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Poland's President-Elect Duda leads in public trust - CBOS poll

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jul 2016 /  #151

Macierewicz is a true sterling anti-communist in knight's armour, hated by all the snitchers of the post-communist round-table clique for wanting to reveal their commie-era misdeeds. In fact the weekly news magazine Do Rzeczy recently front-paged a drawing of Macierewicz in hussar armour astride a charging steed. It's no wonder all those with the commie-era sin of being paid secret-polilce informers on their conscience have been spewing a torrent of hate speech against him.
jon357  72 | 22778  
13 Jul 2016 /  #152
Macierewicz is

Unique in receiving an open letter from 6 of his predecessors urging him to stand down. The guy is insane.
13 Jul 2016 /  #153
Macierewicz is
hated by all

He is indeed hated by all. He's so electorally toxic that before the last elections the then alleged leader of the government promised that he would not be a minister. But after the election her boss told her who she'd have in 'her' cabinet, including the leader of the Smolensk death cult, so she had to go back on her word. And now of course her boss has publicly announced that he is her boss and he's the real actual leader.
jon357  72 | 22778  
13 Jul 2016 /  #154
On Friday morning Poland awoke to reports of a nighttime raid on a NATO-linked training center on Polish soil. Yet the perpetrator was not a hostile foreign power, but rather Poland's own defense ministry, led by new minister Antoni Macierewicz.

"This is probably the first time in NATO's history that an alliance member has attacked a NATO facility"

snafu-solomon.blogspot.com/2015/12/has-poland-lost-its-fu cking-mind-they.html

Poland's new defence minister has been called on to apologise after suggesting that an infamous anti-Semitic forgery alleging a conspiracy for world Jewish domination may actually be true.


He's this bad; and there's plenty more.

But the marionette Duda is powerless to remove him, since his boss JK has made it clear that

he is "the real, actual leader of [those] currently in power".

13 Jul 2016 /  #155
there's plenty more.

You mean like the dodgy payments and business links with a Russian plant? Or the ever so charmed life he led during the commie era?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jul 2016 /  #156
so electorally toxic

Toxic to those who have poured scorn and villified him from at least 1992 for wanting to expose their seedy arrangements as SB snitchers. Kaczyński was well aware of the fact that M had been tarred and character-assassinated by his mortal postcommie enemies who had ruled the roost and largely controlled most media for a quarter of a century. He also knew M's virtues -- patriotism, commitment, loyalty, determination and reliabiltiy and that he would be an asset to the good-change government. And he was right.

The Smolensk controversy should be resolved one way or the other if all its aspects are duly investigated without being swept under the carpet or hastily conlcuded before all the evidence is in. Poladn owes that to the victims' families.
13 Jul 2016 /  #157
Toxic to those who have poured scorn and villified him from at least 1992 for wanting to expose their seedy arrangements as SB snitchers.

Clearly at least one former SB snitch thinks Macierewicz is wonderful. Perhaps that former SB snitch thinks that Macierewicz, rather than Duda, is Poland's most trustworthy politician?

Kaczyński was well aware

Chairman Kaczynski was well aware of how electorally toxic Macierewicz is, that's why he was hidden out of sight and then used to humiliate the supposed leader of the government who had promised he wouldn't be a minister.

The Smolensk controversy should be resolved one way or the other if all its aspects are duly investigated without being swept under the carpet or hastily conlcuded before all the evidence is in.

Yes, I entirely agree, we need to fully assess the way that Poland's worst ever president pressured the crew to land, to look at the way he pressured previous crews to land in unsafe conditions, we need to find out if charges would have been laid against him had he survived. We all need to fully know the role played by the man who has profited so clearly from the accident, Chairman Kaczynski.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
13 Jul 2016 /  #158
he Smolensk controversy should be resolved one way or the other if all its aspects are duly investigated

The place to start is to see who has gained (motive). The people that have gained the most from Smolensk hav initials like AM, AD and JK and I would direct a _lot_ of suspician right towards them. I'm not going to actually make up a word like "geminicide" but I'm sure a lot of people are thinking it....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jul 2016 /  #159
Clearly at least one former SB snitch thinks Macierewicz is wonderful

