt about Nato Article 5, to scare the population with lies about Russian military strength and Nato's weakness.

This is Polish Forums, not Russian propaganda Forums. Do not allow it to be a tool of Russian foreign policy.

Anyone who propagates the destruction of Poland's independence under Russian dominance is Poland's enemy.

So, why is a Polish forums giving a platform to those who want to destroy Poland?
26 Feb 2017 /  #34
Me too, I think simple mockery and exposure of their Putinesque view is enough.

I think Brixit and Trump has proven there as sufficient idiots who will believe anything, from any source, no matter how ridiculous or stupid it is, to elect or do something that is suicidally self destructive.

There is only one way to deal with this. Destroy them. Freedom of speech and Journalistic norms do not apply when your enemy doesn't allow such 'niceties', so don't give them the benefit of the doubt. This isn't a debate, its a war- on Poland, the West and all of us/
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
26 Feb 2017 /  #35
I'd be in favour of banning anyone pro-Russia on sight.

I have a good idea, we should let you moderate Polish forums.

Do we have to put up with this Russia state propaganda?

You and 'facts'
And speaking of trolling no one does more of it here than you who is spending all day and night promoting anti Russian pro American government and mass media propaganda and lies.

Who is paying you? American government directly? Some local human rights NGO?

This isn't a debate, its a war- on Poland, the West and all of us/

You are one big provocateur who should be banned from Polish forums for spreading Zionist lies and slander against freedom fighters and true nationalists of Novorossiya.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
26 Feb 2017 /  #36
You are one big provocateur who should be banned from Polish forums for spreading Zionist lies and slander against freedom fighters and true nationalists of Novorossiya.

more puke from the same source
26 Feb 2017 /  #37
Serbia/Russia infiltrator calling for Poles to be kicked off a Polish form..
26 Feb 2017 /  #38
On topic, the Russians have abandoned the Novorossiya project and are liquidating the prominent proponents of this fantasy.
mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #39
Russians have abandoned the Novorossiya project

Ages ago. It was never a project, it was a plan for a land bridge to Crimea (an expensive white elephant at present). Ukrainians made short work of the idea of novorossija except in an area of notable backwardness who didn't organize fast enough.

Are you saying they're giving up there now too? Is the passport thing part of cutting them loose?
26 Feb 2017 /  #40
Impossible to say whats going on in Putins head, I think he hasn't got a long term plan.

Basically its all short term gain, long term Russia ******.

The idea of locking Ukraine in a frozen conflict has worked, but just as effectively wrecked Russia too.
mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #41
just as effectively wrecked Russia too.

The thing with his domestic supporters.... they don't care. They're willing to undergo huge deprivations for the "prestige" of Russian power being feared somwhere in the world. He doesn't have to look out after the economic interests of most of the population as long as he can sell the idea that russia is (again!) a Great Power.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
26 Feb 2017 /  #42
Novorossiya is an idea...



Novorossiya - a new bastion of nationalist ideas in Europe


Igor Strelkov - Commander of the joint armies of the Donetsk & Lugansk Republics, a hero of our time in the struggle against Ukrop Banderist Neo-Nazis.



mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #43
Novorossiya is an idea...

Yes. A failed one. Why doesn't it ever occur to the Russian government to not invade or bomb neighboring countries?

Russia is a terrible neighbor and political alliance with Russia is akin to nationalist suicide.
26 Feb 2017 /  #44
hey're willing to undergo huge deprivations for the "prestige" of Russian power being feared somwhere in the world

Its a feature of the Russian psyche, a desire to feel that they are a powerful and important people, ruled by a strong and powerful man.

A fantasy diametrically opposed to reality, of course.

Its pathetic, but we have to deal with the consequences in invasions and internet threads like this.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
26 Feb 2017 /  #45
On to Kiev and on to Lvov

Serbian Volunteers in Novorossiya during the battle for Debaltsevo - Crushing defeat for the EU-Kiev junta.


Serbian chetnik with the captured enemy flags


A volunteer from the USA is fighting for Novorossiya - member of Vostok Battalion

Perevalsk, Novorossiya.
Cossack National Guard: Celebration of the Victory and the day of the new Recruits
mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #46
On to Kiev and on to Lvov

And doubtless on to Warsaw, Budapest and Prague... what a bunch of deranged freaks.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
26 Feb 2017 /  #47
the Russians have abandoned the Novorossiya project

Common tell me, how does Novorossiya still exists if the Russians gave up on it?

Ukrainians made short work of the idea of novorossija


'Sent to Die': Kiev's forces in E.Ukraine raise alarm over poor ammo, rotten food


'You abandoned us!' Ukrainian soldiers & families despair over Kiev failures


Neo-Nazi Aidar Battalion that was sent by the Kiev junta to attack the people of Donetsk and Lugansk.


They taught that this was like playing "Call of Duty". Those inflamed fools wanted a war and they got it.
mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #48
how does Novorossiya still exists if the Russians gave up on it?

