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How Polish diaspora see future of Poland? as ethnic Polish state or just Polish in origin?

Palivec  - | 379  
7 May 2011 /  #31
Economic success of Poland + freedom of movement within the EU = multiethnic Poland
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2011 /  #32
because of whom interests is that inevitable?

You can't stop people from moving around.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
7 May 2011 /  #33
yes. Plus, you can stimulate that process if you have interests in it.
Ice cold  - | 43  
7 May 2011 /  #34
Economic success of Poland + freedom of movement within the EU = multiethnic Poland

As native Poles become more affluent, menial jobs will be looked down upon. Influx of immigrants will fill that need.
Usually it's a poorer neighbor.
alxmac  5 | 27  
30 Nov 2011 /  #35
i am ashamed to be polish... poland has turned its back in the rest of slavic europe and have chosen to suck the penis of germany and western europe... nato is what will kill poland as we know it... poland needs to join slavic europe and stop trying to be something we are not we will never be like germany we are estern Europeans not western our future is in the east ! and america is the devil
legend  3 | 658  
30 Nov 2011 /  #36
Future of Poland is dark. There is no place for ethnicity anymore because you are labeled a nationalist white supremacist if you dont say yes to diversity. Unless Poland gets a nationalist government (for the people and by the people) it will go this way.

Poles are leaving the country while third worlders invade the country without any fight. The zionists, communists and liberals are too blame for this. They are screaming "Come on in Negros and Asians, weve got jobs and we pay better than your own countries!; Multicultarism and Diversity is great!" Which is of course bs. Then they get even more furious and use the ad hominen attack "If you dont like this you are racist!"

And thats the fckn problem with Europe. People are too soft nowadays. People in the West have turned into a bunch of girls because of Femine rights, gay rights, minority rights, blah blah, blah.

These "racist" labels end most discussions because the idiotic system has turned almost communist like.
People cant be nationalistic anymore because they are remainded of Hitler (oh noes).

So you see France and Britain will soon be a jungle and eventually white people will just blow away.
Poland is heading that direction but at a much slower rate. Even so this isnt enough.
Now youve got people like Harry and Delphydope saying Im not Polish. 100 years ago they would be laughed at and probably had their teeth knocked out (oh I wish).

Anyways society is turning people into zombies. Europe is being overflowed with negros, asians and jews (and I guarentee it will be MUCH worse if something isnt done). I can imagine Berlin, Warsaw and London as Chicago (*spits on the ground*).

Where you have more minorities the more problems happen. When more problems happen you need cops and the country becomes a police state.

If you dont abide by the rules the "great" NATO will come to rescue people by bombing the **** out of them (i.e. Serbia).

Serbians are very nationalist and thats why NATO is bombing them. Russians are very nationalist aswell.
They dont want to conform to EUs standards (which today is equalivalent of being Stalin or Hitler).

You have idiot countries (USA, Britain, France and Canada) invading and bombing 1 country after the next.
They destroy peoples homes and then they invite negros to Europe (Libya). "Look how nice we are" they say.

Its like they want this **** to happen.

Imo Poland should use the EU (like the west uses others) get money and get the hell out of EU and NATO.
Join Slavic Union and kick the foreigners (invaders) out.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Nov 2011 /  #37
labeled a nationalist white supremacist

If the cap fits...

overflowed with negros, asians and jews

peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 Nov 2011 /  #38
i am ashamed to be polish...

You are Crow and I claim my reward.

What sort of Patriotic Pole would want a Slavic empire? A Russian.
alxmac  5 | 27  
30 Nov 2011 /  #39
a pole who is slavic and not german would want a slavic empire.... Józef Piłsudski tried to make a slavic union...
and i am not russian
i am polish, Ukrainian Cossack and belarusian.

contraption  - | 6  
1 Dec 2011 /  #40
Polish will be an ethnic state for a while... HOWEVER - After our country goes bankrupt (the funny thing is that it can still be stopped, but those idiots/agents/eu-fanatics in Parliament won't allow it), and people get older (according to every demographic projection) - we'll have a society of old people incapable of work and a small number of people in the age when they can still work. Since there's no economic model to sustain a population like this, massive immigration awaits us. My guess - Chinese. And ethnic Poles will die out sooner or later... unless we have another Miracle on the Vistula :)

