The issue is that the cover up was not just "a few cases" and in fact there is criminal liability of the part of the diocesan Curia in many dioceses (and it is many) where this happened. There are also very lax child protection procedures in Poland despite this and other scandals.
Poland's fight against paedophilia
14 Jun 2015 / #182
Sure, sort of like the liberal media downplaying crime statistics for minorities and covering up the ethnicity of the perp every time a protected group is involved means the entire democratic party is a criminal organization.
No such party in Poland and there is no known correlation here between the ethnicity of any party involved. The lax child protection landscape, the acknowledged cover-ups in the RCC and the various issues to do with family services are a whole different issue.
14 Jun 2015 / #184
It was meant as worldwide example of similar trend, as you very well realise. The trend You are supporting, as far as ethnic minorities are concerned, now wouldn't you.
There is no such 'trend' in Poland. There are however very significant child protection issues here. What is your opinion on the clearance necessary to work with minors and on the recent cover-ups that the church has acknowledged here?
14 Jun 2015 / #186
But you do support downplaying crimes committed by certain minorities, in order not to fuel the dislike towards them, in certain countries? Now do you?
But in Poland you would like to start anti-priest hysteria.
Well, the services provided by the overwhelming majority who are not perverts is invaluable to the spiritual welfare of a civilization.
As for protection of the children? Every sicko should undergo the chemical castration, without too much uproar about it. That way, they can commit the crime only once. That would be enough of the deterrent.
But in Poland you would like to start anti-priest hysteria.
Well, the services provided by the overwhelming majority who are not perverts is invaluable to the spiritual welfare of a civilization.
As for protection of the children? Every sicko should undergo the chemical castration, without too much uproar about it. That way, they can commit the crime only once. That would be enough of the deterrent.
14 Jun 2015 / #187
Catholic priests aren't likely to be pedophiles, anymore then any other group. The fact they tried to cover up a few bad cases doesn't mean the institution is filled with pedoes and other sickoes
If the statistics posted here by a number of posters (including Polonius) are correct, Catholic priests are very significantly more likely to be paedophiles than the average person. Unfortunately, those posters have always refused to reveal the sources of their statistics, so I really can't comment on how reliable those numbers are.
The fact that the RCC has covered up for many cases of their employees sexually abusing children shows that there is something sickeningly wrong with the institution.
But you do support downplaying crimes committed by certain minorities, in order not to fuel the dislike towards them, in certain countries? Now do you?
That's an irrelevance - there are no such issues in Poland.
As for protection of the children? Every sicko should undergo the chemical castration, without too much uproar about it. That way, they can commit the crime only once. That would be enough of the deterrent.
And that's not protection - a. no evidence that it works, b. some evidences that it makes them worse and c. this is one area where there is a significant incidence of false imprisonment and people released on appeal/judicial review.
johnny reb 49 | 7974
14 Jun 2015 / #189
But in Poland you would like to start anti-priest hysteria
It is just another tool to attack christianity by the liberals Artem.
Doesn't it sound to you like maybe one of the posters here may have had a personal experience with
a pedlefiler when he attended a Catholic Boys Bording school and that is why he is being so vindictive ?
These two are trying to make it sound like this is still running ramped like it was twenty years ago in the church.
What has the Catholic church done recently to avoid the huge payouts for their past sins ?
What screening have they been doing on their own ?
And now thar the progressive liberal homo's are coming out of the closet to promote their ilk not only to dumb down society but to convert little boys to enrich their lives.
14 Jun 2015 / #190
What has the Catholic church done recently to avoid the huge payouts for their past sins ?
In Poland they have done nothing, other than trying to claim that they have no responsibility at all and that the victims of the paedophiles they enabled and covered up for should seek compensation solely from the paedophiles (who have nothing) and not from the organisation that made the abuse possible (and has a vast amount of wealth).
What screening have they been doing on their own ?
In Poland not only does the RCC do no screening but it actually puts convicted (and self-confessed) paedophiles into positions where they have power over and are trusted with children.
Given that you know less than nothing about Poland and the RCC in Poland, perhaps you should leave this discussion to people who do know a thin or two about both of them.
most important for Poland child protection is acknowledging some facts from the UK,where 5% of Muslim commit over 90% peado crimes.making them in average 200 times more prone to rape child than any other group. RCC priest is million times less dangerous to child than average Muslim
14 Jun 2015 / #192
where 5% of Muslim commit over 90% peado crimes
a) No they do not.
b) Your 'claim' is entirely off-topic and designed to drive discussion away from the topic of this thread.
making them in average 200 times more prone to rape child than any other group.
a) No they are not.
b) Your 'claim' is entirely off-topic and designed to drive discussion away from the topic of this thread.
