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Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD

28 Mar 2011 /  #1
In the new season there's a polish actress who will play as a eastern european housemaid, ***** and mail order wife of House MD just to get a green card

Her name is Karolina Wydra and her character is called Dominika

What do you think about it?

Again it's the same situation like it was in Gossip Girl where there was a polish maid
FlaglessPole 4 | 649  
28 Mar 2011 /  #2
as the wise men of Kamchatka like to say; where there is smoke, there is a Polish maid with a reefer...
28 Mar 2011 /  #3
That is an outrageous lie! Scandalous! Terrible!!!

Polish girl would never even think of marrying an American just to get a green card! Moreover, Polish
girl would never think of marrying a foreigner for his money or to get a citizenship. Polish girls only marry
out of great, romantic love - it is a well known fact.

Besides, there are no such things as Polish maids. A Polish woman can only be a CEO of a great
international company, award winning writer or journalist or, very often, a famous scientist.

I hope, with this post, I have exposed the lies that anti-Polish, Hollywood propaganda spreads about Polish girls.
vetala - | 381  
28 Mar 2011 /  #4
Torq is absolutely right. Polish women can only be maids in British houses and marry Canadians for the citizenship, never Americans!
Calabrien - | 20  
28 Mar 2011 /  #5
lol xD

Kupek, I don't think that it shoud offend Polish people. Is being a maid shameful job? I don't think so. She wants to marry just to get a green card? So what? You will find a lot of girls like that (from Poland too).

I don't think that they put it to mock Polish people.
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
28 Mar 2011 /  #6
Torq is absolutely right. Polish women can only be maids in British houses and marry Canadians for the citizenship, never Americans!


Is being a maid shameful job?

well half the Polish women in America are maids or housekeepers so there is at least some truth in all of this. Plus i personally know one who told the owner of the house she worked in to leave his wife and marry her, and he did since she was very attractive.
Calabrien - | 20  
28 Mar 2011 /  #7
I don' deny that there are a lot of Polish women working as a maids or housekeepers and that half off them just want to marry their "boss" to have green card.

But I watched this episode and I don't think that they are mocking Poland (especially that that girl has rather Russian surname, not polish). I feel that they are mocking all girls that are doing this just for getting green card.

And I dont think that in being maid is something wrong - of course if it's only job and no a way to get a rich man or green card ;)
pgtx 29 | 3094  
28 Mar 2011 /  #8
well half the Polish women in America are maids or housekeepers so there is at least some truth in all of this.

lol.... you guys are watching too many telenovelas and some crapy shows....
show me some proof...
FlaglessPole 4 | 649  
28 Mar 2011 /  #10
kupek... kupek now over to you. How much do you really care??
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
28 Mar 2011 /  #11
And I dont think that in being maid is something wrong

Sounds more respectable then being a prostitute in some brothel or on the street.

Her name is Karolina Wydra and her character is called Dominika

Checked her out, sexy, tall (5'9.5'') girl ;)

28 Mar 2011 /  #12
kupek wrote:

In the new season there's a polish actress who will play as a eastern european housemaid

No. she plays a hooker that House offers to marry to help her get papers. yes, she agrees to do housemaid related things, she lives with him, even goes to work with him during the scam but first and foremost, she's a hooker. in the show.

Secondly, how is this mocking Poles? She wasn't even portrayed as a Polish girl in the episode.....but I think you already knew that, considering in your OP, you wrote,"who will play as a eastern european housemaid." Kupek is exactly what this thread is. Hot, steamy kupek.

Torq wrote:

Polish girl would never even think of marrying an American just to get a green card!

wildrover 98 | 4431  
28 Mar 2011 /  #13
I am a biker , you know , those guys you see on telly all the time , shown as being slightly less inteligent than a mollusc , violent , and usually criminals....does it bother me...? no not at all , if i get judged by idiots who cannot tell the difference between telivision and real life , then so be it....

Stop watching telivision......go out and do something....!
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
28 Mar 2011 /  #14
I am a biker , you know , those guys you see on telly all the time

er,House is a Biker too ;) Still cant see bertie wooster as a dashing MD on a superbike though......
wildrover 98 | 4431  
28 Mar 2011 /  #15
House is a Biker too

Is he..? that explains the limp then....
28 Mar 2011 /  #16
at least she's hot :-)
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
28 Mar 2011 /  #17
that explains the limp then....

