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Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady

shekofte  6 | 30  
8 Aug 2010 /  #1
Hi to all Polish people
my 1th post

I am an Iranian , age 27 , Muslim and i live in Iran

i am so happy for finding this forum , indeed here i can learn many things about Poland
(apologize for my English )

i describe the story briefly ...
for a while i joined with a Polish lady in a forum , and i saw her picture in his profile and in the first look her beauty enchanted me (even for severe of love i attached her wallpaper in my room)

and i only discuss with her respectful about common related works in that forum and i don't have dare to ask her about love ...

so she caused i inspect the internet about Poland culture also checking images ... until this forum .
my research increased my interest to Polish lady's everyday ... (i talk about pure love not pûrn )
also i heard Polish girls are better than other EU countries in chaste and virginity
and now i am really crazy !

therefore i decided to share my feel here so that you tell me the truth about my dreams ?
(even painful)
and this my question :
how is the possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady for an Iranian like me ?
feel free to talk about everything , there is no problem for me and i am not sensitive (just truth)
and i guess some knowledge of polish peoples about Iranian is something like terr?????
or maybe you will say how that guy dare to think about such thing !
also i showed my photo maybe you can feel like a live conversation ...
anyway thanks for guiding a young person .
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
8 Aug 2010 /  #2
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it common? No.
Is it easy? No.

It's possible. But as you know the cultures are totally different. Take it easy before you know more about her feelings.
smurf  38 | 1940  
8 Aug 2010 /  #3
why would you want to marry a chaste chick?
plus a virgin, man, never go with a virgin, once they pop they cant stop, she'll wear you out and you'll be exhausted after a week of non-stop action :-)

in fairness though good luck to ya buddy, Polish girls are fantastic, but in my experience virgins aren't all they're cracked up to be, better off if she's got some experience otherwise it'll be like riding a plant of wood
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
9 Aug 2010 /  #4
There are plenty of virgins in Iran, right? I'd say the veil so many wear keeps them "safe".

The fact you care so much about her being a virgin is worrisome. At 27 are you a virgin yourself? If so, will you stay a virgin until you find a virgin wife? That's only fair, wouldn't you say?


You seem like a nice guy and I sincerely wish you the best and hope you will find the lady of your dreams whether she's Polish or not. I also hope that you will treat her exactly the same way you'd want to be treated. I'm not singling you out because you're a muslim or an Iranian, this of course applies to all men, myself included. Your preoccupation with a woman's chaste and virginity is somewhat perplexing to me, that's all.

There are many beautiful women in Iran. Neda, the student your government killed was gorgeous.
Bolle  1 | 144  
9 Aug 2010 /  #5
also i heard polish girls are better than other EU countries in chaste and virginity
and now i am really crazy !

No, you are ****** up and so is your religion.

I feel sorry for polish women who marry muslim men.
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Aug 2010 /  #6
Very difficult times for virgin hunters in Poland.
plk123  8 | 4119  
9 Aug 2010 /  #7

does she know you're persian?
if you're muslim, that may be an issue.
polish women like their independence and don't care to be part of a harem or wearing abayah.

There are plenty of virgins in Iran, right?

yes, of course.. they aren't as spoilt as the westerners, after all

The fact you care so much about her being a virgin is worrisome. At 27 are you a virgin yourself? If so, will you stay a virgin until you find a virgin wife? That's only fair, wouldn't you say?

i know that may seem weird or impossible but that is not so out of the norm in the middle east.

No, you are ****** up and so is your religion.

I feel sorry for polish women who marry muslim men.

yo don't know any of that.. not all iranians are muslim.. look into it.

Very difficult times for virgin hunters in Poland.

haha.. the funniest thing in a while .. rofl
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
9 Aug 2010 /  #8
i know that may seem weird or impossible but that is not so out of the norm in the middle east.

Yeah, I was being facetious, I fly into Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait and some other "non-existent" :) places fairly often.

That's kind of what I was implying -> you looking for a virgin then you better be a virgin yourself or you're a hypocrite. Don't care if you're a man or a woman, European, American, an Arab or a Persian - treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.

I'm sure he is a nice guy, he seems to be, I was just emphasizing my point.

