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Good-change government raising minimum wage in Poland, cutting SB pensions

mafketis  38 | 10867  
20 Jul 2016 /  #121
the "układ" (post-commie mafia)

as fictional as Baba Jaga....

If you have to be an old fart and rant on about things, try to at least rant about things that are real and not political fictions invented to reel in votes from gullible low information voters.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2016 /  #122
not political fictions

That is one of the effective ways the mafia stayed in power all these years by dismissing attemtps to get to the bottom of things as ficntios and using PiS as a scarecrow or bugbear. And since the masses are easily swayed that worked for a tine, a good long time like 26 years. But isn't that long enough for any one ruling group to be in power?
jon357  72 | 22778  
20 Jul 2016 /  #123
as fictional as Baba Jaga....

Precisely, however a certain type of politics needs enemies
mafketis  38 | 10867  
20 Jul 2016 /  #124
a good long time like 26 years. But isn't that long enough for any one ruling group to be in power?

So you count the AWS and first PiS governments as being part of the "układ"???? Interesting......
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2016 /  #125
a certain type of politics needs enemies

Spot on. You have described PO to a T. They have been using the PiS bogey for years to divert attention away form their lack of any meaningful programme. A recent issue of Newsweek lambasted Kaczyński in nearly every article as if there were no oher issues in this land of 38 million.

BTW the VIP salary hike proposal has been withdrawn following protests from Solidarity. Again we have yet another example of PiS' sensitivy to grass-roots Polish opinion, no to PO's Brussels/Berlin masters.

AWS and first PiS

AWS in essence accepted the roundtable deal and the generation of roundtable benificiaries it had generated. PiS had two irksome coaliton partenrs in 2005-2007 and was unable to develop a full-blown programme to right the injustices. The IV RP project was a step in that direction but could not be developed in the couirse of half a term. Only now are the very foundations of the psot-commie hoodwink being questioned and hopefully exposed.

mass firings

In democratic countries such as the USA a change of administration means a change of cadres across the board, and no-one whines about it being undemocratic.

How long would you want the same status quo gang to stay in power. If they had ruled much longer there wouldn't be anything left to steal, "privatise", juggle or embezzle.
jon357  72 | 22778  
20 Jul 2016 /  #126

A great drawback there and fortunately absent in most of Europe.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2016 /  #127
A great drawback

You obviously prefer perpetual oldboy rule that leaves the majority out in the cold. Never give newcomers a chance, we should watch the same, old tired faces of TV presenters and read the same codswallop in the press forever and ever. Amen. (The Gospel according to jon)
smurf  38 | 1940  
20 Jul 2016 /  #128
Never give newcomers a chance

You sersiouly just wrote 3 posts in a row.
That's an epic rant even by your standards mate :)

Anyway, PiS' headcheerleader complaing of not giving newcomers a chance?
Please, there isn't a greater old-boys club in Poland

Apart form Tychy's old boys ice-hockey team, those guys are heroes. Never seen so many dudes necking viagra & vodka in my life
mafketis  38 | 10867  
20 Jul 2016 /  #129
You sersiouly just wrote 3 posts in a row.

He takes the party line _very_ seriously. That's why my new pet name for him is beton.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2016 /  #130
He takes the party line

On the contrary, I am an objective observer of the Polish political stage. Not every move PiS make is good. The recent salary hike thing is one example. Another is their failure to even raise the issue of trimming down the bureacracy; 150-strong Sejm, 50-strong Senate, limits on the number of town councillors a municipality can have, etc. But my hero is Mateusz Morawiecki. Not only did he takle a huge cut in pay to serve Poland, but his plan to promote inidgenous Polish entrepreneurship is a real gem.
mafketis  38 | 10867  
20 Jul 2016 /  #131
his plan to promote inidgenous Polish entrepreneurship

You do realize that this is a plan that takes generations to achieve (and requires lots of Poles working for lots of foreign companies) don't you?
kondzior  11 | 1027  
20 Jul 2016 /  #132
The recent salary hike thing is one example.

