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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

gumishu  16 | 6181  
6 May 2016 /  #1141
Anyway, London's election shows that you are wrong!

I would be very interested to see what was the turnout in that election
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #1142
@Adrian: No disrespect to your parents intended - and I genuinely do mean that: I have just just read your last post properly and it does show your upbringing. I too had a very middle class upbringing but was taught to respect all peoples. Your parents obviously failed - sorry!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 May 2016 /  #1143
huge demonstration


I D I O T S O N P A R A D E!

(Don't forget the cold beer and popcorn!)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 May 2016 /  #1144
I would be very interested to see what was the turnout in that election

What? You are happy with the Poles' apathy and with the ridiculously populist result that you like, but you call the London result into question?

Double standards methinks.


So Mods - you have been moving my posts all evening.

I challenge you to move this shout. Go on! You know you want to!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #1145
Everywhere the turnout is less than 50% but would you have asked if the other one had won??? What I mean is that voters who have elected Khan have been able to go beyond his religion and focuse on his program, his personality. This shows how mature voters are. Ant his is why I mean that it proves that multi cultural societies are reality. And yes, it shows that the Adrian, Levy, Johnny, Mafketis and consorts who have no PERSONAL experience would like to tell us that people hate each other, that they kill each other is wrong. For sure, there are far right and populist parties exploiting the least educated and least privilegied, but such parties although very loud cannot win general élections.

I maintain life is completely normal in western Europe.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
6 May 2016 /  #1146
I maintain life is completely normal in western Europe.

no it is not - just go to Brussels airport
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 May 2016 /  #1147
What's so special about that? I grew up in a country where terrorist attacks were routine and where civilians were often killed. I forget the numbers, but it was at least 2000 over the space of 20-ish years.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #1148
@gumi: I have been several times to Brussels Airport and ???? There are also a lot of Poles living in Brussels (not only those working at EU) but also cleaning ladies, guys working in construction and ????

@Delph: there are so ignorant that they think that we have a war !!!!!

If W. Europe is so bad, why so many Poles there?????
gumishu  16 | 6181  
6 May 2016 /  #1149
I grew up in a country where terrorist attacks were routine and where civilians were often killed.

you must be very happy then that you live in a relatively safe country now
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 May 2016 /  #1150
@gumi: do you think that W. Europe is a battlefield, like in the games you play on your console????? So why tens of millions of Poles in w. Europe???? I suppose they don't think the way you do because contrary to you, they do know the reality ;)
gumishu  16 | 6181  
6 May 2016 /  #1151
I know reality alright - I know some muslim idiot can blow up themselves on a metro or a bus - is it total war? no? - is that what you call safe - I don't
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 May 2016 /  #1152
you must be very happy then that you live in a relatively safe country now

I wouldn't be surprised to see Poland tear itself apart in the future. Seems to be a common occurrence here - who needs external enemies when Poles are capable of doing it to themselves?
gumishu  16 | 6181  
7 May 2016 /  #1153
I wouldn't be surprised to see Poland tear itself apart in the future

you mean a civil war and terror are not out of question in Poland - who do you think would start that?
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
7 May 2016 /  #1154
...now that excites me but pansy fem limp wristed funny boys just are not my cup of tea.

Does that sound something like a queer would say ?

Certainly one has to wonder why Johnny is talking "in private" about homosexuality

I wonder why you keep bringing up your homosexual fantasies and lies.
I thought you learned your lesson.
Need I turn the dogs loose again on you.
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #1155
China bans depictions of gay people on television

Content that 'exaggerates dark side of society' is banned from TV - from homosexuality to adultery, showing cleavage and even reincarnation

^ Western Civilization needs China to reinstall values

Let's keep this thread around Poland
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 May 2016 /  #1156
Poland tear itself apart

That would happen only if the KOD/SB clique manage to get back into power and try to re-neo-colonialise and re-mercenarise Poland contrary to the nation's will. Then the people will rise up and deal with the unwelcome usurpers.
Crow  154 | 9207  
7 Aug 2016 /  #1157
What crossed my mind is one question (questions) closely related to the topic. Sure, that question could be related to many themes but, now in this context. Its moral question and question of judicial justice.

So, as i already talked about it here, we can also ask- what are rights of dead people, dead parents? Do dead people have any rights among living or their wishes becoming irrelevant after death? Are ancestors without rights? Do parents who died (in some tragedy or by illness) have right to affect future of their children, or after their death vision of future for their children pass only to state institutions?

Point is, ... It is impossible to allow adoption of children to the LGBT couples. That, if we were to respect dead people. Its because we must presume that people who desire to have children, themselves don`t belong to LGBT part of population. Therefore, it would be violation of their parental rights, if in case of their sudden death, some state institution give their children for adoption to LGBT couples.

As i said, that if we respect dead people. If society decide to ignore rights of parents (ancestors) then, everything becoming possible. Personally, i am for absolute respect of ancestors. For us Serbians its even religious question. Ancestors must get respect.

