But why would China be a threat at all, especially to Poland. China as a power is more favorable to the world then the US
Well, start learning mandarin then...
China even when strong has never involved itself in the type of physical and political empire building in all its history.
Look at the map, ask the neighbours and take a look at the many ethnical populatins and how they are oppressed.
You think the US is bad? Just inform yourself about the Chinese.
And China was never in that favourable position as it is now.
Maos communists killed more people than Hitler and Stalin or anybody else and his party is still in power!
But hey...the US is far worse...of course!
Just a hint: You can talk such crap totally free, you can protest openly, you can demonstrate to your hearts content and no fear to get jailed, beaten up or without trial imprisoned in some brutal re-education camp!
Try that in China!