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Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma?

27 Jan 2011 /  #1
Several pubs in Poznan, western Poland, have been practicing what is perceived as being blatant racism against Romani by banning them from their establishments.

"I'm not the only one to have imposed such a ban. The Roma enter in large groups and raise hell. Besides that, they make a mess - their tables often look like they were hit by an earthquake after they leave," one pub owner told the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper.

The manager of another popular Poznan bar says he keeps Romani out by claiming that all his tables are reserved.

Miklosz Deki Czureja, a Romani violinist, who used to play concerts at the Piano Bar, claims he was also asked to leave when he came to the pub as a customer with his partner and a granddaughter.

The blatant discrimination has been reported to the Wielkopolska organization for Roma and to the local ombudsman for minority issues.

convex 20 | 3928  
27 Jan 2011 /  #2
bar kicks out gypos, shocking!
enkidu 6 | 611  
27 Jan 2011 /  #3
Usually it was the other way around.
27 Jan 2011 /  #4
bar kicks out gypos, shocking!

Are you, perchance, one of those people who thinks that Hitler had the right idea with regard to Romani-related issues?

Usually it was the other way around.

No need to ask you that question: you obviously are.
Marynka11 3 | 639  
27 Jan 2011 /  #5
The authors of this article should brush up on history. Comparing noisy and disruptive Romas, to the situation of Jews during Nazi time is just unfair to the Jews. Being lynched based on belonging to a certain nationality is not comparable to just not being let into a restaurant based on earlier bad experiences of the owners. I fully understand the club owners, they have businesses to run...

There is a big Gypises community close to where I live, they had been there for decades. Given the amount of crime they commit I think Polish are very tolerant.
27 Jan 2011 /  #6
I did.

So you have no excuse for not knowing that it started with state sanctioned discrimination.

And there is no need to call names.

People who say things like "Given the amount of crime they commit I think Polish are very tolerant." are cretins.

here is a big Gypises community close to where I live, they had been there for decades.

You should be grateful: now that almost all the Jews have gone, you Poles need other people for your famous pogroms.
sobieski 106 | 2111  
27 Jan 2011 /  #7
My brother-in-law lives in Kędzierzyn-Kożle where there is in Kożle an unhealthy concentration of gypsies. Social-wise, crime-wise.
Nobody knows how they earn a living - apart from plundering the town's meagre social budget.
27 Jan 2011 /  #8
an unhealthy concentration of gypsies.

Perhaps you would like to send them to one of those camps that Poland is so famous for?
Marynka11 3 | 639  
27 Jan 2011 /  #9
People who say things like "Given the amount of crime they commit I think Polish are very tolerant." are cretins.

Those are the people who made bad experiences with Gypsies.

You should be grateful: now that almost all the Jews have gone, you Poles need other people for your famous pogroms.

Yeahh, not letting disruptive people in a restaurant is exactly like pogrom. Did you even bother to skim a history book?

And seriously, go get laid. That might relieve the tension.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
27 Jan 2011 /  #10
Yeahh, not letting disruptive people in a restaurant is exactly like pogrom. Did you even bother to skim a history book?

Doubt it, this just highlights the problem Poland has with anyone but themselves. As I've said many times before, given Poland's history you would think they would be more tolerant. Unfortunately it seems that some Poles credit the Nazi's views far too well.
27 Jan 2011 /  #11
Yeahh, not letting disruptive people in a restaurant is exactly like pogrom.

Have you read the article? In what was that man being disruptive? In what way were the people in the video being disruptive.

Racist cretins like you illustrate one of the reasons why the Nazis built all of their deathcamps in Poland.
sobieski 106 | 2111  
27 Jan 2011 /  #12
Perhaps you would like to send them to one of those camps that Poland is so famous for?

Not really. I only see what kind of problems gypsies cause. I hear the stories from first-hand experience. They simply have no morals. They are social parasites posing as "refugees". In my native Flanders there are massive problems with them in simply every place they concentrate.

And yes I think many Poles are antisemitic into their very core...but "these camps" were Nazi death camps.Important difference.
27 Jan 2011 /  #13
Jews made up 10% of Polish society before WWII.

Yes, despite Poland's best efforts to change that.

since you are just so set to prove that Polish are racist.

I don't need to prove that (some) Poles are racist: you have already proved that with your comments. And the subject matter of the article shows that you are not the only racist Pole.

They simply have no morals. They are social parasites

Your own words or are you quoting Nazi party propaganda there?
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
27 Jan 2011 /  #14
There was no "Devouring" over here but Pikeys are still a nightmare in bars and pubs any that arnt flea pits tend to have "polite" No Travellers signs in the windows.....Work behind a bar during a Pikey wedding and then try to still stay all liberal and happy clappy on the subject.
Marynka11 3 | 639  
27 Jan 2011 /  #15
I don't need to prove that (some) Poles are racist: you have already proved that with your comments. And the subject matter of the article shows that you are not the only racist Pole.

Is it going to be a child like argument?

H: You are racist cretin
M: No, I'm not.
H: Yes, you are (blowing raspberry)

For the sake of piece in kindergarten I will say, yes, I'm Polish racist. (I've learned that from my grandparents who hid a Jewish man in their cellar for 2 years during WWII)
27 Jan 2011 /  #16
You are clearly a racist: your comments about Romani people demonstrate that very clearly.
f stop 24 | 2493  
27 Jan 2011 /  #17
we all know Poles like to "keep to themselves". That's why we're so homogenious, and attract so many 'white power' kooks. It's more credible to defend that stance than deny it.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
27 Jan 2011 /  #18
Ok, so what are the conspiracy theories?

