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Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya

Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
24 Sep 2014 /  #1
Polish Volunteers Arrived in Donetsk and Lugansk to Help the Novorussian Republic!

A group of Polish Volunteers arrived to Donetsk to participate in the defense of Donbass. Polish troops led by a student of political science Bartosz Becker.

During a meeting with the head of the Supreme Council of the DNI Dennis Pushilin Bartosz Becker said that does not represent the Polish Atlanticist government. "I represent the free Polish people," - said the coordinator of Polish volunteers.

I think the new topic is needed, because the situation in this area must be accompanied by a separate thread especially from "the crisis in Ukraine".

So Novorossiya, encompassing eight oblasts(districts) (very likely) of former Ukraine would have a little more than 19 million people, and spread to some 230,000 km.

Of the five largest cities of the former Ukraine, Novorossiya would be composed of even four (Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa and Donetsk).

The rest of Ukraine would remain an area of ​​about 345,000 km and some 23 million people. But it should be noted that Novorossiya could join some other districts of the rump of Ukraine.
Vincent  8 | 800  
25 Sep 2014 /  #2
Polish Volunteers Arrived in Donetsk and Lugansk to Help the Novorussian Republic!

This news seems to be at least 4 months old (if it is true), have you got any updates on these alleged volunteers, and how can you tell for sure, that all the men in the photo are Polish?
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
19 Feb 2017 /  #3

Updates from Donetsk and Lugansk

Dejan Berić: Famous Serbian sniper about the situation in Novorossiya



Russell 'Texas' Bentley: Advice to foreign volunteers coming to Donbass
Pan Talon  
20 Feb 2017 /  #4
The last post isn't even following the topic.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Feb 2017 /  #5
have you got any updates on these alleged volunteers, and how can you tell for sure, that all the men in the photo are Polish?

There are a lot of claims coming out of the DPR that Polish volunteers are fighting on their side, but nothing concrete. It's quite possible that a few turned up there, as splitting Ukraine between Poland and Russia is a dream of some in the Polish far right. At the same time, the DPR has accused Ukraine of using Polish forces there, so anything is possible.
Ironside  50 | 12952  
20 Feb 2017 /  #6
splitting Ukraine between Poland and Russia is a dream of some

Not so much splitting as cut this country to its proper size.

There are a lot of claims coming out of the DPR that Polish volunteers are fighting on their side,

There ought to be one or two on either side of the conflict. Official Poland support Ukrainian side so whoever would have joined the DPR would be advertising that fact.
Crow  154 | 9548  
20 Feb 2017 /  #7
Polish Volunteers Arrived in Donetsk and Lugansk to Help the Novorussian Republic!

I`m not surprised. Poles and Serbians side by side against banderists, again. F*****g germanized devils. Who knows, one day maybe together in Lwow, again.

See, it is rather sad that bandersist pretend to defend Ukrainian ethos, while they actually work for foreign non-Slavic interests. I am for realistic borders of Ukraine. Founded on real ethnic borders of Ukrainian ethos, taking in account historical and other ethic reality in the region.

dream of some in the Polish far right

be adwised. Polish ultra right Catholics always goes hand in hand with ultra right Serbians. Always on the same side in history. This is old Sarmatian connection- last line of defense of balance of interests within Slavic civilization.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2017 /  #8
Always on the same side in history.

Now now Crowie, there were some Poles fighting for Croatia against Serbs in the early 1990's. 8 were counted in the Homeland War / War in Croatia, with 3 killed and 1 wounded.
22 Feb 2017 /  #9
Poles and Serbians side by side against banderists, again.

No, during WWII the Banderists were (mostly) on the same side as your Chetnik heroes, i.e. collaborating with the Nazis.

Polish ultra right Catholics always goes hand in hand with ultra right Serbians.

Please do not insult the memory of the brave Polish heroes who died fighting in Croatia and Bosnia to stop innocent men, women and children being raped and/or murdered by scum such as the Serb Volunteer Guard.
Crow  154 | 9548  
22 Feb 2017 /  #10
Now now Crowie, there were some Poles fighting for Croatia against Serbs in the early 1990's. 8 were counted in the Homeland War / War in Croatia, with 3 killed and 1 wounded.