RCC priest is milion times less dangerous to child than average muslim
a) I would just love to see your source for that.
b) The average Muslim doesn't have an organisation supporting him which has a sickening proven record of covering up for and enabling paedophiles while attacking their victims; all RCC priests have an organisation like that supporting them.
No they do not.
No they are not.
yes they do...statistic comes from court conviction data...
Your 'claim' is entirely off-topic
no it is on Poland just now is pressed by EU to accommodate thousands of mu slims form southern EU countries and middle east.
public debate is needed as if anyone has child well being in mind,one should focus on muslim peado crimes not RCC priest.
i know you dont like ,any diversion from your bashing of RCC ,its do it in every topic
Gregy - Save your breath. The Jon & Harry comedy duo will not allow anything that drives the topic away from Church-bashing. It is RCC this, RCC that, the RCC commits this offence, is guilty of such and such, poses a threat to, etc. By the same token, every homo is the epitome of virtue - honest and decent to a fault, generous, altruistic, self-sacrificng, without na egoistc bone in his body, never runs afoul of the law, never guilty of anything bad and simply oozing with righeousness.
Once you accept those basic ground rules, you will be well euipped to hold a discussion with Jon & Harry. Also, every third or fourth sentence slip in a good word for libertines, Michnik, Blumstein and PO.
Once you accept those basic ground rules, you will be well euipped to hold a discussion with Jon & Harry. Also, every third or fourth sentence slip in a good word for libertines, Michnik, Blumstein and PO.
14 Jun 2015 / #195
yes they do...statistic comes from court conviction data
Utter rubbish. Your claim is that "UK Muslim Males 200-Times More Likely To Rape Children Than Any Other Group", correct? Allow me to give you just one group more likely to rape children than Muslim males in the UK: Polish Roman Catholic paedophile priests. In that group 100% of the group's members rape children (or jack off to photos/videos of children being raped, while only a tiny fraction of the millions of Muslims in the UK.
no it is on Poland just now is pressed by EU to accommodate thousands of mu slims form southern EU countries and middle east. public debate is needed as if anyone has child well being in mind,one should focus on muslim peado crimes not RCC priest.
You carry on fantasizing about supposed problems which Poland doesn't face; those of us who choose to live here will continue to focus on solving the problems what Poland does face.
Interesting how you want to completely ignore the point about all RCC priests having an organisation supporting them which has a sickening proven record of covering up for and enabling paedophiles while attacking their victims, isn't it.
Polish Roman Catholic paedophile priests.
You forgot to mention that your favourite victims, RC priests, aren't even good Catholics because they sometimes miss Sunday Mass. But never fear -- the Vatican is planning to microchip the clergy to keep track of their attendance.
By the way, are you still interested in visiting one of those "cosy corners". You seemed fascinated by the prospect.
"UK Muslim Males 200-Times More Likely To Rape Children Than Any Other Group", correct?
You carry on fantasizing about supposed problems which Poland doesn't face;
it will,in very short future
nteresting how you want to completely ignore the point about all RCC priests having an organisation supporting them which has a sickening proven record of covering up for and enabling paedophiles while attacking their victims, isn't it.
no such org exist.
most sick record of covering mass peado crimes are those from UK top official scotland yard crime stats fiddling,in order to hide scale of problem.and those laboure party leftist covering up for years peado crimes in rotherham in order to gain more muslim votes
Polish Roman Catholic paedophile priests, In that group 100% of the group's members rape children
Well, no sh1t sherlock, which group that has all peadophile members doesn't rape children with 100% accuracy. Peadophile Muslims, peadophile English teachers, you name it.
So Wulkan, are you denying there's a serious child abuse/child protection problem in Poland?
It does not stick out from other European countries
So that's a yes then. How would you improve vetting procedures for people (laymen, laywomen and clergy) who have unsupervised contact with minors.
Well, no sh1t sherlock, which group that has all pedophile members doesn't rape children with 100% accuracy. Pedophile Muslims, pedophile English teachers, you name it.
difference is .RCC peado is rare and result of disorder that exist in every social group.peado disorder is of unknown reason and is presents in average 1% of population.or smthing like that.
as for muslims in europe ...its cultural and racist is known that they almost exclusively attack white girls and in mass scale.
some surveys claim over 100 000 young underaged girls are being rape and pimped by muslims in the UK each year
Back to the topic please
difference is .RCC peado is rare and result of disorder that exist in every social group.peado disorder is of unknown reason and is presents in average 1% of population.or smthing like that.
