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Polish flag was changed by taking the coat of arms?

17 Jun 2011 /  #1
Can anyone tell me why Poland changed their flag by taking the coat of arms like it. The new flag is much more generic and the old flag was awesome. If anyone could tell me why they changed the flag it would be appreciated.
17 Jun 2011 /  #2
Look son, I'm a German graduate student currently attending a prestigious school in Danzig, Poland and I currently engage in Polish studies. The SIMPLE fact of the matter is that the first flag wasn't approved by the German Reichstag (government) and so because everything in Poland requires approval by the Deutsch, Poland was forced to change to something more generic which they copied off of Indonesia.
Softsong  5 | 492  
17 Jun 2011 /  #3
Look son, I'm a German graduate student currently attending a prestigious school in Danzig, Poland

You must be a time traveler, then as the city is nowadays, GdaƄsk, Poland! Nice post hahahahaha.
OP Jeziorski  
17 Jun 2011 /  #4
thrilling conversation, but does anyone know the answer to my question?
17 Jun 2011 /  #5
In Deutschland we actually have technological innovations and probably will acquire time-travelling technology within the next century. On the other hand, Poland remains part of the United Slav Front, etc. in terms of where development is at (nothing). Furthermore, I'd like to point out that Germany is basically the epicenter of European greatness. Look, I came here to explain the history of Poland's flag, and I've given it. I'm simply a student in Danzig acquiring more knowledge about less civilized cultures.
17 Jun 2011 /  #6
Both versions, with and without the coat of arms, are officially recognized.

17 Jun 2011 /  #7
Listen up. I'm a polish graduate student from the city of Vladislov, and I proclaim myself king of the slavs. Hooded minions, attack! Use your adidas jumpsuits to claim victory for Poland!
emha  - | 90  
17 Jun 2011 /  #8
a time traveler

:) currently in the black hole :)

The Raichstag was a parliament not a government (today Bundestag).
legend  3 | 658  
17 Jun 2011 /  #9
Poland remains part of the United Slav Front, etc. in terms of where development is at (nothing).

You are a moron. Poland is probably one of more 'advanced' eastern European counties and its improving the fastest in that area. Its also the most 'westernized' nations in that half of Europe.

You think our development is at zero?
Then here eat this:
If your nazi brethren didnt bomb the **** out of Poland and kill millions + buildings maybe we would be technologically advanced too :)))))))
17 Jun 2011 /  #10
If there are multiple pieces of fecal matter lying on a road and one smells less worse than the others, does it really make it any different? That's basically what you said comparing Poland to other Eastern European nations. I really doubt the latter part of your argument; Poland still was less developed at the time and is the same way today. Once again, I don't hate Poland, I'm just a student in the wonderful city of Danzig.
Softsong  5 | 492  
17 Jun 2011 /  #11
That's basically what you said comparing Poland to other Eastern European nations.

Let's stop feeding the troll. He loves it when we attempt to convince him of something because he gets to say something outrageous back. Best to ignore him as the OP had their questions answered.

We are being baited. Why fall for it! :-)
emha  - | 90  
17 Jun 2011 /  #12
I'm a German graduate student currently attending a prestigious school in Danzig

What school do you attend?
I live here and would like to see a troll live:)
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
17 Jun 2011 /  #13
Polish Penal Code:

Article 137:
Para 1: Who publicly insults, destroys, or removes coat-of-arms, standard, gonfalon, ensign or flag or another State symbol, is subject to fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment up to one year.

If PolishForums were Polish...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
17 Jun 2011 /  #14
The Law means Law, and we are talking about the national flag or Poland that is protected by the Polish Law.

Discussing the Law is pointless.

If I'm not wrong, Isthatu2, you come from a country that has neither Constitution nor Penal Code. The rest of Europe have Constitutions and Penal Codes. Got it?

This makes the big difference because a British can make briefs out of the Union Jack but a Frenchman, German or Pole won't do it with their national flags.
Barney  19 | 1749  
17 Jun 2011 /  #15
Discussing the Law is pointless.

Thank you Stalin.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
17 Jun 2011 /  #16
The UK version:

The US version:
Barney  19 | 1749  
17 Jun 2011 /  #17
Antek I'm in work and can't see the Images/Videos.

I thought that you as an old punk would like to question everything including laws or at least allow others to question laws that you agree with.
17 Jun 2011 /  #18
Discussing the Law is pointless.

It is if and only if the law is unambiguous. Which it categorically isn't. There is room for manoeuvre - if there wasn't you woudn't have, or need, an appeals procedure. Our UK libel law is no better in that regard.
Sandomierski  - | 2  
8 Aug 2011 /  #19
Merged: Which Polish flag is better? With or without the coat of arms?

The two variants of the Polish flag are both well known but which one is better? I feel as the one with the coat of arms is much better as it shows more character than the simple striped flag that many European countries seem to have. Which one do people in Poland prefer and is there a certain reason people use one over the other?
Sebastian  6 | 108  
8 Aug 2011 /  #20
I like the one with the Polish eagle on it. I have one hanging on my wall :)
grubas  12 | 1382  
8 Aug 2011 /  #21
How come?Aren't you Romanian?
Sebastian  6 | 108  
8 Aug 2011 /  #22
and where the hell are you getting this from. I'm not Romanian.
grubas  12 | 1382  
8 Aug 2011 /  #23
I'm not Romanian.

You are not?Then what are you muppet?Sure as hell you are not Polish because no Polish person would be ever ashamed of his/her heritage.I think you are Romanian.Hey,nothing wrong with being Romanian.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
8 Aug 2011 /  #24
pure, powerful and plain white and red!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Aug 2011 /  #25
to save you googling time ;)

flag of the Republic Poland

Variant flag of Poland
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Aug 2011 /  #26
The white/red one without the coat of arms is the only one that ordinary people can use - the Polonia in America are particularly awful for abusing the law in this respect. It should only be used in the following circumstances -

on or in front of Polish embassies, consulates and other representative offices and missions abroad, as well as by Polish ambassadors and consuls on their residences and vehicles;

at civilian airports and heliports (civil air ensign);
on civilian airplanes - only during international flights;
on buildings of seaport authorities;
as a merchant (civil) ensign.

It's a shame that they don't obey the law of the Republic of Poland when using such an important symbol of this country. Perhaps it's a sign of their ignorance as to Polish affairs.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
8 Aug 2011 /  #28
It must be nice for the workers in the flag factories in China producing little versions of the eagleless Polish flag because if they glue it to the stick upside-down it's not ruined but rather Indonesian.
Sandomierski  - | 2  
8 Aug 2011 /  #29
I honestly did not know that until just recently delphiandomine. I happen to have the flag with the coat of arms in my room and my Polish born parents do not seem to have a problem with it. I also read somewhere that those rules aren't strictly followed but i guess if you live in Poland you know better. May i ask why that is, that you can't use the flag with the coat of arms? I understand the respect but seems a little extreme...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
8 Aug 2011 /  #30
May i ask why that is, that you can't use the flag with the coat of arms? I understand the respect but seems a little extreme...

Most countries have similar rules. Swedes like to use a flag with the royal insignia which is supposed to be used for official business only, in the US you'll often see flags with military emblems added to it, same in Poland. We all like to pick what looks the best to us.

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