spot on....I presume,didnt watch it from the beggining,just couldnt get my head round Hugh Laurie playing anything but a weak chinned buffoon tbh :)
28 Mar 2011 /  #18
I posted my comment in a wrong thread "Why are Polish Americans mocked in the american media?" , but I wanted to add some comment here So just my few words for this discussion are there .
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
28 Mar 2011 /  #19
Im guessing "Its the jews fault" makes up the core of your thoughts Monia.....................
28 Mar 2011 /  #20
I have normal relations with Jewish people whom I regard normal and modest people. But small percentage of them ( especially those in Hollywood ) play nasty about Polish people . That was my point . Do you think I generalise people as some do ?
Tymoteusz 2 | 346  
28 Mar 2011 /  #21
Hmmmm, I don't watch network television and most Poles don't have any respect for Americans of Polish ancestry, Looks like I should care less about this. "yawn"
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
28 Mar 2011 /  #22
It's not like that, Poles respect Americans. It's just that if someone of Polish descent, waves a Polish flag proudly and claims he loves being Polish but can't say a single word in Polish or says the wrong word (Busha lol) and has never been to Poland, kinda makes him/her look a little silly.
Tymoteusz 2 | 346  
28 Mar 2011 /  #23
I take pride in my ancestry because of the people who came from there. I know more than I did about Poland, but my polish flag is still at Wal-mart. The EU is looking more like the Middle east to me everyday. Bunch of tribals busy infighting about every little slight that can be imagined present of historically. I must say though, you all in-fight with the skill of well educated and good looking, tribals.
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
28 Mar 2011 /  #24
Do you think I generalise people as some do ?

Well,yes,considering a quick peek at the House info will show maybe 2 out of about 10 executive producers may be of jewish descent...........

Hmmmm, I don't watch

Or read either...Im no expert but "Karolina Wydra " don't sound like a PolAm name but rather a

polish actress


Im just glad you all didnt see Holby city the other week. A Polish girl who had married a balding older englishman just to get to stay in the UK.......er............eh?????? uhmm....er,what can you say to that? Oh,the best bit,the Ukrainian nurse who could suddenly...well obviously duh,also speak fluent Polish,as the poor Polish girl could barely speak english after a few years here .......ah well..:)
28 Mar 2011 /  #25
House info will show maybe 2 out of about 10 executive producers may be of jewish descent...........

I was not thinking about " House" sitcom . I don`t watch it .

I am also aware that UK production also depict Polish in that nasty , stereoyipical manner cuz I sometimes watch UK sitcoms . I will not comment on them . But there were some positive too.

I remember a movie by Clint Eastwood " Grand Torino " - a very positive ex. of Polish character . He is a Polish friend , that`s for sure .
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
28 Mar 2011 /  #26
I was not thinking about " House" sitcom . I don`t watch it .

Er............not to point out the obvious,but,how the heck can you comment on something you dont even watch?
Sounds like all those loopy God Botherers who boycotted Jerry Springer the Opera without knowing what it was about or ever having seen it....
newtch, you just presumed its credits would be full of Goldbumms and Weinstiensilverbergsteins,when its not its all,"ooh,I didnt mean that one,I mean all the other hollywood stuff the jews run..........................

am also aware that UK production also depict Polish in that nasty , stereoyipical manner cuz I sometimes watch UK sitcoms . I will not comment on them . But there were some positive too.

Name one. Go on,name an English sitcom that is "nasty to Polish"...............
grubas 12 | 1382  
28 Mar 2011 /  #27
What's all the the fuss about?There are maids and maids.Anybody remembers story about Meg Whitman hiring illegal maid from Mexico?This girl was making $20/h.I remember reading comments under this story on Yahoo.com and a lot of Americans wanted to be Meg Whitman's maid.
Marynka11 3 | 639  
28 Mar 2011 /  #28
Plus i personally know one who told the owner of the house she worked in to leave his wife and marry her, and he did since she was very attractive.

Was her name Barbara Piasecka?
Trevek 25 | 1699  
28 Mar 2011 /  #29
that explains the limp then....

No, the limp is due to some muscle condition and wastage.
29 Mar 2011 /  #30
Pennboy wrote:

It's just that if someone of Polish descent, waves a Polish flag proudly and claims he loves being Polish but can't say a single word in Polish or says the wrong word (Busha lol) and has never been to Poland, kinda makes him/her look a little silly.

and the same goes for every wanna be patriot in America.

Season 3 of 'Jersey Shore' is going to be in Italy. I can't imagine what the Italians are going to be saying about that motley crew once they show up, all of them claiming to be Italian, saying words like, "mootsadell", "pepperown" and "brazhoot" and wondering why nobody in Italy understands them.

You all talk about the wanna be plastic pole culture in america, it's NOTHING compared to italian americans.

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