Before I have even said anything you have already discredited what I "may say". Cheers i thought educating you might have been a little tricky, but by your conspiracy comment you have already shown how single minded you are.
Marynka11 3 | 639  
27 Jan 2011 /  #19
Sorry, I was a little sarcastic. Go ahead, educate me.
convex 20 | 3928  
27 Jan 2011 /  #20
Yes Harry, based on that comment, I believe that Hitler had the right idea and that gypsies should be exterminated.

Anyway, back to reality, a good number of the folks that we ended up having to throw out of our place in Prague were gypsies. Just how it is. Plenty of places in Prague also don't allow British stag groups either, also intolerant I suppose...

Not really. I only see what kind of problems gypsies cause. I hear the stories from first-hand experience. They simply have no morals. They are social parasites posing as "refugees".

Disagree with you there. There are quite a few bad apples disproportionate to the size of the population...but it's not a problem with their race, but rather the culture (which is due to a number of reasons...but we won't get into that). It's a pretty vicious circle of discrimination and reaction, just depends on what part of the circle that you start at when looking at the problem.
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
27 Jan 2011 /  #21
It's a pretty vicious circle of discrimination and reaction, just depends on what part of the circle that you start at when looking at the problem.

Questions answered,one sentence.
Edit after reading Harrys link to the artical....
So,the Roma have no "form"? It seems there isnt the excuse that Roma are known to start huge fights or smash windows or generally run riot like the (non Roma) irish pikeys that we get then...Have to agree,smacks of pure rascism...."they leave tables untidy and are dirty..." How pathetic an excuse. Maybe a helpfull sign like " Nur fur Polen" might be handy...
Teffle 22 | 1318  
27 Jan 2011 /  #22
Surely there are anti-discrimination laws that would cover this blanket ban type of thing anyway - no?

irish pikeys

Oh no no no - you can't say that you know ; )

(Although kind of ironic using the term when you talk about racism in almost the same breath)

: )
enkidu 6 | 611  
27 Jan 2011 /  #23
I wouldn't think it's possible, that I would live long enough to experience that but...
I am agree with Harry.
/ strange feeling, really
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
27 Jan 2011 /  #24
Teffle,they are Irish,what else do I call them? They are not Roma,or Sinti etc,not even Gypsies.
The racialy Roma people I know have nothing to do with them.
So no,when white irish tinkers are responsible for dispraportianatly so much crime its hardly rascist for one (part) irish white man to call another white irish man anything is it.
ShortHairThug - | 1101  
27 Jan 2011 /  #25
To the OP: Interesting that this whole topic is started by an anonymous Jew -Those discriminating Poles.
One Roma refused service not exactly worth all that hype; after all it’s not like a state sponsored discrimination in Israel and elsewhere against Palestinians and Arab minority or any minority, is it?

For the Yanks:
Speaking on behalf of US government Condoleezza Rice in 2008 suggested that Palestinian refugees who are seen as nothing more than Gypsies by Israel and US alike could be resettled in South America, Chile and Argentina to be exact. If you want to be seen as great humanitarians, why not your own country? Discrimination of entire people by US government is nothing new and what about their fundamental right to go home? You’re all just a bunch of hypocrites. What about Native Americans that are refused service in restaurants and bars in Southwest all the time, being seen as drunks all the time? Yes I've witnessed it myself or any other group? You sure have plenty to choose from there.

The Brits:
Don’t you have your own problems with pikes? I think all of you are familiar with that subject no matter what part of Britain or Ireland you hail from.

Everyone else who would screen bloody murder:
Italy in 2008 declared a state of emergency due to the presence of Roma, and evicted thousands of them. Didn’t France announce it would round up and expel illegal Roma immigrants and destroy hundreds of their encampments? Germany is in the process of repatriating thousands of Roma to Kosovo. Now we know true reason why they were in favor of Kosovo split from Serbia. I remember something about Roma caravan chased out of Flanders in Belgium. Etc.

Like Stalin have said:
One death is a tragedy; one million just a statistic.
ShawnH 8 | 1488  
27 Jan 2011 /  #26
Conveniently left out of the Original Post....

Police, however, have yet to open an investigation into the complaints.

Poland's Interior Ministry has taken up the issue, however, sending mediators to Poznan to open dialogue between Roma and pub owners.
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has already announced that it will help the Roma open a case of discrimination against the restaurateurs.

Even though the local police failed to act in this case, it seems it is being addressed by the PL government. So can we say clearly that racism towards the Roma is completely acceptable / tolerated by all Poles?
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
27 Jan 2011 /  #27
Everyone else who would screen bloody murder:

Shame, cos it seems some posters on this site would prefer to act like the victim but still claim the camps were for them only.

So can we say clearly that racism towards the Roma is completely acceptable / tolerated by all Poles?

Of course not, some have brains.
27 Jan 2011 /  #28
Poland: Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, and Disclaimer- Rule number 11.

So can we say clearly that racism towards the Roma is completely acceptable / tolerated by all Poles?

Most certainly not.
27 Jan 2011 /  #29
From pubs to concentration camps in two easy pages. Gotta love verbal assocation...
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
27 Jan 2011 /  #30
LOL. Mind you I know a few pubs that make the transition in nano seconds.

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