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Polish flag was changed by taking the coat of arms?

Dommie B.  
8 Aug 2011 /  #31
May i ask why that is, that you can't use the flag with the coat of arms? I understand the respect but seems a little extreme...

It's simply not an important part of Polish culture for private citizens to display the flag, and the law governing it is very restrictive. The flag can be displayed by private citizens only on certain national holidays. That flag has to be the one without the coat of arms. The flag is never used as decoration. Even football fans don't display the polish flag so much. They use scarves instead.

Compare this to Denmark, where flagomania rules supreme. The flag is used as decoration for just about any celebration, like picnics and birthdays, and millions upon millions of tiny flags on toothpicks are stuck in every doughnut in every pastry shop. Anybody can display the flag at any time, and they do. I don't think you'll find a single boy's bedroom that isn't decked out in Danish flags.

It's not that Poles are ashamed of their flag, and Danes are proud of theirs. It's simply a different a difference in cultural attitudes, with Poles being extremely reserved, and Danes being downright obsessed.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
8 Aug 2011 /  #32
It's not that Poles are ashamed of their flag, and Danes are proud of theirs. It's simply a different a difference in cultural attitudes, with Poles being extremely reserved, and Danes being downright obsessed.

I don't know maybe it's just me but the Danish flag is simply very nice - very decorative while Polish is bland (vertical tricolores are much more aesthetic)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
8 Aug 2011 /  #33
I don't know maybe it's just me but the Danish flag is simply very nice - very decorative

Yes, it's just you. If you'll have to pick a Scandinavian flag obviously the Swedish is the prettiest, the colors of the sky and the sun, how much prettier can it get??? ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
8 Aug 2011 /  #34
I like Swedish flag too, but I like Danish most then Italian and Irish (or Irish and Italian) - the flag of Iceland is nice too - also the star spangled banner is visually nice
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Aug 2011 /  #35
Yes, it's just you. If you'll have to pick a Scandinavian flag obviously the Swedish is the prettiest,

bu** sh** it's too easy. if it had some more majestical colours like little stripes and an symbol then maaaaaybe. But of all scandinavian flags, Norwegian is the pretty one
gumishu  15 | 6228  
8 Aug 2011 /  #36
Norwegian is the pretty one

hehehe and you are not in the slightest biased :)

another flag that I really enjoy is the Portuguese
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
8 Aug 2011 /  #37
very pretty


Some other pretty flags are:



Mariana Islands


Trinidad and Tobago

Sri Lanka

and Kenya
gumishu  15 | 6228  
8 Aug 2011 /  #38

I wouldn't call it beautiful - it's nauseating
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
8 Aug 2011 /  #39
Hate the time limit

Mariana Islands
Trinidad and Tobago
Sri Lanka
8 Aug 2011 /  #40
Could you stop it? I'm Polish and I feel ashamed when I read your comments. Can't you leave him alone?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Aug 2011 /  #41
while Polish is bland (vertical tricolores are much more aesthetic)

I dunno, I quite like the Polish one, especially if you believe the sentimental version (white being peace, red being blood).

The Polish one to me has a simple elegance.

I also read somewhere that those rules aren't strictly followed

Oh, they are. You won't see people flying flags on national holidays with the coat of arms - it must be the plain version.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
8 Aug 2011 /  #42
It is interesting not to see any cross sign in the flag of Poland which is said to be one of most conservative Christian countries.

(white being peace, red being blood)

In its simplest meaning, it is so. But, my guess is the white is actually color of the moon (silvershine looks white in the dark night) and the red is the color of the sun. So, these colors are colors of old pagan religions with moon god, sun god, sky god (blue), earth god, etc. etc. We can see these in turkis flag, actually, dates back more than 2000 years when it was pagan religion:

The crescent moon and star were holy symbols (tengri pagan religion of turks) for pre-Islamic Turkic tribes, while red was the cardinal colour for west (sunset) in ancient Turkic culture. In Turkish tradition, red also represents hegemony, while white represents power, justice, exaltation and purity. (three-crescent on blue ground also used, and the blue represents sky god there.) (not saying everythings were copied from turkic culture. it just preserved old things, old beliefs, religions, cultures simply more, in abstract forms.)

Anyway. So, white represents moon/crescendent and red represents the sun (it is seen red during the sunrise and during the sunset.). Ancient things. Pagan beliefs are still alive and we see this in the colors of flags of everywhere including the western countries.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
8 Aug 2011 /  #43
It must be nice for the workers in the flag factories in China producing little versions of the eagleless Polish flag because if they glue it to the stick upside-down it's not ruined but rather Indonesian.