Kaczyński had already told them to stuff it.
There will be no salary hike whatsoever.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Jul 2016 /  #133
takes generations to achieve

Of course, and that's all the more reason to kick start it now and make up for the many years lost under the post-commie pro-foreign interest group regime. When do you suggest such a plan should be launched? In 2092?

certain type of politics needs enemies

Indeed, the extremist, total opposition have pin-pointed and zeroed in on their chief enemies and are basing their entire programme on PiS-bashing and Kaczyński-bashing. That, plus the lack of a positive platform, is why they're losing their last shred of credibility with voters.

certain type of politics needs enemies

mafketis  38 | 10867  
21 Jul 2016 /  #134
When do you suggest such a plan should be launched? In 2092?

Why "launch" a plan. Create conditions that allow Polish entrepreneurs to get ahead and it will happen (after a while).

Franco tried to do the same thing during his long reign - create an international Spanish brand and it failed spectacularly. It was only long after he kicked the bucket that Spanish products like Hello magazine or Zara achieved prominence. In other words, it was only after the Sapnish government stopped tyring to "kickstart" things that things began to happen.

Those who favor centralized authority in everything will never understand that....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Jul 2016 /  #135
Create conditions that allow Polish entrepreneurs to get ahead and it will happen (after a while).

That's a model for banana republics and other colonies. Germany, France, even US or China follow totally different approach.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Jul 2016 /  #136
Spanish brand

It's good to knwo the epxceriences of other countries but it is rarely possible to imitate them en toto due to differing circumstances and market realities. But central governments can provide encouragement for the indigenous private sector through tax breaks, free land and other privileges. Every time you enter a Tesco, Carrefour, Leroy, Leclerc, Lidl or Biedronka in Poland, ask youself: why am I supporting foreign biggies who are chanelling their profits abroad and undermining local business?
mafketis  38 | 10867  
21 Jul 2016 /  #137
Every time you enter a Tesco, Carrefour, Leroy, Leclerc, Lidl or Biedronka in Poland, ask youself:

why Poles would rather work for foreign companies than Polish ones. The answer is the foreign owned companies are more liable to have fair merit-based promotion policies and Polish employers have a terrible reputation for ripping off their employees and promoting on the basis of who-you-know and nepotism.

That's the problem that no government program can fix. It has to be the decision of Polish employers to start treating employees better.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Jul 2016 /  #138

Nonsense. You believe in globalist propaganda like you were 7 years old.
jon357  72 | 22778  
21 Jul 2016 /  #139
promoting on the basis of who-you-know and nepotism.

This has been an ongoing problem. I know od at least one large company that has bought several businesses in Poland and had to purge them of people's relatives and friends.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Jul 2016 /  #140
no government program can fix

All governments are able to influence people's behaviour in various ways without issuing and enforcing commands. Doesn't Poland have something like the US Better Business Bureau to monitor business practices for abuses?

A government that believes in the family will tend to allow joint filing of income tax with deductions for each dependent child. A lefiist-libertine government may make individual filing more profitable to the taxpayer, thereby encouraging singlehood.

Polish employers have a terrible reputation

Every problem has a solution. If Polish employers are as bad as you claim, then attendance and a good grade at obligatory training seminars could be introduced as a prerequisite for obtaining a licence.

That's the difference between status quo backers like yourself (Polish business sucks so let's leave it that way and support foreigners!) and forward-thinking people like Morawiecki.

Create conditions that allow Polish entrepreneurs

A nice sweeping generalisation, but you have neglected to specify what kind of conditions should be created.
mafketis  38 | 10867  
15 Aug 2016 /  #141
Merged: Another good change - less foreign money for Polish horses!

The Pro-Polish good change government has a new achievement. While last year the Pride of Poland auction of Arabian horses in Janow Podlaski earned 4 million filthy foreign euros, this year has cut the amount of foreign capital flowing into the Polish Arabian industry down to 1.3 million!

smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Aug 2016 /  #142
The Pro-Polish good change government has a new achievement.