Unfortunately I've seen the kind of sexism and racism that would make any ACLU or N.O.W. member have an instantaneous heart attack. What's sad is watching the Indians, Pakistanis, etc. being treated like dirt and many women like possessions.

It's their countries and their rules but it's pretty amazing once you leave the Western hotel areas.

I've also ran into many East European women over there (but also British, Dutch, French, etc.) and often I want to say hello and maybe even get a chance to practice my Polish or if they're from a different country to simply chit-chat, that's always very interesting.

However, most of the time they're there "to make money" and I'll have none of that, have never paid money to be with a woman and never will. It's pretty sad to watch the spectacle in nice bars and hotels, like a human cattle trade; of course sex-trade exists all over the world, it's just the sheer amount of it over there, especially in Dubai that's overwhelming.

Listen to this PBS story, pretty sad and I've seen it with my own eyes. It's about Moldovian girls but I've seen ladies from all over the world over there, sometimes it makes you ashamed as a man. I apologize if I'm ruining shekofte's thread and maybe I should post this somewhere else because by no means am I implying he has anything to do with that. This is just a sad state of affairs all over the world and it's very prevalent in some Middle-eastern countries.

convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2010 /  #9
I'll have none of that, have never paid money to be with a woman and never will. It's pretty sad to watch the spectacle in nice bars and hotels, like a human cattle trade

You feel worse for the girl in the hotel bar getting drinks and working for an hour a day, or the ones that have to work for an as*hole boss at a job she hates making 1/10th of the money?

I know which one I see as sad.

Anyway, I know two guys here that come from Muslim countries that have started families in Poland with Polish wives. Neither is particularly religious, and that is probably the key. If you're a devout Muslim, forget about it.

One telling thing may be the number of female replies in this thread.
OP shekofte  6 | 30  
9 Aug 2010 /  #10
thanks guys for your contribute

Is it possible? Yes.
Is it common? No.
Is it easy? No.

It's possible. But as you know the cultures are totally different. Take it easy before you know more about her feelings.

thanks dear SzwedwPolsce for your wise and definitive answer .

now i understood Marriage with a polish lady for me is more like a dream (really sad)

There are plenty of virgins in Iran, right? I'd say the veil so many wear keeps them "safe".

lol the Iranian girls don't wear such veil as you show in the pic ...
also i know the negative effect of media about Iran and Islam , but more discussion about it is useless and i can't do anything ...

the virginity in Iran is cause of some rules and opinion of some persons (also there is a lots of unvirgin women that some men don't have problem about it ... )

what is the religion of polish people (which branch of Christianity) and what kind of permissions and relationships before Marriage allowed for girls ?
(for example breaking hymen before Marriage is a sin ? )

You seem like a nice guy and I sincerely wish you the best and hope you will find the lady of your dreams whether she's Polish or not.

thanks made me happy (-:
i saw only males respond to this thread , i wish if it is possible some female polishes tell their idea just about may face (am i handsome ?) in regardless to other part of this topic ?

Midas  1 | 571  
9 Aug 2010 /  #11
Ok, someone has to break the kid in, I guess.

how is the possibility of Marriage with a polish lady for an Iranian like me ?

extremely low, for many reasons.

also i heard polish girls are better than other EU countries in chaste and virginity


They're not. As a matter of fact I'd say they're pretty much like other Europeans, hence if she's over 15 don't count on her being a virgin.

(also there is a lots of unvirgin women

Yeah, iranian girls tend to let it loose once they leave the land of ayatollahs.

From what I read you're a borderline psychopath and a definite stalker ( internet stalking by the way just became a crime in Poland ).

You don't know the woman, never talked to her about your feelings and you go on fantasizing all day ( not to mention she lives in another part of the world ).

Seek professional psychiatric help.

Either that, or you're really hunting for an EU visa.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
9 Aug 2010 /  #12
(for example breaking hymen before Marriage is a sin ? )

Roman Catholic and yes its a "sin" to have sex before marriage (for both a man and a woman), but culturally its the norm for people who are in relationships to live together and have sex before they get married.

Polish girls are not really different to any other kind in the West, some a chaste and some are not.

