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Professor Zygmund Bauman, Commie-Jew, shouted down

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #31
All has gone fine here

Indeed, especially for those producing the new rubish bins. They're working round the clock and cannot churn out enough of them. That's what tuskite tenders and the whole EU philosophy is all about -- fleece the publci and give the scam some fancy name.
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #32
He is a great authority for some.

For many. One of the most respected authorities worldwide in his academic field.

No, it must have been a very difficult transition for many of them - to go from a situation where you have a privileged position despite not being very good to suddenly having to scrabble for money in the free market.

I'm sure some of those who have all the answers were able to turn their hand to all sorts of things. Even very lowbrow things, given all the competition. After all, too many cooks spoil the broth.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2013 /  #33
What about skeletons in his closet?

How many elderly people in Poland don't have some skeletons in their closets
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #35
In public life, you will find that number to be far fewer.
24 Jun 2013 /  #36
About +99%.

Really? So all of the millions of Poles who were party members in the 1970s have died already, have they?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Jun 2013 /  #37
I'm sure it's a matter of time when you "expats" will start to post the number of PZPR members and so on, of course without any info why people were joining there, but before that happen, let me tell you it's not really PZPR membership some people have problem with in case of this grandpa...
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #38
Really? So all of the millions of Poles who were party members in the 1970s have died already, have they?

An expat hasn't posted the figures, so I will instead. Three million PZRR members, many more in affiliated organisations and 300,000 nomenklatura.

Many must be dead, because so few people have the balls to admit membership and the rest say they had to in order to get promotion and/or because all their friends were members.

Hey, at least it got you access to better shops and holiday camps, plus all the other extras.
24 Jun 2013 /  #39
Three million PZRR members

I thought it was three and a half million.
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #40
Maybe the extra half a million were not true Poles.
smurf  38 | 1940  
24 Jun 2013 /  #41
Or better, don't post non-stories in order to provoke people

Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #42
jon357 wrote - "For many. One of the most respected authorities worldwide in his academic field."
Would his academic achievements debar his responsibility even for one murder.
delphiandomine wrote - "How many elderly people in Poland don't have some skeletons in their closets"
I have no proclivity to snoop on elderly people.
Although it has nothing to do with dispute here I'm an inquisitive person, hence my question - how many?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #43
For many

Yes, but only for Michnikites and the whole laica lewicka.
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #44
Do you believe he's a murderer? And do you have a good lawyer? Especially since your allegation about his military service all those years ago was never an official one and he has never been convicted or even charged with any offences.

Btw, he's one of the nicest and most gentle people you could hope to meet. Nevertheless, I hope he would sue.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #45
How many elderly people in Poland don't have some skeletons in their closets"
I have no proclivity to snoop on elderly people.

But some people on PF defintiely do!
Why not ask the question: How many elderly people anywhere don't have some skeletons in their closets? Today's good-time Suzies, who some fancy as cool party girls just having a good time, will be grandmothers one day. Ever wonder what kind of stories they'll be telling their grandkids and the bounce them on their knees?
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #46
I have no proclivity to snoop on elderly people.

Ironic then that you're libelling and repeating unproven slurs about a 96 year old retired professor and highly respected author of 57 books.
Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #47
jon357 wrote - "Do you believe he's a murderer?"
His job in the Internal Security Corps and his achievements there would very much indicate that.
jon357 wrote - "And do you have a good lawyer?"
Are you looking for one?
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #48
Except you're still repeating unproven and libellous rumours. If you know a good defence lawyer, now's the time to make sure you've got enough money to afford the fees
Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #49
jon357 wrote - "Ironic then that you're libelling and repeating unproven slurs about a 96 year old retired professor and highly respected author of 57 books."

I'm only asking questions about his murky past. Is that a crime? Should I have be awed by a number of books he wrote?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #50
unproven and libellous rumours. If you know a good defence lawyer, now's the time to make sure you've got enough money to afford the fees

This is jon357's new tack. From web-stalking he has graduated to intimidation. An old NKVD, SB and Gestapo trick! Of late he's been trying it out on others.
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #51
Should I have be awed by a number of books he wrote?

Yes. That and the fact that he's a highly respected person. You should be very careful indeed when referring to unproven allegations about a very good man.


No intimidation - just facts.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #52
That's what the Gestapo and SB lads used to say.
24 Jun 2013 /  #53
Why is it that you seem to know so much about what the SB used to say?
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #54
The SB is something that you'd know far more about than me, back in the day. The Gestapo is outwith both your and my experience.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #55
you'd know far more about

Yes, I got hauled in for questioning on three separate occasions. And like you (maybe it's genetic?!) they used veiled allusions and threats, in fact they were probably a bit more subtle than you are. They had also done their share of previous snooping and surveillance and surprised me with what they knew.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Jun 2013 /  #56
One of your many fanciful stories?
Nile  1 | 154  
24 Jun 2013 /  #57
"History shows that using authoritarian laws to silence the authentic, legitimate concerns of the people always boomerangs into a fatal loss of legitimacy."
24 Jun 2013 /  #58
fanciful stories?

I'd be wondering more why a foreigner who lived under the commie regime for decades (and worked in a sensitive job) was only questioned three times.
jon357  72 | 22778  
24 Jun 2013 /  #59
And proper channels exist to investigate concerns, legitimate or not. The investigation in this case resulted in no action being taken.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jun 2013 /  #60

Warzęcha contends that Bauman has a foul (paskudny życiorys) because he was dab smack in the centre of the stalinist terror apparatus and has never apologised.

Naitonalist leader Krzysztof Biosak said it's good young people have protested against making an authority out of the likes of a Bauman.

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