And Monaco, though the market is smaller.

It's white for the Polish eagle and red for the shield of Lithuania. From the days when the two territories were in union.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
8 Aug 2011 /  #44
Indeed, Monaco and Poland flags are exactly same. Just upside down Monaco flag, it becomes Poland flag.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
8 Aug 2011 /  #45
That's incorrect. Monaco flag has different dimensions.

It's white for the Polish eagle and red for the shield of Lithuania. From the days when the two territories were in union

Well, sort of. A few words are misspelled here but it has a good summary of the meaning of the colors.
[I]The Flag
by Mr. Jan Rękawek

Poland's national colors are white and red. On the flag these assume the form of two horizontal bands of equal width and length, the upper white and the lower, red.

The origin of the flag colors goes back to the Piast dynasty and relates to the White Eagle on a red field. However, the concept of the state flag in these colors dates from the 18th and 19th centuries.

In earlier times, red and white are found on royal standards and military flags, though not as separate hands.

In the 18th century, Polish soldiers began to wear white cockades on their caps. Thus white was the first color which had a specific meaning, it was the sign of the Polish soldier.

The civilian population, in sympathy with the army, adopted white cockades during the insurrection of 1830-31. At that time, tricolor cockades (red, white and blue) [borrowed from French revolution - my remark] as well as red and white ones were also worn. This lack of uniformity induced the Sejm to pass a resolution on February 7, 1831, adopting the white and red cockade as official.

It was the first legal act by the nation's supreme representatives regulating Poland's colors and making white and red the national colors. After the uprising was suppressed, the red and white cockades were outlawed by the Tsarist authorities, but the colors continued to be used wherever Poles in exile fought for the cause of freedom.

On November 11, 1918, a Warsaw University student. heralding the coming independence, raised a big white and red flag on the Radziwiil Palace, then the seat of the German occupational authority, and today, the residence of Poland's President. The following year, the Sejm of the resurgent Polish state adopted the white and red flag as the official design which remains unchanged to this day.

In many countries, including Poland, hut not the United States, the country's ensign differs somewhat from its flag. The ensign is the flag flown by warships at sea. On land, it is a symbol of government authority. Poland's ensign differs from its flag by having a White Eagle on a red shield in the middle of the white band. Moreover, the ensign used by the Polish Navy is swallowtailed, a characteristic of the warship ensigns of countries on the Baltic Sea.

The raising of the Star-Spangled Banner by the G-I's over Iwo Jima is a familiar American icon. Earlier, on May 18, 1944, an analogous scenario occuned in Italy, when, in one of the greatest battles of the Second World War, soldiers of the Polish Second Corps captured the Monte Cassino bastion, the pivot of the German defense system in Italy.

The Polish flag was proudly raised that day atop ruins of the monastery on Monte Cassino. It was a signal that the road to Rome had been opened.

While the raising of the Polish flag over Monte Cassino has been photographically immortalized, another event of momentous significance has not. Polish troops of the Kościuszko division, serving under Russian command, were the first to fight their way to the center of Berlin at the end of the World War II. There they raised the Polish flag over the Branderburg gate, only to have it taken down soon thereafter by the Soviets who replaced it with their own red banner.

The White and Red flag and the crowned White Eagle, symbols of sovereign Poland, remain the emblems of the Polish heritage which are traditionallly celebrated on May 3rd, Polands's Constitution Day.[/]

Flag of Poland

Flag of Monaco

As you can see the overall dimensions and the thickness of the stripes is different.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Aug 2011 /  #47
Topic reminder: this thread is about the POLISH flag.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
8 Aug 2011 /  #48
Poland's national colors are white and red. On the flag these assume the form of two horizontal bands of equal width and length, the upper white and the lower, red.

Meaning of these colors in the flags are much earlier than this, as I mentioned above. But, the use of red and white in Poland flag officially can be like that mentioned above in the article about the near history.

Btw, the use of the eagle in the flags is relatively newer thing than the symbol (white-red-blue-etc, but, these colors symbolizes some objects as I mentioned above.) Use of eagle dates back to Sumerians-Hittites en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-headed_eagle which have also been used many countries in the past. So, eagle, flower etc like objects can be considered as more modern symbols of the time comparing abstract geometrical symbols including the colors which symbolizes planet, star, sky, earth, etc.

But, in today world, there is a trend toward abstract-life style. So, red-white flag without eagle fits this trend. But, military flags prefer some wildy signs. So, if a war happens, polish flag with eagle can be seen more everywhere in Poland.

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