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Poland's Prime Minister Szydło keeps American bulldogs on short leash

Ktos  15 | 432  
15 Feb 2016 /  #1
Three American so called diplomats put together a letter (it had to be three of them - maybe they thought they could compensate this way for each lacking the required rank to dictate the rules to a politician of much higher status, they calculated that three senators equals one prime minister) to our Prime Minister Beata Szydło crying about the alleged loss of democracy in Poland. The "pioneers" of spreading democracy around the world preached Minister Szydło about how it is naughty for Polish Government to violate human rights and liberties. Beata Szydło replied promptly indicating how all three are misinformed and how it would be appreciated if they of turned down the patronising tone expressed so vividly in the letter.

I have at least three issues with this letter, firstly, since when some American lower rank politicians call out to another country's Prime Minister to answer to their accusations? Secondly, why are Polish internal affairs American business or do Americans think that they run or should run proceedings in Poland? Thirdly, since when Americans have a right to use Poland's compliance with EU code of ethics as one of their basis for reprimand? Is USA in Europe or under EU jurisdiction? The letter grows even more ridiculous with the third signature of John McCain, the most democratic of democrats. I am surprised our Prime Minister even bothered to look at the letter not to mention reply to it and in such subtle fashion. Nevertheless, between the lines, she reminded the three wannabe "Polish presidents" that Poland's constitution is just that and foreign governments shall not meddle in it. Good point.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Feb 2016 /  #2
Senator McCain is not a "lower rank politician", he's a senior Republican Senator and a very heavy hitter. When he speaks, you listen.

(it had to be three of them - maybe they thought they could compensate this way for each lacking the required rank to dictate the rules to a politician of much higher status, they calculated that three senators equals one prime minister)

That's normal in US politics. It is a bipartisan initiative, which means it carries significant weight.

That's the price of doing business with America. You want to be in NATO, you listen to what they've got to say. Senator McCain is not someone you mess with lightly.

Nevertheless, between the lines, she reminded the three wannabe "Polish presidents" that Poland's constitution is just that and foreign governments shall not meddle in it. Good point.

Don't worry. Telling them to buzz off is exactly what we want this government to do. The chances of Poland getting a NATO base will have dropped even further now - McCain is *the* man when it comes to defence, and if he doesn't want a NATO base in Poland, Poland isn't getting one.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
15 Feb 2016 /  #3
Senator McCain is not a "lower rank politician", he's a senior Republican Senator and a very heavy hitter. When he speaks, you listen.

He is not, in any way, a counterpart to Prime Minister of Poland or any Prime Minister of any country for that matter.

That's normal in US politics. It is a bipartisan initiative, which means it carries significant weight.

Yes "in US politics" but not Polish politics.

You want to be in NATO, you listen to what they've got to say.

What has NATO got to do with Polish courts and media? "Senator McCain is not someone you mess with lightly" - nor is Prime Minister Szydło.

We don't need NATO, since Poland joined NATO its foreign military records have been tainted.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Feb 2016 /  #4
He is not, in any way, a counterpart to Prime Minister of Poland or any Prime Minister of any country for that matter.

Senator McCain is far more important in the world than the Prime Minister of Poland. That's just how it is.

Yes "in US politics" but not Polish politics.

Polish politics are US politics. Get it into your head.

"Senator McCain is not someone you mess with lightly" - nor is Prime Minister Szydło.

Szydło is a lightweight. She's widely regarded as being a puppet with no real authority or influence over the direction of the PiS government. Compared to McCain in particular, she's a mouse against a lion.

NATO has everything to do with Polish courts and media.

We don't need NATO, since Poland joined NATO its foreign military records have been tainted.

Australia might not need NATO, but Poland certainly does.
15 Feb 2016 /  #5
nor is Prime Minister Szydło.

She's just a puppet; visiting leaders who are deemed important enough by PIS to take up the time of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski don't even bother paying a courtesy visit to her.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
15 Feb 2016 /  #6
Senator McCain is not a "lower rank politician", he's a senior Republican Senator and a very heavy hitter.

