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Unhinged Israeli Arrested and Charged for Knife Attack on Polish Policeman

Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Aug 2017 /  #1
[Polish] Prosecutors identified the suspect as Ibrahim H., withholding his last name as required under Polish law. They said he has been charged with assaulting a police officer and exposing an officer to the threat of loss of life or serious harm.

Source: timesofisrael.com/israeli-citizen-charged-in-knife-attack-on-polish-policeman

Absolutely disgusting! What is it with all these deranged Middle Easterners? They are allowed into Europe as guests and all they want to do is kill, kill, kill.

And to think these entitled fanatical thugs, killers and assassins actually have apologists and cheerleaders (some right here on PF) demanding more of them be allowed into Europe and Poland be given its quota to fill.

Thankfully this knife wielding Israeli psycho is now behind bars and Poles are safe again.

I hope everyone on PF will join with me in extending a job well done to the Polish police in swiftly dealing with this violent foreigner and in wishing the injured but brave Polish policeman a speedy recovery.
julciajestfsst  - | 3  
20 Sep 2017 /  #2
Im glad Poland decided not to let in immigrants. My family has friends in Germnany and France and they say its really bad there :(
gumishu  16 | 6181  
20 Sep 2017 /  #3
Im glad Poland decided not to let in immigrants.

hi fest julcia :)
spiritus  69 | 643  
20 Sep 2017 /  #4
Agree-This is despicable.

A very good argument for Poland to keep a strict control over allowing middle eastern migrants into the country
jon357  72 | 22778  
20 Sep 2017 /  #5
A very good argument for

I'm sure you don't need any excuses for your views.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
20 Sep 2017 /  #6
Point of information, folksies! "Ibrahim" AIN'T a Jewish, let alone an Israeli, first name; it's Arabic and this Israeli was most likely not a Jew, but a Palestinian:-)

So much for real news. I'll take fake news any day. At least I know I can believe itLOL
gumishu  16 | 6181  
20 Sep 2017 /  #7
it's Arabic and this Israeli was most likely not a Jew, but a Palestinian:-)

i figured it out on my own but thanks
Ironside  50 | 12312  
20 Sep 2017 /  #8
allowing middle eastern migrants into the country

Well, the best argument I have and the only I need is that the Muslims in numbers do not assimilate properly into a country and constitute a different civilization that is not combatable with the European civilization.

By the way few days past some Ukrainian migrant killed with a knife some local footballer, the only reason he gave that footballer allegedly insulted him, he took his victim wallet and a watch. As they found out Ukrainian is a criminal with a long list of crimes. Shouldn't there be in place some basic vetting system?

Ibrahim" AIN'T a Jewish, let alone an Israeli,

He must have an Israeli passport. As a progressive you cannot say things like that. He is what his passport says or you're a racist.

As many years back a gypsy gimp with a Polish passport knifed a Belgian dude for his mobile all the press was writing about a Polish perpetrator. What good for a goose...
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
20 Sep 2017 /  #9
You're welcome, gumishu, any time I can be of (unwanted) assistance, just holler:-)
Crow  154 | 9207  
20 Sep 2017 /  #10
the Muslims in numbers do not assimilate properly into a country and constitute a different civilization that is not combatable with the European civilization.

Thank you Irone. Best possible definition of why bringing migrants to Europe don`t helping. Instead, its much better to build factories in affected regions that produce migrants so that people can stay at home and have perspective.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
21 Sep 2017 /  #11
And to think that it was Arabs like the physician Rhazes, who brought knowledge of medicine to the West aka Europe!! Then there's algebra etc
Ironside  50 | 12312  
21 Sep 2017 /  #12
The brought nothing but Roman/Persian knowledge.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
21 Sep 2017 /  #13
So what's wrong with that?? You're just prejudiced against Arabs, no matter what they contributed:-)
Ironside  50 | 12312  
21 Sep 2017 /  #14
So what's wrong with that??

Absolutely nothing, I simply correct your flawed knowledge.