The issue is more about how the RCC covered it up, protected offenders and gave them opportunities to offend again. They as a global organisation have admitted this.
14 Jun 2015 / #204
It does not stick out from other European countries
Really? Would you care to contrast the procedure needed for a person who wants to work unsupervised with children in say, the UK, where there an enhanced CRB is a compulsory part of the vetting and barring process, and Poland, where the vetting process is utterly non-existent?
The issue is more about how the RCC covered it up, protected offenders and gave them opportunities to offend again.
Not so much gave 'them opportunities to offend again' as made it incredibly easy for them to offend again. How much worse can an organisation get than appointing a convicted (and self-confessed) paedohile rapist as a religious education teacher at a school where the students were the same age as his victim?
all RCC priests
You really have some psychological hang-up about RC clergy. Fess up. Were you vicitmised by one and that caused you to snap?
The issue is more about how the RCC covered it up, protected offenders and gave them opportunities to offend again. They as a global organisation have admitted this. was a case years ago,but now RCC is been under massive attention and it dealt with it.not only RCC is guilty of covering pathology in their ranks.Even BBC did that,so secular org.been doing this,state run orphanages had this problem as well.ect.not only RCC.
its kinda common that any org. or official body always try to hide their problems.rarely you see leader of any official org, deliberately and voluntarily highlighting problems in his org.
its true that RCC could have dealt with this different way than trying to hide it.but RCC is not the only one doing it.
commie run orphanages were massive pathological child abuse places.nobody is investigating those same way as RCC run places problems are being dig out from 30 years old cases
You really have some psychological hang-up about RC clergy. Fess up. Were you vicitmised by one and that caused you to snap?
hes obsession with RCC is sick. one would wonder if hes obsession is not covered under some hate speech legislation.
How much worse can an organisation get than appointing a convicted (and self-confessed) paedohile rapist
EU parliament does employ them too.and in top position,as a experts in child issues
Actually Greggs, the statute of limitations on Poland excludes alleged events older than 20 years, so neither church-run or community-run places pre-1995 are affected. In the UK there is no such statute, there is a culture of compensation, crime is falling and these are easy convictions for the police and prosecutors, there is an Australian law firm called Slater Gordon operating in the UK who are behind many of the high-profile cases you've heard about and 'trawling' for 'victims' (more accurately for allegations) is legal in the UK (a cash incentive for every other Jeremy Kyle chav) but not in Poland .That and the jury system who are more likely to convict in cases that would not pass the scrutiny of a Single Judge - this doesn't happen in PL.
As compensation culture grows (and Slater Gordon are allegedly sniffing around in PL) we can expect a tsunami of allegations, some doubtless true and others false. This will affect institutions whether or not they have any connection to religious bodies.
As compensation culture grows (and Slater Gordon are allegedly sniffing around in PL) we can expect a tsunami of allegations, some doubtless true and others false. This will affect institutions whether or not they have any connection to religious bodies.
Actually Greggs, the statute of limitations on Poland excludes alleged events older than 20 years, so neither church-run or community-run places are affected
could be true.but old abuse cases are being highlighted only in RCC relation places.even some very old like mother Theresa orphanage abuses etc.
i was born and raised in town where one of biggest commie run in Poland orphanage was located,called children if anyone would ever wanted to investigate abuses from what was happening there 30 - 40 years ago it would be shocking. i new lots people from this place and most males were alcoholics by the time they were 18 years old and released from it
The media publicity about the RCC is due to several highly publicised cases where they'd covered up for people. I do agree with you though that any institutions with problems need investigating.
The big problem is that when the state are handing out compensation, it is a golden opportunity for the worst sort of person to lie and destroy people's lives to get a bit of cash.
The big problem is that when the state are handing out compensation, it is a golden opportunity for the worst sort of person to lie and destroy people's lives to get a bit of cash.
14 Jun 2015 / #210
EU parliament does employ them too.and in top position,as a experts in child issues
Does it employ such persons in positions which enable them to have unsupervised access to children over which they have power?
The RCC most certainly does think people who have been convicted of raping children are perfectly suited to positions which enable them to have unsupervised access to children over which they have power.
Perhaps you'd care to name at least one of the people you claim are paedophiles and have been employed by the EU? I'm happy to name Roman K, paedophile rapist and teacher of religious education.