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MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas?

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 Dec 2010 /  #31
Yeah ... why dont you take only the valuables to Moscow ... and the other stuff you can get sold or give gifts ... start all over again in Russia.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #32
I'll think twice before storing anything valuable in a inhabited countryside house here,

The wooden house is within the Moscow ring road ( Malachovka ) and its occupied all the time by my girlfriends daughter...

Maybe i can put it all in a container , a 20 ft one would do...

I see you are in Moscow also...is the Moscow beer any good..? A Russian guy living in Moscow tells me its not , i can,t ask my girlfriend , she does not drink..

Lodz the boat...yes it would save a lot of transport costs to dump everything and travel light , but all the stuff i am taking is stuff i really need over there....
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 Dec 2010 /  #33
stuff i really need over there....

Cant you buy them there? I dont think Russia is that desolate =D ... he he

By the way my best wishes to you on starting a new life =). I know how it feels ... butterflies? =) ...

Specially going to a new place, new customs and cultures. You are a British right?

Remember, while you are there, praise God for what you have. Also, remember what you got and how you got it ... never look down on anyone due to their background, color, nativity or education or job or income ... anything. Remember that goodness is something that comes with the blessings and mercy of God, and it can come from anywhere - also go away if you show no respect to it and become nothing but selfish.

Every good thing in life is somehow interlinked, and every good thing lead to another ... and the cycle of life remains dynamic =).

No lectures ... just waving you a happy farewell to Russia! Take care.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
27 Dec 2010 /  #34
Oh , you asked me how far it is...? From my farm in Poland to Moscow , its about 1000 miles...

Oh, not far then? ;)

The wooden house is within the Moscow ring road ( Malachovka ) and its occupied all the time by my girlfriends daughter...

Your treasures wont put her in jeopardy I hope? ;)

I see you are in Moscow also...is the Moscow beer any good..? A Russian guy living in Moscow tells me its not , i can,t ask my girlfriend , she does not drink..

Uh oh, this could change the contents of the load quite considerably! ;P

Lodz the boat...yes it would save a lot of transport costs to dump everything and travel light , but all the stuff i am taking is stuff i really need over there....

Yeah, unless you are evacuating in a flood or something it's always nice to have a steady move with a well considered plan of what to take...

Though in that case it would be alright for you Lodz, cause you'd have a boat to carry things. ;P
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #35
Remember, while you are there, praise God for what you have. Also, remember what you got and how you got it ... never look down on anyone due to their background, color, nativity or education or job or income ... anything. Remember that goodness is something that comes with the blessings and mercy of God, and it can come from anywhere - also go away if you show no respect to it and become nothing but selfish.

I reply with the words of the Motorcycle club i will be joining in Russia....its not perfect English , but i am sure its clear....

NIGHT WOLVES is our Family, proved by years, joys and difficulties. We are a conciliarism of the people, sharing one philosophy, living by one principles and morals of the Slavonic and Pravoslavny Traditions. Pack - is our element. Wolves Pack - Wolves Power. Not in vain we carry through years our Emblem, which nobody, including death, can take away from us.

We don't accept any political, religious - chauvinistic movements, in spite of constant attempts to tie to us different kinds of labels and nameplates. We mix and make friends with people with whom we want to mix and make friends. We never regard as a paramount importance material and social status of a man. Man and our community with him are much more important to us, but not a size of his purse or his high position or not.

And generally speaking, we have a lot of Brothers and Friends, whom we love and don't sell out. NIGHT WOLVES, themselves, find Brothers and Friends, and people sharing our views, find us. Everything is quite simple. We don't need quantity; we are looking for quality. And we find it, in spite of obstacles, put in Our Way by different kinds of demons.

We always openly declare the fact, who can't be NIGHT WOLF. It is - pederast, drug taker, drug dealer, people carrying the ideas of evil, named "antichrists" and a man with whom, we think, we have different ways. It is no sense to come to us for material grace so, as we don't have it, more obvious we have Duty and Conscience before Brotherhood, Motoclub. Our grace is Our Being. We are happy that Destiny has united the best, again up to us, people
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 Dec 2010 /  #36
Though in that case it would be alright for you Lodz, cause you'd have a boat to carry things. ;P

I'm not going anywhere away from my city which everyone knows how much I love =) ...


Hey its all good but I were not talking about it ... it was something far more simpler and just about you, not your "pack!" ... but good luck in whatever you do.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #37
it was something far more simpler and just about you, not your "pack!" ... but good luck in whatever you do.