As for Iran, how's it all working out for Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani?
Paulina  18 | 4538  
9 Aug 2010 /  #13
Shekofte, I think there are some differences still between Poland and the West in this respect, at least in the more traditional regions of Poland, but it's changing with younger generations. You can find virgins even at your age (though it's rather rare, probably, and they won't brag about this :)), some students over 20 also, and definitely there are girls who are over 15 and still virgins. But none of them will brag about this, because it's nothing to be proud of anymore (on the contrary even). Unless they are religious and surrounded by religious friends - then they can be more open about it.

I think girls who stay virgins for long are either shy or have strong moral principles. And if it is a matter of principles than in Poland it often means a girl is Catholic. And if she's Catholic and you're a Muslim there might a problem if you're interested in marriage...

There are Polish women who convert to Islam but it's very rare, I think.
As Amathyst already wrote sex before marriage is considered as sin by the Catholic Church but people in Poland who aren't very very religious usually don't care about this ;)

As for Iranians - Poles probably think the same about them as they think about Muslims in general - that they are religious, very traditional, have strict moral rules and that women have lower position in their society than men. So many women may be put off by this, as you could hear stories sometimes on TV about Polish women marrying a Muslim and ending up in a Muslim country closed in his home with her passport taken by her husband and with no rights.

As for your picture - you look like a handsome man, so no problem there, I guess.
As for the girl - she looks pretty young. How old is she?
You could ask her some questions about Poland and Polish culture instead of searching on internet forums. You would have a reason to chat with her and know her better (and find out whether she's religious or not, for example) and I'm sure she'd be pleased that you're interested in her country and culture.

Btw, you're not interested in Iranian women? I'm sure there are many beautiful girls in Iran too :) But it's probably more difficult to date or flirt with a girl in your country? Do you have to be accompanied by a chaperon when meating a girl you like?
OP shekofte  6 | 30  
9 Aug 2010 /  #14
thanks so much Mrs Paulina
your answer is very helpful for me , and you talked like a great human with nice tips
you are really respectful for me

Btw, you're not interested in Iranian women? I'm sure there are many beautiful girls in Iran too :) But it's probably more difficult to date or flirt with a girl in your country? Do you have to be accompanied by a chaperon when meating a girl you like?

no , chaperon isn't my problem
i always searched to find an ideal girl for Marriage not for friendship
during my life in college and my city only for a few times i interested in some girls but in the end not successful ...
anyway i thought increasing my knowledge about another countries special Poland has no costs and i dreamed if there is a way love with a foreign lady is more sweet .

As for the girl - she looks pretty young. How old is she?
You could ask her some questions about Poland and Polish culture instead of searching on internet forums.

the reason that i don't ask herself anything is that i thought she is married and if i talk about romance , she offended and break with me , and she only saw my picture ...

i love she so much (just by looking because i am sure that i know her and she is like the woman of my dreams ) , when i look at her face i wish she were mine .

indeed you know reaching to such conditions for a young man is natural

As for your picture - you look like a handsome man, so no problem there, I guess.

thanks so much

you looking for a virgin then you better be a virgin yourself or you're a hypocrite. Don't care if you're a man or a woman, European, American, an Arab or a Persian - treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.

I'll have none of that, have never paid money to be with a woman and never will.

these sentences cause i like you skysoulmate , these are similar to my personality too
softhearted63  1 | 8  
9 Aug 2010 /  #15
Hi, Shekofte

My friend, you seem like a very pleasant guy, and clearly romantic in your approach to women. Speaking as someone a little older - and I hate to sound overly cynical - this sounds like a far-away dream which (sorry) is very unlikely to come true.

Being honest, you are more likely simply to walk around the corner one day and bump into your future love; or you may meet her through work, hobbies, interests, even shopping in the supermarket.

The internet seems wonderful, and it's easy to become fascinated with a pretty picture, but face the truth: what are the chances? I apologise for being straight with you, but please, don't lose any sleep over this.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
9 Aug 2010 /  #16
Wait until Jarnowa sees this thread, lol :D
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
9 Aug 2010 /  #17
Being honest, you are more likely simply to walk around the corner one day and bump into your future love; or you may meet her through work, hobbies, interests, even shopping in the supermarket.

He lives in Iran so its doutful, women are stoned for less in his country so I doubt they'll take the chance of starting a relationship with a stranger in a supermarket!

My friend, you seem like a very pleasant guy,

He sounds like a stalker obsessed with virginity.

Sorry to be harsh but having read his posts again, it's just another pervert asking personal questions about a population of women.