You're just prejudiced against Arabs

I'm an equal opportunity hater I'm prejudiced against everyone. Now go and troll somewhere else.

no matter what they contributed:-)

As per usual you missed the point. The point is that they have contributed absolutely nothing.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
22 Sep 2017 /  #15
For the umpteenth time, ignoramus, what do you call medicine and algebra?? You call it "nothing" because you probably don't understand either subject:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Sep 2017 /  #16
Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine. Doctors take the Hippocratic oath. He was Greek not Arab.

Diophantus, also a greek, is considered to be the father of algebra although Persians made significant contributions. The discipline of 'al jabr' from which the name algebra comes from, was made by a Persian not an Arab.

Arabs did make contributions im not denying that. They'd certainly be making much more if the youth weren't spending their lives in madrassas memorizing the Koran.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
22 Sep 2017 /  #17
Rhazes was Persian, not Arabic, wasn't he?

Anyway, just because a certain civilisation or its representatives have contributed to the development of science etc doesn't mean its other representatives are not vile bastards.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Sep 2017 /  #18
I was referring to kwarimzi or however his name is spelled. A bunch of different cultures contributed things to algebra from permutations to zero negative numbers etc stretching from Babylonian times to a chinese dude coming up with polynomials to France's Descartes to the current era. Nonetheless Diophantus and kwarimzi are generally regarded as the fathers of algebra.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
22 Sep 2017 /  #19
I do agree with you.
I was actually referring to what another poster had written.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
23 Sep 2017 /  #20
"Ibrahim" AIN'T a Jewish, let alone an Israeli, first name

"originally Avram or Abram, is the common patriarch of the three Abrahamic religions.[1] In Judaism he is the founding father of the Covenant, the special relationship between the Jewish people and God"

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham

He must have an Israeli passport. As a progressive you cannot say things like that. He is what his passport says or you're a racist.

Absolutely. I'll add that Jews and Israelis are shamelessly rabid in their discriminatory beliefs and practices when it comes to who can identify as a Jew. And being Jewish is most certainly a criteria for Israeli citizenship. So this psycho slasher who unjustifiably and criminally attacked a Polish policemen is without a doubt both Jewish and an Israeli. It can be no other way.

It is clear from his many posts that the Zionist Lyzko is also a notorious advocate of "collective guilt". So rather than running interference and trying to disavow the identify of this obvious Jewish Israeli criminal he himself should be offering his own personal apologies for the illegal and deadly conduct of his fellow Jew and atone for it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Sep 2017 /  #21
Israel even uses DNA tests for citizenship for foreigners who want to apply


Marraige laws are strict too. If you're marrying a Muslim its hard. I'm sure there's maybe a few token palestinians. Christians maronites etc maybe somewhat have it a lil easier but still Israel is very selective of whom they give residency to much less citizenship marriage lic etc.

Much of israeli law stems from Jewish religious law. Its the Jewish state which is fine idc but then Jews shouldn't cricise others for wanting to keep their culture and beliefs and have them endure

Not evwn Jews as I have Jewish friends more specifically zionists
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
23 Sep 2017 /  #22
Israel even uses DNA tests for citizenship for foreigners who want to apply

Yes, and there would be deafening howls of outrage which would come from leftists (which hypocritically support a Jewish State of Israel) if any country in Europe or north of the Rio Grande tried to do that.

Much of israeli law stems from Jewish religious law.

Which makes it a theocracy and therefore no different than its pilloried archenemy the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as those heavily armed fanatics attempting to establish an Islamic caliphate through death and destruction spanning Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

The pervasiveness of the cultish views which all Middle East denizens (especially Israelis) have of themselves in their own societies shape their views of others who are decidedly excluded from it.

This explains why an Israeli who is a mere visitor in Poland thinks nothing of carrying out random acts of lethal violence on not only a Pole but one in a law enforcement capacity. It is sheer arrogance and contempt and no different than the acts of terrorism and sex crimes washing all across Europe from fanatical and ungrateful Afro-Arab economic migrants.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2017 /  #23
Actually Israel secretly helps those 'armed fanatics' you're referring to - al Qaeda al nusra etc in their fight against the Shiites. It was an alliance of convenience since they habe the same enemy and a Shiite corridor is against the interest of both the sunnis and Israelis. There's been dozens of reports of al nusra and al Qaeda fighters getting shot and enjoying Israel's top notch medicine. They'd get patched up and go right back to the battlefield.

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