All for the sake of "tolerance", "multiculturalism" and "social security". Sometimes I'm thinking Europe is beyond salvation. Once great and proud place...
andersm  4 | 32  
8 Dec 2011 /  #41
If you live in Poland, speak the language, adhere to Poland's laws and follow the customs, then you are Polish. In the privacy of their homes people can enjoy their own ethnic traditions but in their public lives, they should go with the predominant culture otherwise there's no point immigrating to another country. Multi-Kulti is fine - trot it out a couple days a year for multiculturalism events and then put it back in the suitcase until the same time next year. If immigrants bring new ideas and we like them, we'll take them on, but it we don't, go away already. Don't beat your host country over the head. I don't know about Poland but Canada has something called Human Rights Commissions. They deal with great social issues like defending a couple of drunk lesbians hurling insults at a stand-up comic who insulted them back and hurt their feelings. And the UN Human Rights Commission is a joke - the UN has turned into a circus that no self-respecting country should ever be part of.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
8 Dec 2011 /  #42
If you live in Poland, speak the language, adhere to Poland's laws and follow the customs, then you are Polish.

That doesn't make you Polish; it just makes you a responsible, law-abiding resident.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
8 Dec 2011 /  #43
I personally support multiculturalism and interracial marriages for all of Europe. Sarkozy once said that we should encourage interracial marriages reportedly. I don't know if he actually said that but either way, I agree with that idea.

All EU countries should require by law that at least 20% of all marriage licenses are granted for interracial couples. If the quota is not met, do not allow other marriages for the year until it is.

poland has turned its back in the rest of slavic europe and have chosen to suck the penis of germany and western europe

Not all Poles are 100% Slavic so stop with the Slavic Union crap. Most Poles are not interested in that.
legend  3 | 658  
8 Dec 2011 /  #44
I personally support multiculturalism and interracial marriages for all of Europe. Sarkozy once said that we should encourage interracial marriages reportedly. I don't know if he actually said that but either way, I agree with that idea.

Sarkozy is part Hungarian and part Jewish.
Additionally he is a Zionist and a strong supporter of NATO.

He has no intelligence and he certainly is scum.

Not all Poles are 100% Slavic so stop with the Slavic Union crap. Most Poles are not interested in that.

Many Poles are interested in EU. That doesnt make it right.
Eu is destroying Poland (only benefit is financial and that will be temporary).

2000 years ago "Most" people in Ancient Rome believed in Ceres, Jupiter, and Mars as gods.
That doesnt mean it was true.

Many people who do dislike the potential of a Slavic union dislike Russians do so because of history.
So why are we "friends" with Germany now when they have done equal damage to Poland?

Yes History is important and I personally like learning history. But if you are focused
on the past like a schizoid you will have no friends in no time.

Its time to move on.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
8 Dec 2011 /  #45
Many people who do dislike the potential of a Slavic union dislike Russians do so because of history.
So why are we "friends" with Germany now when they have done equal damage to Poland?

Many Poles are "Gerpoles" by ancestral make up. The German people are a lot more accepting of multiculturalism unlike Russia. Russia is known to have a massive neo-Nazi population. No country should be friends with that filthy nation.

As a world community, we need to unite and pressure the Russians to accept multiculturalism.
legend  3 | 658  
8 Dec 2011 /  #46
I know many Poles are "Gerpoles". Many have Teutonic blood as well.
Germanies government is completely liberal today its disgusting.

Russia has a large nationalist movement and good for them. Its probably the biggest in the world. Considering they largely contributed to killing Nazis they have something to be proud of. There is nothing wrong with nationalism.

Because of Russian nationalism the government has banned liberal garbage like gay parades, it hasnt bowed down
to the EU which is becoming a joke.
andersm  4 | 32  
8 Dec 2011 /  #47
That doesn't make you Polish; it just makes you a responsible, law-abiding resident

Point taken. Implied but unsaid was that the individual has citizenship. My miss.