`Dogs of War` of any kind of ethnicity took part in that dirty war initiated by western Europe, USA and Islamic league. Polish `Dogs of war` were not excluded from this. They fought on all sides. But true Polish volunteers fought only for Serbians.

No, during WWII the Banderists were (mostly) on the same side as your Chetnik heroes, i.e. collaborating with the Nazis.

Nonsense. Serbian Chetnik leader got USA congressional Legion of Merit for Chetnik resistance to Nazi occupiers, as well as for their resistance to communists.

Songs to Serbian Chetniks were sang even in Poland during WWII, where Chetniks directly took part in Polish resistance movement. Go, just google on that.

Please do not insult the memory of the brave Polish heroes who died fighting in Croatia and Bosnia to stop innocent men, women and children being raped and/or murdered by scum such as the Serb Volunteer Guard.

Nonsense and lies. You are capable only for that level of communication. As I said, `Dogs of war` fought on all sides but true Polish volunteers fought only for Serbians, for Racowie as Poles also call us.
22 Feb 2017 /  #11
Dogs of War

Stop insulting Polish heroes. Now. They risked and sometimes gave their lives to stop innocent men, women and children being raped and/or murdered by scum such as the Serb Volunteer Guard because that is what real men should do, not because they were paid to do it. Or perhaps you think that real men should rape women and children and murder old men?

I very much hope that there will soon be more Polish volunteers fighting in Ukraine against the eternal enemy of Poland: Russia.

Nonsense. Serbian Chetnik leader got USA congressional Legion of Merit for Chetnik resistance to Nazi occupiers

Yes, here are your Chetnik heroes bravely resisting against Germans:




Songs to Serbian Chetniks were sang even in Poland during WWII

Yes, I'm sure the AK had quite a few songs to sing about what to do to scum that collaborated with the Nazis. No doubt there will soon be songs for Poles to sing about the Chetnik scum who collaborate with the Putinite forces that have invaded and are occupying parts of a European nation.
Crow  154 | 9548  
22 Feb 2017 /  #12
We all have our traitors which if didn`t escape were hanged after the war. But, that doesn`t change the nature of Chetniks as a anti-Nazi patriotic movement. Go ask USA Congress.

USA about Chetniks
22 Feb 2017 /  #13
Go ask USA Congress.

Why ask a country that so often gets things wrong that their major magazine had Adolf Hitler and then Josef Stalin as men of the year in successive years? History is very clear that Chetniks collaborated with Nazis, just as they are now collaborating with a nation which has tried to oppress Poles for many centuries: Russia.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
23 Feb 2017 /  #14
have you got any updates on these alleged volunteers, and how can you tell for sure, that all the men in the photo are Polish?

They are members of Polish Falanga

Falanga supports "an independent Poland in the continental security system."


Bartosz Bekier in Donetsk:

"The European and Eurasian blocs need to cooperate closely for the common good, and for that we need to do away with the American influence, which all over the world is a precursor of bloody conflicts such as those in..."

Poles join the Novorossiya militia in large numbers




Bartosz Bekier and Denis Pushilin Chairman of Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)


American And Polish Volunteer In Novorossiya
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
23 Feb 2017 /  #15
as splitting Ukraine between Poland and Russia is a dream of some in the Polish far right.



Polish Volunteers fighting in Novorossiya often mention the term "Kresy", which refers to the former territories of the eastern provinces of Poland.



Polish-Hungarian Joint Statement: Ruch Narodowy and Jobbik Demand Self-Governance for the Indigenous Polish and Hungarian People living in the Ukraine

OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
23 Feb 2017 /  #16

US - NATO instructors with members of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Battalion Azov


Svoboda marchers commemorating Stepan Bandera's 105th birthday in Lviv


Activists of the Svoboda (Freedom) Ukrainian nationalist party shout slogans as they take part in a rally marking the 71st anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in Kiev




John McCain with leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party Oleh Tyahnybok


Nuland, "Klitsch", "Yats" and...Oleh Tyahnybok?

CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953


OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
23 Feb 2017 /  #17
Official Poland support Ukrainian side


What the mainstream media is not permitting to be shown and censoring.


The US Army will begin training Ukraine National Guard battalions on April 20 at a site in western Ukraine, near the Polish border, according to an announcement made by the country's interior minister, Arsen Avakov.

The US role in training and equipping paramilitary forces that openly venerate Ukrainian nationalists and fascists exposes as filthy lies the US claims to be championing democracy and human rights in Ukraine.



«We are assisting with that» - Yankee G.I. in Ukraine
23 Feb 2017 /  #18
What the mainstream media is not permitting to be shown and censoring.

You really are hilarious. Thanks for posting a laughable fake to remind us all how hilarious you are. That is a still from a movie titled The Brest Fortress.

movie still
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Feb 2017 /  #19
That is a still from a movie titled The Brest Fortress.


OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
23 Feb 2017 /  #20
Poles and Serbians side by side against banderists, again.


Polish and Serbian volunteers who came to protect the people of Donbass region from the Kiev junta have joined the Rusich Slavic Battalion.



What some people still do not realize is that we are seeing on the frontlines of Novorossiya the rise of one superior Christian Slavic civilization that rejects neo-liberalism, says no to cultural marxism, PC and western decadence. On the other side against us are the globalists from the US, NATO & EU and their proxies.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
24 Feb 2017 /  #21

Srdja Trifković interview on RT:
"In the end Ukraine cannot win this, we've seen that their soldiers simply don't have their heart in the fight."


F. William Endghal:
About the Ukrainian crisis, WWI, oil
Ukraine operation was made in Washington
WWI began because of the Berlin-Baghdad railway
24 Feb 2017 /  #22
Srdja Trifković interview on RT:

Wow, you're quoting a noted genocide denier and promoter of hatred, antisemitism and Islamophobia who is such a bigot that he's been banned from entering a country as tolerant as Canada and was speaking on a network that is such pure propaganda that Goebbels could take lessons from it. And there we were thinking that you wouldn't be able to top your performance with that movie still turned into an image about Donbass!
mafketis  38 | 11165  
24 Feb 2017 /  #23
"In the end Ukraine cannot win this

In other words, there is no such thing as Slavic unity. It's mostly an idle dream of intantile Balkan nationalists. Or it's simply Russian supremacism in disguise.

Ukraine operation was made in Washington

Even if that were true.... then so what? Only Russia has the right to influence Ukraine? If Ukrainians make a choice to turn more westward then that is the business of Ukrainians themselves and not a lot of Russian invaders.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2017 /  #24
Or it's simply Russian supremacism in disguise.

It's exactly that. I wouldn't even say it's in disguise, it's pretty clear that the only people promoting it are pro-Russia types.
Crow  154 | 9548  
24 Feb 2017 /  #25
Look at this and admit that you have erection >

OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
24 Feb 2017 /  #26

Sahra Wagenknecht the deputat of German parliament about the EU Crisis and the civil war in Ukraine, criticises disastrous policies of Angela Merkel:

"Mrs. Merkel you are cheating the people!

If the problems of the crisis do not feel those that needed to cook up something like this, if poverty in Europe continues to grow, if social injustice can no longer be controlled - such a Europe will die. And for that you are to blame, Mrs. Merkel!

In Ukraine, Europe has already experienced defeat. The country is drowning in a bloody civil war, and how wonderfully sounded your nice promises you made a few months ago."

TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Feb 2017 /  #27
That chick is a former communist from the GDR, you know that?
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
26 Feb 2017 /  #28

Messed Up Ukraine - Top 10 'Patriotic' Children


Ukrainian Member of Parliament Iryna Farion slamming 5 year olds for having Russian names

26 Feb 2017 /  #29

Do we have to put up with this Russia state propaganda?

greanvillepost.com for example, is Russian government.

The claim -not proven- that Poles are part of the Russian invasion of Ukraine doesn't justify a thread full of this crap.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2017 /  #30
Do we have to put up with this Russia state propaganda?

I'd be in favour of banning anyone pro-Russia on sight.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in NovorossiyaArchived