Why is it just this little tiny strip at the edge (traditionally the most backward part), it was supposed to make up something like half of Ukraine.

Why are you posting against political interests on a Polish forum?

You are not going to convince Polish people that Russia is a friend or potential ally of Poland. It never has been and it isn't now.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
26 Feb 2017 /  #49
*Area in red is where there are mass demonstrations in Ukraine against forced mobilization by the illegal Kiev junta

*Area in dark red is the battle zones

Beginning of the end of the Zionist Kiev junta.
The third wave of mobilization raised the bar up to 65 years. They also mobilize the disabled, who are "combat ready"...

Mass protests and blocking of roads across western Ukraine against mobilization.





Total uncertainty in the Ukrainian army:


Left in Lurch: Ukraine soldiers in despair without support and leadership

Over 400 Ukrainian soldiers desert and flee to Russia, ask for refuge


These are the true Ukrainian patriots.

They decided not to kill their own blood for Zionist cause.
mafketis  38 | 11184  
26 Feb 2017 /  #50
Mass protests and blocking of roads

Dude, maybe you can't read a calendar (would oddly make sense) but your vids are all from 2014!

Neo-Russian imperialism is not, and will not, be anything that Polish people (or people who have Polish interests at heart) are going to get excited about.
26 Feb 2017 /  #51
Serbs seem to very prone to wishful thinking, hence their irrelevance in the modern world.

In 2014, to the Russian Neanderthals, its looked like their sneaky invasion of Ukraine was a success. Reality has since hit and the total disaster is evident to all.

Roll on 2014..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2017 /  #52
Reality has since hit and the total disaster is evident to all.

It's a complete disaster. I've been reading about the Crimean economy being essentially in the toilet since then. Tourists aren't turning up, prices have increased dramatically and things are actually worse than they were under Ukraine.

The LPR and DPR are wrecked and Ukraine has no intention of letting it become a frozen conflict. Yet Putin is stuck there, as he can't let them fall back into Ukrainian hands without making it seem like a monumental defeat. Even if Ukraine agrees to let them become yet another frozen conflict state, there'll be constant danger of the Ukrainian Army launching surprise raids, and their "capital" is only a few kilometres from the front line.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Feb 2017 /  #53
The Majdan and the whole Crimea conflict was created by Americans desirous of the area to set up new military base and provoke Russia even harder (just like it was with Serbia and Camp Bondsteel in Serbian town of Uroševac where they set up their second biggest base in Europe WITHOUT NATO RESOLUTION. They simply stole acres of Serbian soil without asking). As a result people of Ukraine suffer deaths, hunger, terror and see no future. Eventually Ukraine will end up becoming divided and destroyed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2017 /  #54
Oh, do we have another Russian apologist here?

Crimea happened because Putin wanted it to happen.
Ironside  50 | 12967  
26 Feb 2017 /  #55
Common tell me

Hmm, what kind of deal Russia would like to strike with Poland? Seems to me that they are not that interested.
I find it funny that in this case Russia has a genuine logical reason and what more a valid claim to those territories. Not as in 99% of the cases in the past and in the present but yet there are being condemn and checked for the former. That is karma in action if I ever seen one...lol!
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
27 Feb 2017 /  #56
Hmm, what kind of deal Russia would like to strike with Poland? Seems to me that they are not that interested.

These are pretensions of other states towards Ukraine.
Ironside  50 | 12967  
27 Feb 2017 /  #57
Sure, I know that. However it is not very practical at the moment to claim it. On the other hand Russia instead of giving ways what is hers could give up her own territory, that part next to Poland that is not really Russian.
Crow  154 | 9568  
27 Feb 2017 /  #58
What is funny, if we speak hypothetically, if western Europe or even China ever manage to destroy Russia, if Russia cease to exist for any sorts of reasons, the next day, the great ``friends`` of Poland from the western Europe would swallow Poland and all other Slavs. In a blink of an eye. More would remain from native American culture in human memory then from Slavs.

Now, not that I here defend Russia as protector of Slavs. Unfortunately, Russia too often failed in that role. I here only state that this way or another Russia hold some point of balance of power, so that Slavs can exist. Only Russians managed to have that strength, at least for now, no matter all their failures.

But, fact is that all other Slavs also failed. How else we can explain that we have situation that most of Slavs works in direction of its own collapse. How is possible that we Slavs can`t found minimum of common interest? Is that by our stupidity or by enormous effort and investments of our foes?
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
27 Feb 2017 /  #59
Polish nationalists anti-Banderovci. Patrolling the Polish border with Ukraine. Some of them were already fighting on the side of Novorossiya.




The Polish paramilitary organizations referenced in the article have a strictly nationalist, right-wing political orientation, with many of its members motivated by the idea of re-creating a Polish Commonwealth within its 17th Century borders

OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
27 Feb 2017 /  #60
The survey of Ukrainian journal Nedelya:

The survey on the streets of "liberated" Slavyansk, of Ukrainian Hromadske TV:

Do you believe Putin?
Do you believe Poroshenko?


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