Delph I must respectfully disagree with you 100%.
McCain is a "Has Been" and basically being ignored these days.
He is a nobody and should have retired a long time ago.
Like Trump has stated, "McCain is not a war hero just because he got captured in Vietnam.
He has played this with his political pot and pan banging to his advantage until it finally wore out.

Compared to McCain in particular, she's a mouse against a lion.

Not in 2016. McCain has been called out and put in his place by the senate committee.
He doesn't have much respect anymore.

McCain is *the* man when it comes to defence

That maybe was true thirty years ago but hardly anymore.

Senator McCain is far more important in the world than the Prime Minister of Poland.

Most likely pretty equal.
Like Harry said, "they are both puppets."
Delph when you talk about the American government I cringe with your ignorance in the same way you cringe when I try to be an authority on the PiS.

The conclusion is that we both should stick to what we know.
The Prime Minister of Poland should be respected for standing up to a McCain's insults.
She did an excellent job.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Feb 2016 /  #7
McCain is a "Has Been" and basically being ignored these days.

Well, one thing that Senator McCain wrote was that the view of the situation will not change regardless if there's a Democrat or Republican in the White House. That's pretty damning, and the nonsense reply by Szydło will do nothing to help.

He is a nobody and should have retired a long time ago.

Perhaps a nobody to you, but Senator McCain is the chairman of the Armed Services Committee. That's exactly the person you don't want to upset if you want NATO to place a permanent base in Poland. He's also been involved with Polish affairs for quite a long time, and his chairmanship gives him quite a lot of influence over foreign affairs.

She did an excellent job.

She's done the worst possible thing she can do. Americans don't care about Poland, but they will care if the media reports (and is reporting) that the Prime Minister of Poland essentially told three Senators to get lost.

As I keep saying, Szydło is out of her depth.
15 Feb 2016 /  #8
Mccain is a scumbag. I have never heard an American citizen (Democrat or Republic) praise him for anything.
Hes a typical neocon and unfortunetly his type play a role in Poland. Hes connected to the military industrial complex
and American foreign politics. If the Neocons get ****** off at Poland then Poland will lose much support from the US politicians.
And they of course are connected to the "good old" NATO too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Feb 2016 /  #9
Well done for explaining exactly why Poland can't afford to irritate McCain.

Not hard to figure out that he has influence and power, and that getting on his wrong side can only hurt Poland.

Furthermore, it must be burning PiS to realise even the Americans hate them now.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Feb 2016 /  #10
McCain is a nasty globalist and a damn supporter of jihad.

You want to be in NATO, you listen to what they've got to say.

Or else what ? Let me guess, big evil Russia will come and eat us alive :))) ?
Lolek222  - | 79  
15 Feb 2016 /  #11
Oh come on that guy has been brainwashed by commies during his captivity, it's clear he is a Chinese mole!
15 Feb 2016 /  #12
American politicians should keep their noses out of Poland The last time they got involved they sold us out to the Soviets at Yalta, they need to sort out their own country which is degenerating fast before they pick on a safe and developing country like Poland.
15 Feb 2016 /  #13
The only minor problem is that Kaczyński and his cronies are really dismantling the rule of law and democracy in Poland. Prime Minister Szydło may think it's partiotic and graceful to keep American bulldogs on short leash while demanding that they protect us from Putin and Mr Waszczykowski may try to cast spells on western journalists saying the letter "was inspired by those who don't wish Poland well" (sounds just like the things I could hear on Polish TV before 1989), but facts are facts and, as the old saying goes, you can fool some people sometimes but you can't fool all the people all the time. When a few weeks ago I took part in an opposition rally in defence of the Constitutional Court which had been demolished by PiS, two elderly ladies who supported the new government explained to me why we could not agree - "It's those New York Jews, they tore us, Poles apart". How simple. How come I hadn't been able to come up with this obvious answer on my own? I am afraid those ladies had been fooled by 24 years of hate talk on Father Rydzyk's Radio Maryja and by equally shameful lies of Kaczyński. I wasn't.
15 Feb 2016 /  #14
Well the fact is when the sh$t hits the fan the American bulldogs have no chance (And no real interest) in saving Poland from Putin, here is a question, what would Putin want from Poland if Poland is not seen as a military threat to Russia?