Parades i don`t understand. Pride parades only upset public. Sexual orientation is private thing. So, this i can understand >>>

Serbia to get first openly gay cabinet minister
Source: B92, Tanjug Monday, August 8, 2016 | 15:16

Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday he is aware that Serbia's future minister of state administration and local self-government is gay, i.e., a lesbian woman. ... he was instead interested "only in her business results,"

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
9 Aug 2016 /  #1158
I don't understand all this LGBT business in Poland, it's Western Europe that had a problem with sexual orientation. From what I am aware of there hasn't been any law "prohibiting homosexuality" in Poland. When I see Gay parades in Poland it looks like something thrown down upon it by foreigners...
Ironside  50 | 12312  
9 Aug 2016 /  #1159
don't understand all this LGBT business

Its about ideology and power.
Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Aug 2016 /  #1160
When I see Gay parades in Poland it looks like something thrown down upon it by foreigners...

yes. Western Europeans wants reduction of ethnic Polish population. i suppose that goes hand in hand with plans for new settlers that needs to come to Poland.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
6 Sep 2018 /  #1161
one day would become moral that man implant penis of the horse or elephant and ask for the rights to publicly call it normal,

I am afraid we are already there Crow.
A new honeymoon destination for Polish LGBTQRSTUV's !
India's Supreme Court has struck down a colonial-era law criminalizing consensual gay sex, overturning more than 150 years of anti-LGBT legislation.
The court announced the landmark verdict in Delhi on Thursday.
Section 377, an archaic law imposed during British rule that penalized intercourse "against the order of nature," had carried a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
Maybe the courts reasoning is that it may help cut down on India's over population some.
Crow  154 | 9207  
6 Sep 2018 /  #1162
As long as humanity live and for sure as long as Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization exist, wish of majority of population would be respected. It also means that majority taking responsibility in its hands and that is all right. Freedom has its price. Had in past, have now and will have even in 100.000 years from now in misty future of humanity. Definition of freedom is rare thing that don`t depend on level of technology. Simple, you are either free or you aren`t.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
6 Sep 2018 /  #1163
A new honeymoon destination for Polish LGBTQRSTUV's !

I can dig the L part. It's the rest of that perverted alphabet soup that I have problem visualizing after I eat.
Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Aug 2019 /  #1164
Oh I just learned that peaceful LGBT pride happened today in Poland, in Plok. Good. Things moving forward.

Let us back to topic, please. I am only glad Poland is moving forward with human rights, no matter all EU meddling and manipulations. No need EU to patronize Poland when we know that Poles have greater culture then western Europeans.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
10 Aug 2019 /  #1165
I just learned that peaceful LGBT pride happened today in Poland, in Plok.

Did you learn why being mentally ill and biologically useless is a reason to be proud?
Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Aug 2019 /  #1166
Reason? But it is because of EU. EU want`s less Poles (its not only about Poles) to be born and that is the reason why EU sponsor LGBT organizations, in order to promote these ways of living. Then also EU thrive when can antagonize interrelations between social groups within targeted country, in this case within Poland. Among other results EU that way also disrupting natural social evolution and prosperity by rising tensions within societies. EU rather wants to control these processes and that way control the country itself. That way, in suitable moment, EU always can activate those antagonisms and then pressure and put down targeted country.

BUT. But, that has nothing with fact that gay persons exist among males and females of human kind, since the beginning of time. So, they do have their rights same as other humans. They deserve not to be molested by heterosexual people.

I myself neither understand, neither support homo ways but, as I said, I tend not to violate others peoples rights. I tolerate. I seek for freedom that I seek to respect freedom of others, of different.
Joker  2 | 2188  
11 Aug 2019 /  #1167
Did you learn why being mentally ill and biologically useless is a reason to be proud?

Or deal with idiotic posts like Crows last one. Can you make any sense of it? I cant. Yet, his continuous gibberish spamming never ends. yawn!

He just bumped up the thread coz he supports gays, nothing else ,oh ya, Serbia. What a Joke!
Lenka  5 | 3471  
11 Aug 2019 /  #1168
Can you make any sense of it? I cant. Yet, his continuous gibberish spamming never ends. yawn!

Seriously? That's one of his most coherent and on topic posts!
Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Aug 2019 /  #1169
I am curious, did you ever talk to some homo people, what they think of their parades? I did. I asked for opinion. Got answer that heterosexuals promote their way of life and so, naturally, homosexuals have right to promote their own way of life. I countered with argument that without populace, without newborn people, state can`t exist, civilization can`t survive. Answer to that argument was that are homosexuals aware and just ask for their place, at least acceptance.

Saying that activist and idiots taking a part in the ideologically and politicly motived action paid by from some unclear sources

I am glad that peaceful LGBT parade happened. That is crucial.

Now when tolerance is shown, Poland can prevent EU to antagonize topic.

In my country, we tolerate gay rights and have established dialogue. Only that way majority that is heterosexual can defend and explain its stance and preserve moving values of society. What is interesting to me, seams that EU meddling actually slows evolution of Polish society and reduce rights to all. Prevent EU, as we did. In fact, ignore EU.

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