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Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

MoOli 9 | 479  
24 Jan 2013 /  #121
My question will be the same:)
AmerTchr 4 | 201  
24 Jan 2013 /  #122
Children make mistakes, when they do, parents are probably best advised to be there for them, love them and help them recover.

If my sons got involved with a much younger (but legal) or much older woman I would tell them my thoughts (IF THEY ASKED), let them make their decision(s) and just be there for support later. Of course there are all kinds of things that COULD occur but generally it is their life to lead. Unless someone is being hurt by it you just have to let them lead it.
nasadki - | 43  
24 Jan 2013 /  #123
And if it is??? What would you do with/to your adult daughter and her partner?

What could I "do"? I wouldnt be happy about it, but not sure what I could do about it if she was 23.
Rysavy 10 | 306  
25 Jan 2013 /  #124
Children make mistakes, when they do, parents are probably best advised to be there for them, love them and help them recover.


I might ask some questions...try to see what led them to the unusual choice. Especially if it seemed sudden. I would warn them of obstacles, the kind that can stress and break relationships. But in the end I love my children and they are not me...they are their own person. I trust them as well adjusted individuals to make stable choices in most things. Though love is always a gamble.

I wish for their success in their wants and their happiness, how could I not support them, specially when they are not hurting anyone.
But really as long as the person was treating them well (amd they were not becoming monsters to that person) and they were content, I would have little else to say except are there any foods they're allergic to? and leave off the Christmas dinner menu. I guess it would seem odd to be calling a person that could be my peer 'daughter/son". But I'm sure if they were a sweet person that made my baby happy... the oddness would fade.
11 Feb 2013 /  #125
Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!
Nickidewbear 23 | 609  
11 Feb 2013 /  #126
That guy is too old for you. Go find someone closer to your age.

I agree. Besides, the Bible does say to treat younger women as sisters, and the converse is thus true: treat younger men as brothers (e.g., If you were not born before or when they were bnei- or banot-mitzvah, then forget it.

PS. There is Biblical precedence for the bnei-mitzvah age being 12 or 13.).

If I were 47 year old man I would be very curious about motives of my 23 year old girlfriend and my own. Both options, Pygmalion or father figure are not good foundation for solid structures.

I agree.
slaskwroclaw - | 1  
11 Feb 2013 /  #127
Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!

OMG ! I am a bit younger than you but ... I would not dare in my wildest dreams to be with somebody 26years younger :0 .Yeah sure prn or fantasies maybe ....but for real !? C'mon you perverted woman ! Get a dog !...or something
terri 1 | 1661  
11 Feb 2013 /  #128
Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!

I once had a man who was 28 years younger than me - and boy....did he teach me some new things......nothing makes you feel young like a young, rippling, muscle-bound body of a good-looking man who finds you attractive. LOL
SeanSmartsNY 1 | 17  
11 Feb 2013 /  #129
Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!

You sound like a irresponsible hipster, with little to nothing to show for yourself. Good luck with that. There is no way a 21 year old guy, or even 28 for that matter, is sticking around with a 47 year old woman, the guy wants kids and you can't satisfy that requirement unless you pump yourself full of hormones. This is a growing trend also, woman that make the decision to never have children, and act like they a teenager irresponsible for the rest of their lives. Seriously, when its evil at the core, there is really nothing of true of worth. Its a fallacy, false indoctrination, and seriously your just at this point just using the poor shlep, or is it maybe you are the one being used. More sex-in-the-city syndrome, cougar town, basketball wives. Good luck with that.

Atleast if a older man offers a younger woman a life he can offer her kids, and to start a family, what can you offer this guy? You women wish you were men, and I'm sorry its not the same the other way around.
ilyeshallo - | 9  
11 Feb 2013 /  #130
i bet the relationship will end in few months
terri 1 | 1661  
11 Feb 2013 /  #131
Sorry, comments got confused. It was Deboramaja who as a 47 year old woman is having a wild time with a 21 years old man.

Me, when I had the intimate pleasure of a man 28 years younger than me - it was purely for sex.
Not every man wants children and responsibilities - some now and again want to enjoy themselves before official a full-blown relationship. Nowadays, relationships and having children does not debar any man from seeking his plesures elsewhere and with a somewhat older woman they are sure that she will not come at them with a supposed pregnancy.

Different strokes for different folks.

We cannot tell people how they should live their lives and what it is that they MUST DO in life.
oxon 4 | 164  
11 Feb 2013 /  #132
I'm assuming that the female is Polish and the Male is Nigerian here. Nothing wrong. I believe that there may be a motive but I cant think of one myself.
kaz200972 2 | 229  
11 Feb 2013 /  #133
Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!

If you're both happy ''go for it' no one would care if the bloke was 47 and you were 21!!!

Atleast if a older man offers a younger woman a life he can offer her kids

Yeah but what a bore being lumbered with some warty old bloke as the father of your kids!!!!
Women usually age much better than men and often take more care of themseves, nicer for a bloke to have the older woman
than the girl to have an older man!
SeanSmartsNY 1 | 17  
12 Feb 2013 /  #134
Not sure what to say, a guy being a provider going into a relationship to start a family, or a older woman seeking out a younger male to satisfy her sexually. Not sure its the same thing. Nothing to do with looks.