I know...but their principles are the same as mine...Bikers don,t care what coulour you are , or where you are from...you are either ok...or you are not...
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
27 Dec 2010 /  #38
And often you are either killed or viciously attacked. Many Bikers here are thugs, or at least they're the ones that make the news...

Not to detract from your seemingly peaceful tribe... sounds good. At least you've got a non-aggressive philosophy, though how you would carry that out if you were targetted is the question. Though I'd imagine Poland having quite a different Bikie sub-culture. :)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 Dec 2010 /  #39
How does Mrs Lodz like it?

She is very feminine and delicate. We had a very warm Christmas recently in which her Parents also came on our invitation for just a couple of days. But the entire week my family (sisters, nephew, niece, two closes cousins, brother in laws, an old uncle ... parents obviously) were present. All totally as Polish as one can get. Among them she was the only Korean with very "beginner' Polish :), and Korean-English (as the accent is always there). She was smiling most of the time, not a single complain ... my mother already likes her alot (and mom was the most skeptical about my marriage to her).

I asked her on how she feels ... and she replied about how she will give her best, and how she trusts me. I know my part of the responsibility too, and she ofcourse my highest priority now. But she is there to give it her best effort and knows how much I love my own place. She is adjusting very well, and my family already loves her and are great friends with her =).

I know...but their principles are the same as mine...

Its all good ... it was just a farewell wave =D ... as you have spent so much time among us in Poland =) ...

I hope you like Russia ...
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
27 Dec 2010 /  #40
I asked her on how she feels ... and she replied about how she will give her best, and how she trusts me. I know my part of the responsibility too, and she ofcourse my highest priority now. But she is there to give it her best effort and knows how much I love my own place. She is adjusting very well, and my family already loves her and are great friends with her

It sounds as though you have communication which is good, and are considerate to her - appreciating that every day for her is still new. You're not arrogant, and you find new ways to treasure your wife constantly (because you are a grateful man) so I can see a very long and happy union. Well done! (Respect) :)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #41
I hope you like Russia ...

Home is where the heart is...mine is definatly with a lovely Russian teacher...

Quote Ashley.....And often you are either killed or viciously attacked. Many Bikers here are thugs,

They are the ones that make the news , there are one or two groups , that for variuos reasons don,t like another group...The Hells Angels and the Bandidos for example just do not like each other...

Most of us get along fine with other clubs , and its pretty rare for bikers to be fighting with each other...

Of course , when you get the Hells Angels using rocket grenades and car bombs to sort out disputes with another club , its gonna get in the news....
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 Dec 2010 /  #42
Well done!

Thanks =) ... I love her alot =) ... lots =) ... I cannot write more to describe what I feel for her. She remains my highest priority.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
27 Dec 2010 /  #43
Ahhh, grace in love. It's so easy really. :)
ARC  1 | 13  
27 Dec 2010 /  #44
Now, if you want to discuss maliciousness, shall I share your e-mail with everyone?

And YOU have just shown everyone what character you have with such a threat. What kind of person would threaten something like that? I wrote you asking for help...which you agreed to do. Now you are behaving like this. You caused this conflict not me. All you had to do is apologize for your oversight. Instead you result to trying to attack me in ways you think will harm me. Pathetic.
Velund  1 | 498  
27 Dec 2010 /  #45
I see you are in Moscow also...is the Moscow beer any good..? A Russian guy living in Moscow tells me its not

Lots of brands here. Both imported (expensive) and locally brewed. You'l need to taste it to find which brands best suit your taste.

Try to look here how it look like (choose one of categories in list to see what's offered)...
This is some sort of Internet shop that sells food and beverages with delivery. Note that some well known brands is brewed locally, so you may find some difference, not always bad. Unfortunately, there is no English version, Russian only.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #46
If i am going to be in Russia , i shall drink Russian beer....It can,t be any worse than English beer...

I have tried Belarussian and Ukrainian beer , some really nice beers there...I am sure the same in Russia...

ПИВО ПРАЖЕЧКА CHRISTMAS СВЕТЛОЕ 5,8% 0,5Л Looks interesting...?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
27 Dec 2010 /  #47
I was thinking more about this last night and now I'm wondering if you're rushin' (hehe!) things a bit, WR. Moving in with someone is always a big step, all the more so when the two peeps come from different societies/ cultures/ countries. Even if the girl lived right down the street, let alone 1000 miles away. And you've yet to meet this lady in person, right? Maybe the two of you will find that you're not a perfect match? Maybe you won't share the bathroom well. Maybe one of you snores.... At any rate, I would suggest taking things a little slower than moving all your stuff with you on your first trip. If you can store your stuff somewhere temporarily, as you say, then that's what I would recommend. Go visit, get to know her and how the two of you get on before you commit to hauling your every worldly possession there.

