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Corporate-linked EC attacks Poland's retail tax; govt suspends collection

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Oct 2016 /  #1
The European Commission, the lobbying arm of major mega-corporations, has found fault with Poland's retail tax, and the government has agreed to suspend its collection until the end of 2017, to work out a negotiated settlement. The tax was introduced to ever so slightly level the playing field and give small, mainly family-owned shops a fighting chance. The tax was in force only a few days when Poland's foreign-capital-controlled media began attacking it. The EC, ever faithful to their high-kickback corporate masters, went into action without delay.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
17 Oct 2016 /  #2
The tax was introduced to ever so slightly level the playing field

Intentions don't count in politics, Polly. Only results count.

PiS doesn't seem to be able to write coherent legislation that doesn't violate EU norms. That is a major problem.
17 Oct 2016 /  #3
PiS doesn't seem to be able to write coherent legislation that doesn't violate EU norms. That is a major problem.

It is a problem for the PiSlamic State that PIS can't write laws properly or understand their international obligations, but it's certainly good news for Poland.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
17 Oct 2016 /  #4
PIS can't write laws properly or understand their international obligations

And are too busy going on witch hunts, following legislative dead ends and appointing unqualfied people to actually do the job they were elected to (which is job creation).

Unles PiS policies start producing employment soon the public will move away from them (like most youth voters already have).
smurf  38 | 1940  
17 Oct 2016 /  #5
Did I read something about changin the tax.....missus told me this morning we're going to be going from 19% tax to 40%

That can't be right, but I can't really find anything about it.
She says PiS are working on it, but nobody's talking about it
mafketis  38 | 10868  
17 Oct 2016 /  #6
Where did anyone think all that 500+ money was going to be coming from?
Atch  21 | 4139  
17 Oct 2016 /  #7
It looks like a tax increase is on the cards. Here's an article from earlier this year:


The June deadline mentioned in the article seems to have passed without the expected announcement.
smurf  38 | 1940  
17 Oct 2016 /  #8
Where did anyone think all that 500+ money was going to be coming from?

wasn't the bank and supermarket tax brought in for that?

I actually think the 500+ is a good thing, I don't have two kids btw, most other EU countries have a child benefit system, it's about time Poland had one too.

500zl is feckin pittance anyway

The June deadline mentioned in the article seems to have passed without the expected announcement.

So we're not going to see a rise from 19 to 40%?

She's says we're outta here if that's the case, I'm easy, I've no roots here other than a few mates but sure it's pretty easy to make friends anywhere so I'm OK if she wants to leg it
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Oct 2016 /  #9
Only results

And the bottom line is that the EU is not about assisting the average European individual or family, helping someone get started in business or facilitatitng a country's effort to create a business class of its own. The EU is a mega-business serving mega-corporaitons and handsomely rewarded by them. The high-sounding rhetoric about community efforts, values, etc. if just so much rabble-rousing codswallop. Since the PO also served thier foreign masters, they were not spied on, called to account or otherwise harassed.
Atch  21 | 4139  
17 Oct 2016 /  #10
So we're not going to see a rise from 19 to 40%?

There's no doubt that taxes will have to go up at some point, but virtually doubled overnight, I doubt it. Mind you, the proposal being discussed was about replacing the old tax and ZUS system with a single charge. I think at the moment the two together works out at about 30% anyway doesn't it? So that would only be an increase of 10% in your overall deductions which isn't too bad. It's still quite hefty though in one fell swoop like that. I think the reason it's not happening is because they just can't overhaul their adminstrative system quickly enough. They're pretty inefficient anyway and imagine the mess if they try to amalgamate tax and ZUS.
jon357  72 | 22778  
17 Oct 2016 /  #11
but it's certainly good news for Poland.

Very good news in fact. I suspect they'll have to do a lot of backing down, as last time.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
17 Oct 2016 /  #12
that the EU is not about assisting the average

Why do I always hear the Internationale in my head while reading your posts?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Oct 2016 /  #13

What do you hear when you see the Schultzes, Junkers and other EU stooges rolling in dough from all the kickbacks and spouting pharasaic rhetoric about European values, community solidarity, etc. If they praised corporate values and the big multinationals to high heaven and admitted that's who butters their bread then at least they'd be less hypocirtical.
smurf  38 | 1940  
17 Oct 2016 /  #14
Mind you, the proposal being discussed was about replacing the old tax and ZUS system with a single charge. I think at the moment the two together works out at about 30% anyway doesn't it?

Naw, not in my case anyway. Thing is I earn the vast majority of my money abroad and depending on where the buyer lives I either pay tax in America and tax in Poland or no tax in American and tax in Poland

If it does go to 40% the wife and I are really boned and one of us (me) will need to leave the business and get a 9-5 office gig and I'm not willing to work in a job I hate, lose money in our business (coz we'd be a man down) to stay living in a country that's going backwards
peterweg  37 | 2305  
17 Oct 2016 /  #15
What do you hear when you see the Schultzes, Junkers and other EU stooges rolling in dough from all the kickbacks and spouting pharasaic rhetoric about European values, community solidarity, etc.

I cannot make sense of your communist rants, but I take it the PiS government intends to jack up taxes?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2016 /  #16
EU is not about

Replying to an EC admonition, the Polish govt has said it would not implement the retail tax until 2018 by when some negotiated corrections can hopefully be made. In the meantime, how many small Polish businesses, corner shops and other small-scale commercial ventures will be driven out of business? That, of course, is of absolutely no concern to the EC. Once again the minute its mega-rich distributor clients felt threatened by a retail tax, the EU pounced on Poland. The age-old adage has once again come true: HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER CALLS THE TUNE!
18 Oct 2016 /  #17
the EU pounced on Poland. The age-old adage has once again come true: HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER CALLS THE TUNE!