Better Poland commits to strengthening its own armed forces, and builds a strong armed Polish civilian militia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Feb 2016 /  #15
American politicians should keep their noses out of Poland.

If you want them to keep their noses out, then you have to accept the loss of NATO membership.
15 Feb 2016 /  #16
Delph , What use is Nato to Poland in a firefight with Russia ? They are more useless than the Americans.

Don't forget Russia does not play by Nato or American rules, cluster bombs, phosphorous and fuel/napalm munitions are all the rage in the Russian armory look at their success in Syria compared to the joint efforts of the US and European nations , better to keep both Nato and america on the short leash.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Feb 2016 /  #17
Delph , What use is Nato to Poland in a firefight with Russia ?

Don't ask me, ask the clowns that keep begging NATO for a base in Poland.

I'm pretty sure that should it come down to it, NATO would seek to defend only the left bank of the Wisła.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
16 Feb 2016 /  #18
Not hard to figure out that he has influence and power, and that getting on his wrong side can only hurt Poland.

I thought I straightened you out on this delph.
McCain is not only a Has Been but suffering mentally.
He is all but retired.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
17 Feb 2016 /  #19
Senator McCain is far more important in the world than the Prime Minister of Poland.

No my dear, when you write a letter to another politician you have to be of equal standing in political rank to make accusations or suggestions. Prime Minister of Poland is actually the highest acting authority, your comment only reflects American arrogance and low intellect. Your country is richer than my country that is all and that is where any higher standing ends and it does not transform in any way as to whether your politician is more important or not. I have to explain to you things like that ha ha, like to a child who is yet to develop full functioning brain. Your logic states that a richer country does not have to respect poorer country in that little boy of a politician can dictate to head of state from another country what goes what doesn't because that is how it goes, wow. Well, our Prime Minister just showed three little boys how much they are worth to her. She did it subtly, but if you interpret soft, cultured approach with weakness and lower standing (below your mighty McPain) then that is your problem.
mafketis  38 | 10867  
17 Feb 2016 /  #20
The question is.... who needs/wants more from the other side?

Poland wants a NATO base as a Russia-deterrent and would really like visa-free travel from the US

What does the US want from Poland? (genuine question I'm not up to the second in these issues)

"Shup up and do what we want!" is rarely an effective negotiating tactic by the side that wants more from the other (even if it is a common Polish tactic - negotiating is not traditionally what I'd call a Polish strength).
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
17 Feb 2016 /  #21
She's just a puppet

She is then a very clever puppet compared to British and American puppets put together.

Hey genius administrator! You set this system pretty well huh! The below quote was calculated with my answer as one quote and this great system would not allow me to publish my comment, get it right.

Don't ask me, ask the clowns that keep begging NATO for a base in Poland.

Who is begging? It is in American interests to have NATO base in Poland, it is USA that is manipulating its way in and making it look like Poland wants it, just like Iraqis could not wait to be freed from Suddam Husseins "regime", just Ukrainians could no longer sustain living under Janukovic and just like Serbians could not wait for American intervention and dropping of bombs on their country.

American politicians should keep their noses out of Poland

You are spot on, American politicians should keep out of our internal affairs or our business conduct with the rest of Europe, our Prime Minister did very well, finally a politician with a backbone. You are mostly correct but one correction has to be made: we are not a developing country, our culture is far more advanced than American one and that is something that most of us can not understand because many feel inferior due to poverty and we look up to untie America as an idol even though something tells us that this not right. If you are referring to economy then it is a more complicated issue than just "developing" versus "developed" one.

"It's those New York Jews, they tore us, Poles apart". those ladies had been fooled.