Care to say whom you have in mind? You obviously have already prejudged and preconvicted those you claim were responsible for Smolensk, as biased and blinkered fools always do. You forgot to include Tusk and his stooges who did everything to discourage the president so as not to have to share the limelight with anyone. This was to be Tusk's big day, "resetting" things with Moscow and bear-hugging Putin at Katyń. His regime and servilistic media even circulated such nonsense as suggesting President Kaczyński might not get a visa from the Rooskies, as if heads of state have to queue for them like ordinary tourists. Then his flunky Arabski arranged to provide an antiquated Soviet plane for the presidential flight and have it land at a decomissioned, ramshackle ex-Soviet airfield, whose control "tower" was ground floor level and resembled a disused storage shed or repair garage. But you were here in 2010 so you know all this.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
14 Jul 2016 /  #160
You obviously have already prejudged and preconvicted those you claim were responsible for Smolensk

I read once that in Victorian times, one way to find a murderer was to look at someone whose public expression of grief over the deceased was overertly theatrical and exaggerated. The Victorians had their faults but they knew a lot about human nature and if you apply their methodology then the behavior of certain..... persons in the current government start to look very, very suspicious......
Sparks11  - | 333  
14 Jul 2016 /  #161
the weekly news magazine Do Rzeczy recently front-paged a drawing of Macierewicz in hussar armour astride a charging steed. It's no wonder all those with the commie-era sin of being paid secret-polilce informers on their conscience have been spewing a torrent of hate speech against him

I'm pretty sure Macierewicz may actually think he is a Hussar from hundreds of years ago :)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2016 /  #162
Merged: Pro-Polish president Duda's year of achievements

President Duda has completed a very busy first year in office, and he łeads in the country's confidence rating of 46%
Law and Justice Senator Jan Maria Jackowski praised the president's work and pointed to the recent NATO summit hosted by Duda in Warsaw as his crowning achievement in terms of foreign policy.

Jackowski also listed Law and Justice's 500+ child benefit package endorsed by Duda, and the president's bill to increase the tax-free bracket.
Duda has also submitted a bill lowering the retirement age in Poland to 65 for men and 60 for women, reversing the former ruling Civic Platform party's changes which raised the age to 67 for both sexes.

During his presidency so far, Duda has undertaken close to 30 foreign visits. He has submitted several legislation proposals, while rejecting four bills forwarded by the previous parliament.

Duda has made it clear that his administraiton serves the nation as a whole not its snobbish elites and their foreign-interest-group masters. Former PZPR members, retired military brass, media monopolists serving the PO establishment regime as well as pro-PO entertainers are understandably opposed since they have been at long last cut off fromt he flow of goodies, the power, perks and privileges they had enjoyed under the scam-friendly PO/PSL regime.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
6 Aug 2016 /  #163
During his presidency so far, Duda has

become a pretty-boy figurehead, completely subservient to the party leader, all hail the great party leader!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Aug 2016 /  #164
President Duda

A CBOS Pole showed 56% support for Duda, 48% for SDzydło, 45% for Kukiz and 39% for Petru.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
7 Aug 2016 /  #165
A CBOS Pole showed 56% support for Duda,

What's "a CBOS Pole"? Is this someone of a new breed of Poles who just came and showed this kind of support for Duda?
mafketis  38 | 10868  
7 Aug 2016 /  #166
support for Duda?

The key to a president's popularity in Poland mostly involved not doing anything. Duda is very good at not doing anything.

As one Polish commenter put it (at onet some time ago). "Does it matter which puppet is used? We know whose hand is up their dvpa."
Ironside  50 | 12312  
7 Aug 2016 /  #167
The key to a president's popularity in Poland mostly involved not doing anything. Duda is very good at not doing anything.

Quite the opposite in fact. You're right in that until now a key to high approve rates for a president in Poland involved doing as little as possible in the public spotlight. Duda proved that a right kind of involvement into public affairs works for a president in Poland as well, the right kind of president that is.