Its just pleasure seeking, simple as that. So you have women older, being told, get rid of her husband and marriage because she should be out banging younger guys. Just another way to create a avenue for divorce, more selfish tendencies. Cost of the family life. They have everyone thinking they should be out being irresponsible. Your culture has been POPPED!

That is what, equality?
4 eigner 2 | 816  
12 Feb 2013 /  #135
Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

sounds like fun
MarcinD 4 | 135  
12 Feb 2013 /  #136
Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!

What could you two possibly have in common after the sex is over?

"Hey. Will you give me a ride to my friends Fraternity party?"
AmerTchr 4 | 201  
12 Feb 2013 /  #137
LOL, to each their own.

A very, very few of these work. Everyone of course, wishes to believe they are the exception and they have found a pure, true love. Others are more honest and just "ride" it out for the pleasure and eg boost of a younger partner.

As long as both parties are being honest with themselves, it should be of little matter to others.

The problem comes about when one of two things happens. You either have to listen to someone bragging about their trophy and implied youth or sexual prowess OR the crying and whining about being cheated on and left as they aged and the partner went looking for another toy or even true love of their own.

It's entertaining the first dozen or so times you see the old guy with white hair and boat shoes trying to convince everyone that the sweet young thing wearing her stiletto heels and faux fur jacket while hanging on his arm is in awe of his "studliness" and then crying when he discovers her real boyfriend or she leaves when he runs out of money. After awhile though, it is just tiresome and your patience wears thin at the stupidity.
terri 1 | 1661  
12 Feb 2013 /  #138
It is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.
Englishman 2 | 276  
12 Feb 2013 /  #139
Well I'm 44, and while I know the chances of me attracting a 23 year-old are small (especially as I really want a Polish one...) I'd like to date a younger woman. It's not because I'm shallow, it's that I'd like to have kids and I think if I could find someone in her early 30s or so the chances are a lot higher.
Tim Bucknall 7 | 98  
12 Feb 2013 /  #140
I never thought i had a "type" but all the women i've dated have been older so i suppose i must have, possibly i seem older because of my arthritis.

when i was 27 i was involved with a 43 yr old and when i was 31 i was involved with a 46 yr old.
then they're have been ones only slightly older

i don't think age matters, it the end it wasn't the age gap that finished the relationship it was their failiure to be honest with me, the 2nd one actually thought she could hide a husband from me!

Ladies,and i can't stress this enough, please wear your wedding rings!
kaz200972 2 | 229  
12 Feb 2013 /  #141
More men leave their families for younger women, it's sad when a family breaks up for any reason,you can't just criticise the females!

: Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good!
LOL!What could you two possibly have in common after the sex is over?

That's equally true of an older man and a younger woman.
Many of the large age gap relationships run into problems eventually whatever the mix!
Tim Bucknall 7 | 98  
12 Feb 2013 /  #142
MarcinD: : Well, I'm a 47 year old woman with a 21 year old is good! LOL!What could you two possibly have in common after the sex is over?

well personally speaking, it was common musical tastes that bought us together in one case, because i prefer late 70's early 80's Punk & post-punk to modern crap
ZIMMY 6 | 1601  
13 Feb 2013 /  #143
I would not dare in my wildest dreams to be with somebody 26years younger

My current female companion is 25 years younger than me. I expect to receive chocolates and cigars for Valentines Day and in return I have gotten her two bottles of fine wine. If she is (among other things) a sex object for me than I am a security object to her. Of course, she has learned much from my experience which gives her an additional edge when dealing with men her own age.

Young attractive women have a big edge in society but lose it when they get older. Men, on the other hand do not. That seems to be nature's way.
12 Mar 2013 /  #144
Age is just a number.

Age is just a number especially if the old man have money she ain't going nowhere.
20 Apr 2013 /  #145
I am 23 and my husband is 57 we been married for a year now and I love him so much he is my heart and soul! If your happy and that's what you want please go for it.
20 May 2013 /  #146
Be happy with yourself and not others thoughts and if it don't work out then contact me
kofola - | 1  
21 May 2013 /  #147
If they are happy which he should be , good for them .
mochadot18 17 | 242  
23 May 2013 /  #148
if it doesn't work out you could always adopt her.

You gotta watch couples therapy I mean too funny between these too so SOSO many problems because of the age diff
15 Aug 2013 /  #149
I think you should just do what you both feel whats best for you two, it really is not any ones buisness. most people that should thier opinion about this in a negative way, are the ones that secretly would wish for that too, see how many older men condemn this? many more than younger men, is that not an eye opener? get on with your own relationship and dont worry about any one but your selves.

Best of luck,

27 Dec 2013 /  #150
well ,yes or no, this is it > i am 54 years old man , my twin soul flame is 25 years old and i will not say a word if it is good, maybe , will not ,,,in this kind of relationship a lot is a part of how the two are going in , and knowing the ' bad ' and the 'good ' it is up to god to make it work or not , realty is like the center of the way we reflect our self in this way of loving one another , and in this case , my love to her and her love to me, never the less, knowing the out come off letting out all kind of so call opinions rater than advise , to pinch a hole in this magical sail of this love . god bless you all LH&R WOLFGANG MONTREAL CANADA

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?Archived