In countries the world over language and customs are the basics of belonging to a particular ethnic identity. Perhaps it needs a couple generations living in a country for it all to really soak in. The most important element is that the individual considers him or herself as part of that ethnic group. That's why I see people who hyphenate their national identity as making a choice NOT to belong no matter what their citizenship papers say.
alxmac  5 | 27  
22 Dec 2011 /  #48
the real poland is dead... germanic poland with the help of the US nazi's has made poland forget her roots and that lies in the east! NOT the west

Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
22 Dec 2011 /  #50
Calling for Slavic unity is not misbehavior and admonitions to "behave" coming from a person who is so frequently suspended from this forum for actual misbehavior are rather empty.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Dec 2011 /  #51
To many people in Poland, calling for "Slavic unity" is treasonous at best. Or have you forgotten that there are millions of people in Poland who suffered under Communism in some way and do not want to embrace any ideas of "Unity" with other Slavs?

If you care to notice, there are no purely "Slavic" alliances that Poland is involved with. You've got the Visegrad Group - which had Hungary. You've got the regional defence schemes, one of which involves Lithuania and Ukraine. You've also got such things as the Baltic Sea Partnership, which contains many non-Slavic nations. Even the Weimar Triangle contains Germany and France.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
22 Dec 2011 /  #52
To many people in Poland, calling for "Slavic unity" is treasonous at best.

Hahahaha, "at best" really and what would it be "at worst"? Do you even read what you write or do you not have the time because it would impede your gushing flood of drivel?

Or have you forgotten that there are millions of people in Poland who suffered under Communism in some way and do not want to embrace any ideas of "Unity" with other Slavs?

These people should understand that the failed system of Soviet Communism is not the model of Slavic unity any sane person is advocating, and that claims that any attempts to unify the Slavs would necessarily result in Soviet Communism are fallacious.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Dec 2011 /  #53
Hahahaha, "at best" really and what would it be "at worst"? Do you even read what you write or do you not have the time because it would impede your gushing flood of drivel?


These people should understand that the failed system of Soviet Communism is not the model of Slavic unity any sane person is advocating, and that claims that any attempts to unify the Slavs would necessarily result in Soviet Communism are fallacious.

I love the way that the Polish diaspora in America attempts to tell native Poles (who were born Polish, who breathe Polish air and who will be buried in Polish soil) what they should and shouldn't do!

Thanks Des, you just proved my point marvellously.

Incidentally, Poles are utterly disinterested in the topic as a whole. They don't even really show much interest in the Sorbians in Germany. The whole concept of "Slavic Unity" is firmly rooted as a Russian concept, nothing more.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
22 Dec 2011 /  #54
Des Essientes, stop flaming.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #55
any attempts to unify the Slavs would necessarily result in Soviet Communism

So who do you think the dominant country would be? Slovenia?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Dec 2011 /  #56
I'm only thinking off the top of my head, but Russia has what, around 120 million people? Plus all the ethnic Russians elsewhere..

As far as I can work out, any concept of "Slavic Unity" would mean a majority of Russians - and we all know how that worked last time.

(let's thank our lucky stars that the Polish disapora tends to have little say in these things)
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #57
Russia has what, around 120 million people?

All of them peace loving democrats who deeply respect the traditional independence of Poland.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
22 Dec 2011 /  #58
I love the way that the Polish diaspora in America attempts to tell native Poles (who were born Polish, who breathe Polish air and who will be buried in Polish soil) what they should and shouldn't do!

I will tell Poles, and everyone else on Earth, not to believe in slippery slope fallacies.

The whole concept of "Slavic Unity" is firmly rooted as a Russian concept, nothing more.

Please see the link posted above (#40) for a summary of the Pole, Piłsudski's, plan for Slavic unity and be disabused of your notion that such plans are "nothing more" than Russian.


Hahahaha, if you don't like your statements being critiqued then perhaps you should avoid public discussion forums. I asked you two questions. Either answer them or refrain, but I suggest you avoid crying for the mods unless you enjoy looking like a ninny.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #59
I will tell Poles, and everyone else on Earth, not to believe in slippery slope fallacies.

You might tell them to remember the lessons of history and look at the economic and geopolitical reality of a 'slavic union' while you're at it.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
22 Dec 2011 /  #60
Hahahaha, if you don't like your statements being critiqued then perhaps you should avoid public discussion forums. I asked you two questions. Either answer them or refrain, but I suggest you avoid crying for the mods unless you enjoy looking like a ninny.

i count the above as flaming. please keep to the topic.

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