If you don't like the music, you're welcome to go home; Poles strongly support the EU, even more so now the EU is doing more for Poles than the 18% regime.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2016 /  #18
EU is doing more

More to badmouth, nitpick, find fault and harass. The average Pole has no idea of the actual workings of the EU powers that be, and those are about serving the interests of Germany, France and to some extent Holland, Belgium and Italy, whilst keeping newcomers in their hitherto neo-colonial status, You know that better than anyone. Poland is to remain a place to set up assembly plants by offering low-cost or free industrial sites and cheap manpower. The pro-Polish PiS government were the first to try to correct the situation by promotimng inidgenous entrepreneurship. Now we know why all the anti-Polish hostility coming from Brussels. Poland has dared to assert her sovereignty rather than remaining just a docile, compliant and servilistic pawn the way it was in the good ol' SLD and PO eras.
jon357  72 | 22778  
18 Oct 2016 /  #19
Poles strongly support the EU

Yes, much more so than PIS and there's a collective sigh of relief now PIS have once again had to back down.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2016 /  #20
collective sigh of relief

Only among the trough-defending saboteurs. Any attack on Poland warms the hearts of that traitorous vermin. Normal Poles feel dismay and concern when their country is attacked by outside forces and/or the KOD fifth column.

Now that your guru HB is back on the scene the UK tagteam can resume their comedy act and give us all a good laugh.
jon357  72 | 22778  
18 Oct 2016 /  #21
Any attack on Poland

Fortunately the PIS attack on Poland was foiled.
18 Oct 2016 /  #22
More to badmouth, nitpick, find fault and harass.

More to protect Poland from the PiSlamic State.

Now we know why all the anti-Polish hostility coming from Brussels.

Yes, it's because some in the EU mistakenly believe that the 18% regime in some way speak for Poland when in reality that shower no more speak for Poland than the commie party did when they had a similar level of support.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2016 /  #23
speak for Poland

Since no party ever won the election outright no-one according to you has ever had the right to speak for Poland. Besides PiS won around 39% of the vote. We all know you concocted some type of convoluted double-talk to arrive at the habitually repated ad nauseam 18% figure.

Like your PO masters, are you also getting a kickback from Brussels for maligning Poland and working to keep her in her neo-colonila strait-jacket?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Oct 2016 /  #24
the PiSlamic State

The gigantic Warsaw restituion scandal shows that the Hairy Bollocks 8-year POO regime was one unending scam. If she had a shred of honour Mayor Gronkowiec would step down after returning the monies her family illicitly obtained from the restitution scam of the building in Noakowskiego street.

But never a peep on this from HB! Wonder why? Apparently his heroes include Al Capone, Jack the Ripper, Dr Mengele and Horrible Hanna!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Oct 2016 /  #25
speak for Poland

PiS now enjoy 34% support, more than twice that of POO's - 15%. N has even less, but according to HB they "speak for Poland" because they have not reconciled themelves to being the big losers. They thought the 8-year honeymoon would last forever, not realising that the Polish nation finally saw through them.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
20 Oct 2016 /  #26
PiS now enjoy 34% support

That's basically their base. Everybody agrees they have a 30 % or so base that will never desert them. 34 % is a little over their base and PO despite the reprivatization scandal is slowing growing.

The big problem with PiS is that it's not a meritocracy but rather an emerging oligarchy and they have way too many incompetent people floating around who can't be trusted not to wreck anything they're put in charge of. A good example is how PiS single-party-ily managed to wreck one of Poland's international brands (Arabian horses). And the party has worked to make putting people on the taxpayer funded payroll less transparent so that party potentantes can appoint stooges and accomplices rather than competent people (this is why so many Poles aren't crazy about working for Polish employers - PiS is a stereotypical Polish employer who promotes according to connections instead of competence).

Similarly they can't even write legislation that meets EU requirements. Why don't they have specialists in EU law to make sure that nothing that gets voted on is in violation of it? People with more skills should have been able to draft the corpotate tax legislation in a way that did not violate EU rules.
20 Oct 2016 /  #27
But never a peep on this from HB! Wonder why? Apparently his heroes include Al Capone, Jack the Ripper, Dr Mengele and Horrible Hanna!

POO's - 15%. N has even less, but according to HB they "speak for Poland" because they have not reconciled themelves to being the big losers.

Didn't I recently read something about this not being the thread for off topic posts, kindly sort yourself out, this thread is about retail tax?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Oct 2016 /  #28
according to connections

There has been no greater oldboy network than that created by PO/PSL, where not what one could do but whom one knew was what counted. The PO/PSL clique was better than PiS in one major area: creating major scams: Ambergold, gambling scandal, ignoring TK verdicts, Warsaw property restitution, myriad unkept campaign promises to mention only the most glaring. And all of PF's professionla PiS-bashers were strangely silent about those abuses. They wouldn't be horse-blinkered by chance, would they?
mafketis  38 | 10868  
20 Oct 2016 /  #29
There has been no greater oldboy network than that created by PO/PSL,

So? What relevance does that have on what I wrote? If PiS were so bound and determined to create good change (they're not, but let's pretend they are) then why do they muddle up hiring processes, get bogged down in legislative dead ends, follow boondoggles in the making (unnecessary education "reform") and appoint so many incompetent people?

I'm not writing about PO I'm writing about PiS, please stay on topic, old bean.
20 Oct 2016 /  #30
creating major scams: Ambergold, gambling scandal, ignoring TK verdicts, Warsaw property restitution, myriad unkept campaign promises

I wonder why you have nothing to say about the topic of this thread.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Corporate-linked EC attacks Poland's retail tax; govt suspends collectionArchived