:D :D :D

earned 4 million filthy foreign euros, this year has cut the amount of foreign capital flowing into the Polish Arabian industry down to 1.3 million!

This guy is not impressed
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #143
Merged: Red "Gestapo" will no longer be rewarded with fat-cat pensions

Keeping yet another election pledge, the government have accepted a draft law to trim the fat-cat pensions of former commie-era secret political police (SB) down to the average level. For over a quarter of a century they had received old-age and disabiltiy benefits many times higher than those of the ordinary Poles they had beaten, jailed, harassed, tortured or otherwise persecuted in the service of the Soviet-imposed regime. "Justice has finally been done," PM Szydło told a congress of the Solidarity trade union. Predictably ex-commie leader Czarzasty charged that the Polish government was penalising, as he euphemistically phrased it, "the uniformed services". But SB agents routinely wore plainclothes so as to more sneakily stalk and capture their prey: patriotic Poles.

27 Nov 2016 /  #144
otherwise persecuted in the service of the Soviet-imposed regime.

What action is going to be taken against the men who volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era? And against the men who actually did prosecute dissidents? At least two senior members of the PiSlamic State did exactly that, what action will be taken against them?
mafketis  38 | 10867  
27 Nov 2016 /  #145
have accepted a draft law to trim the fat-cat pensions of former commie-era secret political police (SB) down to the average level

Is this based on documented cases of harrassment or is it simply collective punishment, not the best idea for rule of law, but I guess it works if you're all about rule of the unelected party leader.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #146
volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era

Only HB would be asinine and cheeky enough to compare somone who allegedly volunteered to do something but never did to those whose daily bread and butter was persecuting patriotic Poles whose only "crime" was wanting Poland to be free.

PF's Liar Laureate once again reveals his shady MO: someone applied for an apprenticeship in an institution dealing with a multitude of cases. That much may be true. But judging that most PF-ers don't know details of the PRL's workings, LL glosses over the fact that in politically sensitive and/or controversial cases -- and prosecuting the reigme's poltical enemies was certainly such a situation -- only the most committed and trusted PZPR members were assigned. No matter how much he twists, squirms and manipulates, even the LL is incapable of fitting J. Kaczyński into that slot.
27 Nov 2016 /  #147
the unelected party leader.

The unelected party leader who kept himself and his even more unpopular, even more insane side-kicks well out of public view before the elections before coming back out once the 18% had cast their votes.

Is this based on documented cases of harrassment

You mean such as the case of Piotrowicz, now a senior figure in the PiSlamic State, who prosecuted dissidents for 'crimes' such as distributing unauthorised newspapers?
Ironside  50 | 12312  
27 Nov 2016 /  #148
Is this based on documented cases of harrassment or is it simply collective punishment, not the best idea for rule of law,

What rule of law? By the way those people should be put behind the bars and banned from all from entering any profession or active that in a state sector or in those roles that demands public trust. That what they deserve and that what they should get!

Realistically a lot of water has passed under the bridge....

What we're talking about is not about punishment but about striping away PRIVILEGES they have been enjoying for at lest 20 years. Its more about symbolic justices than about punishment. WTF is wrong with you people?

You mean

You are boring as F! Repeating that old rubbish of your. See, you cannot string a real argument to support you point of view even if your life would depend on it!
27 Nov 2016 /  #149
By the way those people should be put behind the bars and banned from all from entering any profession or active that in a state sector or in those roles that demands public trust.

Do you mean that those who prosecuted dissidents for 'crimes' such as distributing unauthorised newspapers, and those who volunteered to prosecute them, should be banned from being MPs?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #150
unelected party leader

One can see you're bidding for the title of Liar Laureate 2, vice-Liar Laureate or Liar Laureate , jr (right now the original LL is probably thinking: "How dare he intrude on my domain? No-one lies better than me!").

Kaczyński was duly elected to the Sejm and holds the title of MP. Even his most
venomous detractors do not question that fact, but you do?!

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