(for example breaking hymen before Marriage is a sin ? )

and what kind of permissions and relationships before Marriage allowed for girls ?

I think we all know what's on his mind!
Midas  1 | 571  
10 Aug 2010 /  #18
He sounds like a stalker obsessed with virginity.

Too much talk of hymen on his part for him to be anything else.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Aug 2010 /  #19
Well, shekofte, please fill out the 100-point questionnaire and then stand in line. Thanks! Your appearance will be very much taken under consideration and please submit your bank details forthwith. These are prerequisites for the next stage. The preliminaries are very thorough here in Poland.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Aug 2010 /  #20
The preliminaries are very thorough here in Poland.

You suffered a lot.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Aug 2010 /  #21
Nah, I'm Scottish, remember? There are no flies on us ;) ;) Frugal and thrifty are qualities that allow us to survive and thrive :)
saif555  - | 2  
10 Aug 2010 /  #22
Hi shekofte,

its nice really. i am understanding your feelings but it's near impossible to find a lost woman on internet. Internet is like a thick forest.

Anyway, its not okay to break your heart.

Take care of yourself.

5 Sep 2010 /  #23
Hi Shekofte,

I dated an Iranian girl for a year so I think I understand your culture much better than these people calling you a stalker. Don't pay attention to them, they are being affected by their prejudices and ignorance of Muslim culture.

I currently live in Poland and have dated a couple of Polish girls (almost married one of them), and here's my take: firstly I agree with the person who said that they probably will not go for someone who is a devout Muslim; so in that respect you would have to ease up. It also applies to cultural attitudes -- really, this whole virginity issue, at least here in Warsaw, is something people don't even think about. While people here are not generally promiscuous, it is totally normal to have sex with your girlfriend/boyfriend. In fact it would be really weird not to -- it'd be like, "what's wrong with you?!?"

I do think there is a special charm about Polish people in general (men and women). But you really would need to get acquainted with their culture so coming over here for a while might be your best bet.

Finally, having been in Iran and having met (a) the amazingly kind and friendly people over there and (b) the breathtaking, stunning female beauties, if you travel the world a bit you might appreciate a bit more what you have right there at home :)


Barr_2009  1 | 252  
5 Sep 2010 /  #24
I'd say a very small chance. There are some good virgin girls out there in Poland, I know one. But I think they must be amongst the few, I met mostly the not so nice girls myself. Mostly they seem quite closed with their secrets and really got to try hard to talk to them. But as with anywhere, you might find a girl you can click with and it works somehow, but how, you are in Iran, you must go to Poland I think
king polkakamon  - | 542  
5 Sep 2010 /  #25
There are some good virgin girls out there in Poland, I know one.

Really?Since you know her she must have remained virgin.Just kidding.

It is easy to talk to a polish girl.Especially if money comes out of your ears.
Barr_2009  1 | 252  
5 Sep 2010 /  #26
ha so it's all about money you think so? and well she is a 'different' girl by her own admission, so she just remains a virgin, really god knows why, it's a mystery to me what's going on in her head
king polkakamon  - | 542  
5 Sep 2010 /  #27
ha so it's all about money you think so?

Yes,pienadze is especially important for a certain percentage.

and well she is a 'different' girl by her own admission, so she just remains a virgin, really god knows why

It is a superstition in Poland.But when they say virgin they usually mean virgin from one access.
Machilotta55  - | 1  
5 Sep 2010 /  #28
There's no possibility that some polish girl can like you!!!
OP shekofte  6 | 30  
7 Sep 2010 /  #29
In fact it would be really weird not to -- it'd be like, "what's wrong with you?!?"

i think i couldn't ask the question in right way !!! "While people here are not generally promiscuous" yes this is the reason i asked on virginity !

i asked that because i just want to know how much a polish woman is faithful with her husband after marriage ... (what kinda of freedoms she expect ? )

because in the same way virginity isn't a pride also promiscuous isn't a pride too (even worse ... )

There's no possibility that some polish girl can like you!!!

ok , i don't be offended but can you tell me what is the main problem ? (feel free to talk on any aspect )

thanks all for your comments :-)
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Sep 2010 /  #30
How much is she faithfull on her husband.As long as she wears her wedding ring you can bet on that.

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