Given the fact that the power stay with a prime minister in Poland and a president's job involves mostly representation of the state. It need to be said that in that department Duda is doing a very good job. Much better then his predecessors.

As one Polish commenter put it (at onet some time ago). "Does it matter which puppet is used? We know whose hand is up their dvpa."

Speaking with a German hand up his dvpa?
Isn't that a fact that onet belongs to Alex Springer holdings? A German media have a curious way in imposing their interests on Polish politicks.

Not to mention that so called 'opposition camp' are mostly disfranchised post-commies and soviet left overs supported ironically with a German money.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Aug 2016 /  #168
56% support for Duda

The Polish nation has a far better feel for genuine political virtues and achievements than garden-variety know-all Anglo-Irish expats trying to tell Poles how to run their country.

Another thing Duda originated were free legal consultations which have been used by tens of thousands of Poles.
Crow  154 | 9207  
7 Aug 2016 /  #169
Hand on heart, when one come to this forum and spot that are threads like this active, one immediately feel joy and pleasure. It warming my Serbian heart to see that are Poles still patriotic, no matter all experiments to which they were exposed. So no wonder that is Duda popular. Not only in Poland but among other Slavs (ie Sarmatians), too.
Crow  154 | 9207  
30 Oct 2016 /  #170
Beware Poles. Attempt of assassination of Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic is prevented these days. If we follow lessons from history, if they (whoever it was) tried that in Belgrade, Warsaw could be next.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Jul 2017 /  #171

Duda 20 points ahead of Tusk in presidential poll, survey shows

With all their rumpus-raising the PO are actually shooting themsleves in the foot and turning potential voters off. Not long ago, a survey showed that Duda would beat Tusk for president 52-48. But in view of all the subsequent ballyhoo support for PO's logical candidate is falling. A recent survey which asked who will be the next president of Poland showed the following results:

Duda - 45%, Tusk - 25%, Biedroń (homo mayor of a coastal backwater) - 8%, Kukiz - 5%, Komorowski - 4%, Cimoszewicz - 4%, Korwin-Mikke - 3%, Owsiak - 2%, Petru - 2%,
This was an open survey where respondents were asked to write in the the name of their preferred candidate.

17 Jul 2017 /  #172
homo mayor of a coastal backwater

Is there a reason we have to put up with ceaseless homophobic slurs and general displays of ignorance from this poster?
jon357  72 | 22778  
17 Jul 2017 /  #173
Is there a reason we have to put up

And is there a reason that so many new, low quality, threads appear, all replicating existing threads about the PiS junta. It just makes work for the mods if they merge them.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Jul 2017 /  #174
Is there a reason

homophobic slur
PiSmophobic slurs are even worse and far more common--every single day round the clock. Homo is simply for identification. Would you prefer something more graphically explicit like sodomist mayor, prevert mayor or deviant mayor? I am not a PC backer so I avoid their senseless euphemisism and do not call that kind happies, jollies, gays or some such nonsense.
jon357  72 | 22778  
17 Jul 2017 /  #175
"sodomist mayor, prevert mayor or deviant mayor"
Very hard to know how you equate this to a thread about the totalitarian regime's puppet president Duda.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Jul 2017 /  #176
equate this to a thread

Maybe some are unaware of his, let's say, afflicition. The truth will set you free, the Good Book that you disavow teaches.
jon357  72 | 22778  
17 Jul 2017 /  #177
his, let's say, afflicition.

Kaczynski? Everyone knows about him. An open secret for years.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
17 Jul 2017 /  #178
If he's not a sword swallower through and through (to borrow a phrase from my favorite Game of Thrones character) then I'll pay $1000 to Polly's charity of choice (that is if polly can come up with convincing proof of JK's non-homohood). That's actually the least objectionable part of his personality.
cms  9 | 1253  
18 Jul 2017 /  #179
Finally might be doing his job after two years :). I'm not sure how TVP and the other PiS outlets app spin this one - probably still waiting for instructions
Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Mar 2018 /  #180
Where is Duda on this picture? No. You won`t found him on this picture. Duda isolated himself.


Serbian president Vucic and Hungarian PM Orban, one of these days

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