And YOU have just shown everyone what character you have with such a threat. What kind of person would threaten something like that? I wrote you asking for help...which you agreed to do. Now you are behaving like this. You caused this conflict not me. All you had to do is apologize for your oversight. Instead you result to trying to attack me in ways you think will harm me. Pathetic.

You shouldn't be surprised, really. Delph has shown his level of character here before. Just read his posts!
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #48
Well , apart from some private brewery stuff that is really nice its a bit hopeless compared to some of the Polish brews....

I used to like Newcastle brown when i was over there , and many of the real ales....

The rest were a bit like coloured water...

And you've yet to meet this lady in person, right?

Nooo we have met... we had a great hoilday in Kiev..

If we were 20 years old , i would say its a good idea to wait a while , but we are not... i am 56 , and she is 46...we know what we want...

And we are as perfect a match as its possible to get...

Everything will be just fine... we know it...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
27 Dec 2010 /  #49
With such beautiful vibes, I am sure you will be great.

Are there no trains to Moscow (question mark)

Im using someone elses computer and the letters are mixed up, like z and y and I canąt make a question mark.
bimber94  7 | 254  
27 Dec 2010 /  #50
How dare you sir!

Yes, damn and blast the blaggard! :D

Seriously WR, I fear for your safety in Russia. I know of an ex-militia man from Białoruś and his son, both of whom went together to work in construction in Moscow. The son was found dead, and his dad disappeared from the face of the earth. If that can happen to a comparative local - an ex-cop at that - what are your chances of long-term survival?
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #51
Are there no trains to Moscow (question mark)

I am sure there are..but i always prefer to drive or ride to any place...besides..i will need some transport in Moscow...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
27 Dec 2010 /  #52
I'd assume that it would be cheaper to either bring your vehicle on the train or sell it here and buy another there, as you would have to fart about with re-registering it maybe a MOT test? and petrol costs etc...

Just a thought, as I read that you are looking for an inexpensive way, although really I'd love to drive to Moscow.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #53
have to fart about with re-registering it maybe a MOT test?

noo you don,t need all that nonsense in Moscow....just buy some insurance at the border...and fail to understand when the cops stop you...

Unless you are doing somethng really naughty they don,t bother you...

what are your chances of long-term survival?

I am sure i will be fine... i am not afraid of the Russians , my Russian lady will take care of me...
Velund  1 | 498  
28 Dec 2010 /  #54
ПИВО ПРАЖЕЧКА CHRISTMAS СВЕТЛОЕ 5,8% 0,5Л Looks interesting...?

Never tried this one. Regular Prazhechka is really not bad.

I'm not very enthusiastic about vodka and other strong liquors. ;) Have at least 3 different bottles of russian vodka in bar (got as gifts), one bottle of taiwanese vodka (bring it from Taipei as souvenir last time I was there), something latvian, bottle of Armenian brandy (gift), bottle of french Cognac (souvenir from La Rochelle)... But never even thinked to open one of them last few months. ;)

But beer never stay in refrigerator for too long time. ;)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
28 Dec 2010 /  #55
I'm not very enthusiastic about vodka and other strong liquors.

Like any good resident of Russia , i will keep some vodka in the house in case of unexpected guests , but i will stick to beer too....

In Poland i spend so much time in my car , or on my bike , that alcohol is something i rarely get to sample...
Velund  1 | 498  
28 Dec 2010 /  #56
Like any good resident of Russia , i will keep some vodka in the house

Good idea, if your guests will be late... Sales of strong alcohol during night time is banned here. ;)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
28 Dec 2010 /  #57
Thats something i did not know...?
sledz  23 | 2247  
10 May 2015 /  #58
I reply with the words of the Motorcycle club i will be joining in Russia....its not perfect English , but i am sure its clear....


There was a thread about them being turned away at the Polish border, perhaps it was too controversial for a Polish forum?
This forum is like Hillary Clintons email server,,,lol

It always makes me laugh when the tough guy Euro Bikers all have to have American made Motorcycles!

Go Harley!! Take their $$$$$

Why don't the buy BMW or Kawasaki they're a lot cheaper and easier to get?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Polonia / MOVING MY STUFF TO MOSCOW and a Harley motorcycle ...any ideas?Archived