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Poland building an empire (instead of a nation)?

AdamKadmon 2 | 495  
7 Feb 2011 /  #61
Money is a ...

piece of literature, but instead of letters you write it in digits, mostly zeros at the end and one at the front.
NomadatNet 1 | 457  
7 Feb 2011 /  #62
And, it is a thing with a written poem on it, "In God We Trust."
(We just don't trust political governments and private banks, whispers the central bank.)
AdamKadmon 2 | 495  
8 Feb 2011 /  #63
"In God We Trust."

Yes. Money, like literature, is a promise of some substantiality beyond its accidental currier.

But what is that promise? What is the believe? What is this kingdom that people want to reach by it?
NomadatNet 1 | 457  
8 Feb 2011 /  #64
Yes. Money, like literature, is a promise of some substantiality beyond its accidental currier.

Accidental? You mean they printed money accidentally? Then, they keep doing accidents?
8 Feb 2011 /  #65
Jeezus. What drugs are you two on?

And where can I get some?

(... anyone planning to actually say anything about Poland or nation-building around here, please get in touch)
skysoulmate 13 | 1270  
8 Feb 2011 /  #66
people,if you ask me (you don`t but, never mind), i would personally support idea of Poland as Empire.

I nominate the highlighted part for the post of the month! LOL
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2188  
9 Feb 2011 /  #67
Use it wisely and never raise your hand against Poland - your mother.

What have you done...

Poland should focus on building up her infrastructure first above all. Until the Russian federation OR Germany (lol..) becomes war-like there is no reason to prioritize foreign relations or the army.

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