Have more respect for older people because they have lived longer than you have and because they sometimes may not articulate their views in the appropriate manner and put everything in order in one short conversation does not mean they do not know what they are talking about. You just took some comments out of context, you used two women out of many as an example to slide your short sighted rhetoric past everyone. Good try there, good attempt at demagogia. In your democratic walk you should have taken few steps back and have a look at the construction of courts under Tusk's regime and it was regime (e.g. cameras installed in tv units).
Roger5  1 | 1432  
17 Feb 2016 /  #22
Yes, Ktos. Have some respect for older people. Very wise.
G (undercover)  
17 Feb 2016 /  #23
Just look at the allies of America... Turkey, Israel,... Saudis. Come on, next to being totally wrong they simply don't give a flying feck about TK, TVP etc. They just test us how far they can go, same with Gerries/EUnuchs, in the past "Poland's strategy" was obey the orders, not only in case of Gerries/EUnuchs but also in case of America. (Iraq, CIA prisons etc.). After the major political shift, all the players are just testing if they can get back to business as usual. I didn't have time to follow it closely but I think they got "mind your own business" reply but put in a very mild and diplomatic way. I would rather test the tester, show them the middle finger and see what happens.

We're now the semi-NATO member. That's the worst case scenario, 39 comes to mind. Either we become the "real" member or we should leave the whole thing. The west (mainly US & UK) should show their true colors, we should force them to do that ASAP. It's about geopolitical matters, "being nice" is totally irrelevant here. Tell'em behind the scene what we expect and either they deliver that or we leave NATO and see what happens. If they say "so feck off" it will be clear they would never even seriously consider going to war for us.
Sparks11  - | 333  
17 Feb 2016 /  #24
PiS will do what they do best, **** everyone off without securing a thing for Poland, leaving the citizens high and dry when they are finally overthrown. It's nice to see they have dislodged Szydlo from Kaczynski's a** Now he can leave the hospital.
jon357  72 | 22778  
17 Feb 2016 /  #25
What does the US want from Poland?

Absolutely nothing. There's nothing they need or want except perhaps stability.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2016 /  #26
What does the US want from Poland?

Not much, except to behave in the way expected of a NATO member.

I've always thought that there's a degree of altruism with America and NATO - it would suit the Americans perfectly to have the Europeans self sufficient when it comes to defence, meaning that America can go back to being isolated and they won't have to worry about war.
G (undercover)  
17 Feb 2016 /  #27
I've always thought that there's a degree of altruism with America and NATO

So that's just another example how naive you are.
Pol attorney  2 | 106  
17 Feb 2016 /  #28
They just test us how far they can go, same with Gerries/EUnuchs, in the past "Poland's strategy" was obey the orders, not only in case of Gerries/EUnuchs but also in case of America. (Iraq, CIA prisons etc.)

i couldn't agree more with with this !
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
17 Feb 2016 /  #29
(below your mighty McPain)

Good one as that is exactly what he is. A pain in the ass to even America.

If the Trumpster gets elected I think you may have your wish granted.
Trump has said that the United States can no longer police the world.
He mentioned that now Europe has rebuilt and became rich again that they can fight their own military battles.
Call America if you start getting whooped but otherwise start protecting yourselves as America has it's own borders to secure.

It is in American interests to have NATO base in Poland

No, it is a huge unnecessary expense for America and certainly not appreciated.

we look up to untie America as an idol even though something tells us that this not right

You are very wise Ktos.
America is very close to becoming a third world country by being brought to it's knee's.
I foresee much suffering in America in the near future.
Before most of you, back in the early 60's, a guy from Russia named Nikita K. stated, "We will not have to fire a shot, you will destroy yourself from within."

Sad to say but the old boy seems to have been right on as it is happening at mock speed as we speak.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #30
"Shup up and do what we want!" is rarely an effective negotiating tactic by the side that wants more from the other (even if it is a common Polish tactic - negotiating is not traditionally what I'd call a Polish strength).

Typical German sinking myfaketits. I wonder what are you sinking about right now - sinking is not traditionally what I'd call a German strength. If you sing sings through then you'll see zat it is not about who will lose more, it iz also about politicians strengthening zeir positions and tezting ze other side. However, following your sinking whoever has more to offer to ze other always winz, always? Are you sure?

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